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 Buying Heart of Winter!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ezindir the dark Posted - 29 Dec 2003 : 22:38:31
I have been trying to buy Icewind dale heart of winter over the internett for some time, but I cant find any place who ships it to Norway, and I have been to if any wonderd. Do anyone now anyone else who sels it? Or do anyone have a link? Anything would help.
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Ezindir the dark Posted - 30 Dec 2003 : 12:56:51
Truth? I have wondered about that hut for a looong time. I t have almost driven me insane. So if you play IWD 1 again you can meet him? But why did they make a looked hut at all? And what good are he?
The Sage Posted - 30 Dec 2003 : 11:40:23
Yes indeed, you are.

In fact, the expansion allows your PC's (the very same from IWD, if you so wish) access to a previously 'locked' hut in the village of Kuldahar. Inside, you will meet the barbarian responsible for bringing you into the Heart of Winter storyline.

Alternatively, you can just start a new game, and begin with all new PC's, or import your characters from IWD.

Ezindir the dark Posted - 30 Dec 2003 : 11:20:45
Basicly I think it is played like IWD 1 and the BG series, with sixs charackters, and since you can inport your charackter I think the character sheets and things like that is much the same. As for the history I think I read somthing about that some years ago. I think it is the same heroes that cleansed the evil from IWD finds themselfs in the middle of a war between barbarians and the ten towns(or somthing else, can't realy rememeber) and goes ahead and stops it. Am I close?
The Sage Posted - 30 Dec 2003 : 11:13:45
Well, both of them...

Ezindir the dark Posted - 30 Dec 2003 : 11:06:53
Its story or how it is played?
The Sage Posted - 30 Dec 2003 : 11:04:54
Since I am such an overly curious individual, I was just wondering what, if anything, you've heard about this particular expansion?.

Ezindir the dark Posted - 30 Dec 2003 : 10:38:03
Thank you!
Awfully nice of you all! I realy need this game.
The Sage Posted - 30 Dec 2003 : 09:10:44
I may be able to help Ezindir. I'm sending you some details that could provide you with information on obtaining the game from outside of Norway.

Lord Rad Posted - 30 Dec 2003 : 08:28:54
Ezindir, have you tried ebay, it appears on there often and you will often find sellers who ship internationally.
Kaervok Posted - 30 Dec 2003 : 00:08:10
I got it accidently acutally. I bought the whole pack with the ICEWIND DALE ULTIMATE COLLECTION box. It came with IWD1 and 2 and HOW and a great soundtrack. It was thirty dollars. Well Worth it, but the only way I can think of you getting it.

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