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 Hordes of the Underdark

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kahonen Posted - 19 Nov 2003 : 12:23:59
I noticed last night that are advertising the next NWN expansion for £14.99 which is £5.00 less than retail. I bought Shadows of Udren Unddre udrenty the last one from them and it dropped through my letter box 3 days before it appeared in the shops.

Release date is (IIRC) 28 November 2003 at which point I may finally overcome some of my disappointment with Temple of Elemental Evil.

Oh yeah, in case anyone asks - no I don't work for I just believe in letting people know when I find a good deal.
23   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kiwi Posted - 24 Dec 2003 : 02:13:21
I worked out what had been going wrong last Friday afternoon. Normally, I keep NPC's on a very short leash. The AI for their actions isn't too bright. But for some reason, in a prior confrontation, I'd let both Daelan and Deekin range more freely. If they don't stick close in a mob scene, they tend to get overwhelmed (Dalean got himself killed by mere Goblind twice that way). Then I took 2-3 days off from gaming to deal with some mundane real world stuff.

And forgot that my NPC's were free to die too easily.

I've enjoyed Enserric's comments, also, but tried finding a way to just "talk" with him. No luck yet, but I'm quite sure it's supposed to be an available action.


Yasraena Posted - 21 Dec 2003 : 21:12:23
Well just finished this expansion last night around 2AM. Yasraena ended up as a 15/16 fighter mage. (still didn't have the right feats to become a weapon master. Argh!) My 2 main weapons at the end of the game were a +9, keen Astral long sword that hasted me, gave a +20 to magic resistance and regenerated 2hp/rnd, and a long sword called Enseric that had the intelligence of a mage embedded in it that was +10, keen, and +5 vampiric regeneration.
This game definitely has an epic feel to the story and gameplay. You find yourself in the middle of what you first believe is a story that has to deal with stopping a drow priestess intent on becoming the sovreign ruler of the underdark, but it turns out to be something that will affect all of Toril, and Waterdeep in particular in the end. When you find out who's the main evil behind the whole story, and then what he does to you, oh, you just s*#t!.

Anyway, for anyone who dug the original NWN and the first expansion, definitely get this one. You will not be dissapointed.
Kiwi Posted - 13 Dec 2003 : 02:41:24
After dinner this evening, I began a game session on the third underlevel of undermountain. A particular battle there went poorly twice; not sure what I'm doing wrong yet.

I just decided to take a break and read some BioWare HotU Spoiler Forum messages with L3 mentioned, see if I could find someone else writing about their own mistakes there. But BioWare has all of the servers in trucks hauling everything to a new physical location.

And I actually had known that, in the back of my mind, and before trying to access their web site, I remembered and did one of those forehead slaps like "I KNEW that!" The first underlevel was interesting, the second was difficult, although a lot smaller, and the third is the smallest yet, without much in it.

Now I am looking at any of the independent forums for mention of third level (and not finding any). Maybe I'll watch TV instead? NAAAHH!

Zacas Posted - 12 Dec 2003 : 18:44:59
I would rather just have a copy for myself :P and i still don't think it's right for them to do this as a 'bonus' :P oh well...
kahonen Posted - 12 Dec 2003 : 12:39:05
Originally posted by Zacas

Hmm... i just ordered it from Amazon... and so far there's already one thing i dislike about it... there is a promotion thing going on with preorders and such that if you order it through 1 of three sites (Amazon, ebgames, gamestop... i think those were the three) you get a bonus special monster to download for the game... sounds nice, right? one problem... there are THREE monthers (Sea Hag, Troglodyte, and Bulette) a different one for each of the three sites (in same order amazon has sea hag, ebgames has troglodyte, and gamestop has bulette) so, as of right now, you have to buy the HotU 3 times, once from each site to get all three, unless you can get someone to send you the file... i have the seahag right now from amazon, and am still waiting on my games to arrive...

oh yeah... as for a site with info on this...

Don't worry about it, Zacas. Watch the Bioware forums for modules using these creatures. Whoever produces the module will have to include the creature in the download.

You'll probably find Bioware will make it available in the not-too distant future.

