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 FR NWN Persistent World- ALFA

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
HDM-Marklos Posted - 24 Dec 2003 : 21:56:48
ALFA: A Land Far Away. The largest, most diverse cooperative project in Neverwinter Nights to bring the Forgotten Realms alive.

Please visit:

I hope you all don't mind my posting here, but I read the review of NWN by Kaervok and thought I would proffer a new experience for you roleplaying/computer using/NWN owning fans. I'm not here to prostitute our PW (Peristent World) as the one and only FR world to explore via NWN, however, as I stated above, we do have the largest, most detailed FR servers dedicated to providing the highest quality online roleplaying experience.

We do have an application process, to screen out the people who either have the wrong idea of what ALFA is about or want an Everquest/UO/DaoC-type of experience. We have serious roleplayers.

Here is the standard advertising link that gives the most up-to-date information about our cross-server world.

I, personally, am building Luskan-City of Sails, not only to scale, but as accurately as I can using the NWN engine. Here is a link to an overhead view of my server that is completed, but FAR from polished, as it's still in BETA.


Again, if you find this offensive, please forgive me. I do not mean to anger anyone.

Come visit us in our Forums at your leisure.

Thank you for your time.

Head DM for Luskan-City of Sails
ALFA-A Land Far Away
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kaervok Posted - 25 Dec 2003 : 13:38:09
Now this! THIS THIS THIS. This is what I call a masterpeice. Marklos, as soon as I read your post, I went right to the site, read some stuff, and sent my application. This seems godly, and it is all I personally could've asked for. I really do wanna help you guys sometime, I do happen to know a lot of lore. And the fact that your making everything so to scale, thats just outstanding. Like, Luskan, I saw the picture, It is FREAKING huge. I really wanna do Baldurs Gate personally, and some towns of Icewind Dale. This seems to cool to be true. Tnx.

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