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 Help with Bodhi

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ezindir the dark Posted - 16 Dec 2003 : 17:22:35
I hope this topic is not in the wrong place. Okey the question is: What shall tou do with Bodhis heart after you have killed her. I have read the books and I understand that I have to put the heart in the statue of amaunator, but nothing happens, I have also tryed to speak to the Oghma monk in docks district but he dosent say anthing about bodhi. Hope you can help.
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MuadDib Posted - 22 Dec 2003 : 10:31:56

have fun!
Ezindir the dark Posted - 21 Dec 2003 : 10:10:29
Can you give me a link?
Ezindir the dark Posted - 21 Dec 2003 : 10:08:02
Thank you!
I have started to play TOB anyway now, but I will look at your side anyway. You now its good to know if I am going to play it again.
MuadDib Posted - 21 Dec 2003 : 08:27:40
You only get your lover's body if you were in a romance and s/he attacked you while you were fighting Bodhi. You are then forced to kill her, and then take her body.

Since you seem to be well and truly stuck, let me suggest that you look on the Internet for Dan Simpson's excellent walkthough to the game

I know it can be found at, so take a look for it and see if it doens't help you, there is no walkthrough better than that.
Ezindir the dark Posted - 18 Dec 2003 : 14:06:11
I have read the book, but I dont get any quest.
I dont have the body of my lover, where can I find it?
MuadDib Posted - 18 Dec 2003 : 07:21:11
Having just read the er....extensive help file I have I have discovered you have to go to the Umar hills and place the heart and the body of your lover (if applicable) in the arms of amaunator, in that staute across from the room with the letters on the floor.

Simply place it in there (once you have defeated the shade lord that is) and it should work

They mention a book in Bodhi's lair, the The Vapiricus Omnibus: Unabridged (from the top left room) which you need to read. you might have to do that to activate the quest etc. Try that and let me know if it works
Ezindir the dark Posted - 17 Dec 2003 : 19:30:56
MuadDib: I tried to place the symbol of Amaunator in the statu of him but it ditnt work, help!!
Ezindir the dark Posted - 17 Dec 2003 : 14:17:38
Ohh no, What shall I do?
The Sage Posted - 17 Dec 2003 : 13:29:44
It's okay .

::After cautiously scanning the confines of the hall - left, right, up, and across the way - the Sage quickly pulls Ezindir aside, and up close...whispering into his ear. "It's Alaundo you have to be worried about. Truth is, he's particularly fond of using his Staff of the Irritated Moderator +3 on ignorant scribes..."

Ezindir the dark Posted - 17 Dec 2003 : 13:06:27
Sorry!! Will remember that to the next time. But muadDib do you mean the symbol of amaunator you get in the Umar hills task?
The Sage Posted - 17 Dec 2003 : 06:25:39
This topic really belongs in the Forgotten Realms Computer Software section.

MuadDib Posted - 17 Dec 2003 : 06:07:45
from what I can remember, you need to place her heart in the statue of Amaunatar, with the symbol that you assembled, that circular thing then it should work.

Same for reviving your love and for Yoshimo's heart.

I 'think'.

If that does not work, IM/PM me and I will get you the exact info on it

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