Zacas Posted - 12 Dec 2003 : 03:47:49
Hmm... i just ordered it from Amazon... and so far there's already one thing i dislike about it... there is a promotion thing going on with preorders and such that if you order it through 1 of three sites (Amazon, ebgames, gamestop... i think those were the three) you get a bonus special monster to download for the game... sounds nice, right? one problem... there are THREE monthers (Sea Hag, Troglodyte, and Bulette) a different one for each of the three sites (in same order amazon has sea hag, ebgames has troglodyte, and gamestop has bulette) so, as of right now, you have to buy the HotU 3 times, once from each site to get all three, unless you can get someone to send you the file... i have the seahag right now from amazon, and am still waiting on my games to arrive...

oh yeah... as for a site with info on this...
MuadDib Posted - 10 Dec 2003 : 06:14:36
sage: totally

I loved ToB just for that. Sometimes its fun to play with these maxed out characters just being like Gods on earth.

The Sage Posted - 09 Dec 2003 : 06:33:43
It reminds me alot of Baldur's Gate II: 'Throne of Bhaal'. The XP cap in that game allowed at least lvl 30+ PC's IIRC.

MuadDib Posted - 09 Dec 2003 : 05:31:55
Anyone interested can read the review on Gamespot, it is good and quite favourable

One interesting factoid that at least I never knew


The Sage Posted - 09 Dec 2003 : 00:34:55
Hmm...interesting. I have been waiting for something like this, at least in a CRPG.

Tell me Yasraena, are there any new spells in this expansion?. I still haven't have the opportunity to open the box yet...

Yasraena Posted - 08 Dec 2003 : 07:32:23

OK. Here's another really cool thing about this game.
Minor spoiler warning!

You can get magic weapons re-enchanted with better abilities!
During the game, you find a drow weaponsmith who can re-enchant your magic weapons with various augmentative qualities.

Want to boost that lowly +1 sword to a +10?
Want to have a 20 spell resistance while wielding that sword?
Want to have that sword give additional elemental damage in the form of fire, cold, acid or electricity?
Want to be permanently hasted while wielding that sword?

These and other abilities can be yours! (For a very hefty price that is. Minimum of 75,000gp per ability and it gets higher as the ablities get better.)
MuadDib Posted - 07 Dec 2003 : 06:35:12
I cant wait to get it either!

got my money saved and everything
Kiwi Posted - 06 Dec 2003 : 17:59:05
Originally posted by Yasraena

So far, this expansion looks to be the best one yet. The graphics are definitely the best looking of all three. The new monsters and spell effects are just gorgeous. {snip!}

I won't spoil the storyline, but I will say this.... (And I don't know if this pertains to newly created characters too, or just existing ones) you will not like what happens to you at the beginning of the game. (Ohhhhhh I was LIVID when it happened to me )
The upside is that you get some serious incentive to find out what's going on.

I had exported a character from the OC that reached much higher levels (although not with feats needed for a useful Prestige Class) than the character in the SoU, with which I got bored or annoyed or some such and never finished the expansion, so that character was not as strong, although the good alignment might be helpful compared to my OC fighter being Evil.

The last time I played the OC was June. So I wasn't as conscious of what the loss amounted to. But I did keep thinking that my guy wasn't as tough as I remembered him being. It did turn out that I hadn't made an export save during the last week of OC play after all.

My multi-class Cleric/Rogue from SoU had been "resting" since July (I'm not a multi-player gamer, normally). I might've noticed more losses with him. But for the past couple of months, I've been doing ToEE and sure will miss the combat interface in that. But I won't be missing the thousands of bugs.

Yasraena Posted - 05 Dec 2003 : 20:35:50
Just picked this up yesterday and was up intil about 4am playing it.
I'm using the PC I've played throughout this series, and was able to level up to 13/13 as a fighter mage. No prestige classes as I don't have the skills I need to become a weapons master, but I was able to take a few epic level feats such as epic weapon specialization, prowess and reputation. Haven't had a whole lot of time to use these new feats as of yet, but will be heading down into Undermountain tonight.

So far, this expansion looks to be the best one yet. The graphics are definitely the best looking of all three. The new monsters and spell effects are just gorgeous. (Watch out for the Beholders! They are exactly as I would think they would be.)
The only drawback I could see is that it takes a pretty hefty system to run it with all the bells and whistles turned on. Luckily, I happen to have a pretty hefty system.

