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 Overseer 3D

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
William of Waterdeep Posted - 22 Oct 2003 : 04:14:34
Anyone tried this software.I bought it last year I think and just found and reinstalled it.I got it because it looked neat and Ed Greenwood says he liked it and it goes well with both Campaign Cartographer® 2 and Forgotten Realms® Atlas.There are two products Realm Overseer® 3D and City Overseer 3D.I have the City Overseer 3D.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
William of Waterdeep Posted - 24 Oct 2003 : 01:21:24
Rad,If I were you I would download the demos first.The demo is a blast
and you can see if its what you had hoped it would be.So check out Maps,Demo version,3D Catalogs,Contributed Maps.That will get you started.
William of Waterdeep Posted - 24 Oct 2003 : 01:14:08
Well, I have the city overseer and I thimk it was made to go with the
City Designer of Campaign Cartographer® 2. (see link.)
It doesn't change the cities in the Interactive Atlas to 3D but with
City Designer you can make them and there are downloadable ones made by other people.Look over all the links and get any free downloads.
I would recommend buying Campaign Cartographer® 2 w/City Designer before you purchase Realm Overseer® 3D or City Overseer 3D™.It tells that it is fully compatible with Campaign Cartographer® 2 and partially compatible with Forgotten Realms® Atlas.It is neat because you can travel a 3D map from a veiw point of walking the map as in BG,NWN or dragon flight were you fly over the map.Either way you use
the arrows keys to control direction.You can also set the time,weather
add people ,monsters,etc,etc.I highly recommend you look at it,but I do caution that it may not be WinXp compatable.I will try and find out
for sure.
Lord Rad Posted - 22 Oct 2003 : 07:46:02
OOO ooooo i remember getting an email from he development company about this years appealed to me but I avoided it as it didnt appear to have WotC approval stamped on it anywhere.

Is it any good? IIRC, it takes the FR atlas and renders it into 3D? Does it scroll smoothly or just jump from scene to scene? Im really intrigued by this software...please tell more

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