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 Realm Overseer 3D?

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Tyranthraxus Posted - 01 Mar 2011 : 14:50:41
I vaguely remember using it 10 years ago to virtually travel the Realms but I lost the files and I recently re-discovered it while doing some research on the FRIA and CC2.

I was searching for a copy of it online, but the website is down . Does someone know where I might get a copy, or even a demo version?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dojhromtrw Posted - 28 Jul 2013 : 21:43:53
Originally posted by niiick

Hey guys,

I stumbled upon a copy of this a few months ago in a game collection I bought from somebody, and I have no interest in it or desire to have it. I couldn't find anyone that wanted to buy it, or any listing on Ebay for that matter, so if you are still wanting this (I realize this post was 2 years ago) email me. I'd be happy to send it to someone who would want it and appreciate it.

Niick, I saw a post of yours that mentioned you have "City Overseer 3D". Do you still have this and the most important part, the CD key to it. I just bought a copy on Amazon from a Library and it didn't have the CD key - the program is a paperweight with out it. Email me if you are interested in selling.
niiick Posted - 20 May 2013 : 09:28:11
Hey guys,

I stumbled upon a copy of this a few months ago in a game collection I bought from somebody, and I have no interest in it or desire to have it. I couldn't find anyone that wanted to buy it, or any listing on Ebay for that matter, so if you are still wanting this (I realize this post was 2 years ago) email me. I'd be happy to send it to someone who would want it and appreciate it.
Alisttair Posted - 02 Mar 2011 : 11:58:35
Ahhh, makes me think of Streets of Sim City (where you drive through the streets of a city you create in Sim City 2000).
Chosen of Moradin Posted - 01 Mar 2011 : 20:35:26
Not exactly, Wooly, but it is awesome, in his own manner. Basically, it take any map you do with campaign cartographer 2, and render a 3d version of it.

The better new is: itīs compatible (this word exists???) with FR Interactive Atlas. :D:D:D

But put in mind that FR Interactive Atlas was not made with Realm Overseer in mind, so donīt complain about one or another city floating in the map, at the final render. ^_^


I just make a deep search in the net, and donīt find any more oficial version of the program. The website is down, and I lost the expectations to find it...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 01 Mar 2011 : 18:10:52
I've never heard of it, either. Is it a Realms-specific product?
Alisttair Posted - 01 Mar 2011 : 15:52:22
Maybe e-bay.
Never heard of this though, but sounds pretty cool. You're making me have to add obscure stuff to my collection

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