I won't spoil the storyline, but I will say this.... (And I don't know if this pertains to newly created characters too, or just existing ones) you will not like what happens to you at the beginning of the game. (Ohhhhhh I was LIVID when it happened to me )
The upside is that you get some serious incentive to find out what's going on.
Maecenus of Westgate Posted - 04 Dec 2003 : 23:24:41
Okay, now that this has been released, how many of you actually have checked this out yet? And...what classes/prestige classes have you played so far?

I just got this and am in the process of making a new character...So far, the expansion is excellent!
kahonen Posted - 25 Nov 2003 : 12:14:19
Originally posted by Sage of Perth

Yes, looking at the back of the game box, the images showing the graphic interpretation of a beholder has been the best I have seen...not like the beholders from Eye of the Beholder II...

I've used the prototype for the Beholder in a previous module. It's based on a Beholder created by one of the forum regulars at the Bioware site.

The prototype was well impressive, the end product should be devastating.
The Sage Posted - 25 Nov 2003 : 08:27:05
Yes, looking at the back of the game box, the images showing the graphic interpretation of a beholder has been the best I have seen...not like the beholders from Eye of the Beholder II...

Yasraena Posted - 25 Nov 2003 : 05:00:14
Personally, I CAN'T WAIT for this expansion to come out.
To finally get beyond 20th level is, right now, the biggest selling point for me. The fact that the story will take place in the underdark is a big one too, though. To be able to take on Mind Flayers and Beholders! Just too cool! I'm curious though, how they'll implement their Psionic powers into the game. And if they'll be a Psionicist class.(!) I also wonder if they'll incorporate any of the canon from the War of the Spider Queen novels, or the Underdark supplement?
Too many questions and 8 days is still too long a wait for them to be answered! Argh!
kahonen Posted - 24 Nov 2003 : 12:11:00
Originally posted by Rad

Originally posted by Kiwi

The announcement at BioWare included a "12-2" in-store release date as part of the message.

Shucks! Ya can never rely on software release dates!

I guess I'll just have to wait. Still, it's not as if there's nothing else to do with NWN (especially after downloading the modules in the other thread).

Don't ya just luv NWN?
Lord Rad Posted - 24 Nov 2003 : 09:15:31
Originally posted by Kiwi

The announcement at BioWare included a "12-2" in-store release date as part of the message.

Shucks! Ya can never rely on software release dates!
Kiwi Posted - 23 Nov 2003 : 21:49:49
The announcement at BioWare included a "12-2" in-store release date as part of the message.

Lord Rad Posted - 20 Nov 2003 : 11:01:16
Hmmmm, hopefully "shipping to stores in a few weeks" means that it will still be in stores on the original specified date of 28th November....else ill be mad!
Arivia Posted - 19 Nov 2003 : 21:50:23
This is from Bioware's latest newsletter offering:


* Hordes of the Underdark Has Gone Gold!
Yes, it's true! Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark
has gone gold and will be shipping to stores in a few weeks!
Take your high-level character into Epic levels to battle the
denizens of the treacherous Underdark in this feature-filled
new expansion of last year's best RPG!

* Previews
Need to read some very fine previews of Hordes while waiting
for it to hit a store near you?

* New Screens of Robes and Skies!
Neverwinter Nights as you have never seen it before!
Now with 100% more sky and robes! Feast your eyes on screens
showing off the beautiful skyboxes and the smooth transition
from day to night.

* What the Heck is That?
Check the new Mini-Me Beholder called the Eyeball! It’s like
an angry, floating volleyball... with eyestalks... and lasers.

* Spooky New Wallpaper
Nothin’ says lovin’ like a crowd of horrible, flesh-eating, sassy
evil-overlord following beasts seeking to chow down on some
silly thrill-seeking adventurers.

* Deekin’s Big Adventure continues...
Get a glimpse of the new tilesets that are coming with
Hordes of the Underdark as our favorite Kobold henchman,
Deekin, explores the nasty places of the world.

* New Feats, New Spells!
Check out the ever-expanding lists of huge new feats and
crazy new spells that will be causing your foes no end of
headaches in Hordes of the Underdark!


* Order Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark Now!

* New screenshots!

Looking forward to this one...

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