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 Best Bioware, Black Isle or Obsidian games?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kno Posted - 22 Nov 2010 : 17:31:40
What's your favorite, includes expansions? I can't make a larger poll. I vote for Baldur's Gate.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lord Bane Posted - 17 Nov 2013 : 22:30:40
Baldur's Gate 2 with expansion has my vote.

The Fallout titles are great for their humor.
Jade Empire is alright, it is not what you usually expect from a fantasy RPG but it is alright.
Planescape:Torment is a gem and should be played atleast once.
NWN 1 and 2 are ok, though the plot of 2īs main game was predictable for me.
Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 are decent though KOTOR2 on the Dark Side is great fun.
Icewind Dale 1 and 2 are hack&slay, inferior to the BG series but 2 i do consider better than 1.
Mass Effect 1 and 2 are good games, 2 even better than 1, just donīt mix them with 3, it is less good.
Dragon Age Origins is a great game, very true to sword and sorcery heritage, 2 was less overwhelming and forshadowed somehow the demise of Mass Effect 3.

Yes, Baldur's Gate gets the prize as BG2 with Throne of Bhaal deliver great atmosphere within the world of the Forgotten Realms.
Alruane Posted - 17 Nov 2013 : 21:22:14
Not to mention Elminster graced his presence in the first Baldur's Gate game, and that was wonderful for me!
Alruane Posted - 17 Nov 2013 : 21:20:15
That was a HIGHLY difficult vote, but I had to go with my original love: Baldur's Gate. So much history and nostalgia surround that game.
Vaeldroth Posted - 20 Aug 2012 : 17:33:00
BG2 is it for me...just improved on a great thing in BG1.
coach Posted - 23 May 2012 : 21:27:06
i love 90% of the list

BG was a trend setter

JohnnyGrognard Posted - 11 May 2012 : 19:16:21
I agree Gavinho. I played Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 quite a bit. But I loved the two Icewind Dale games. Reinforcing the barricades, repairing the walls, and slaying the orcs and goblins breaking through was just so awesome.
Captain Grafalcon Posted - 11 May 2012 : 18:12:53
Baldurīs Gate and Icewind dale 1 and 2 are classics.They have inspired a lot of other games. The fact that they are going to release and enhanced version of Baldurīs Gate proves the gameīs influence. To me, Icewind 2 have the greatest soundtrack of all games!
Lord Karsus Posted - 09 May 2012 : 19:17:23
-Of those listed, Fallout 3: New Vegas. By far. Knights of the Old Republic places in second, and Knights of the Old Republic II wraps up the bunch in a distant third.
Nicolai Withander Posted - 09 May 2012 : 08:47:13
Baldur's Gate 1 and 2... No doubt!!!

Tyranthraxus Posted - 19 Jan 2012 : 16:34:24
Fallout 1 & 2 closely followed by BG I & II.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 19 Jan 2012 : 14:20:01
Originally posted by Light

Originally posted by entreri3478

Isn't New Vegas a Bethesda game??

No. Fallout 3 was a Bethesda game but New Vegas was Obsidian.


Looks like Bethesda works with a bunch of sister companies to produce some games
Light Posted - 19 Jan 2012 : 04:58:37
I can't believe Jade Empire has no votes (then again, I didn't vote for it). Has anyone besides me played it?
Light Posted - 19 Jan 2012 : 04:55:48
Originally posted by entreri3478

Isn't New Vegas a Bethesda game??

No. Fallout 3 was a Bethesda game but New Vegas was Obsidian.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 18 Jan 2012 : 16:55:38
Isn't New Vegas a Bethesda game??
Thauranil Posted - 29 Dec 2011 : 15:27:42
I sorry but i gotta vote for KOTOR 2. That was an amazing game. I played it like 3 times and did nt get bored.
Therise Posted - 20 Sep 2011 : 16:22:31
From that list, I've only played the BG, IWD, and NWN series. So I had to vote Baldur's Gate.

I have played several MMOs, but I'd still vote BG higher than any MMO that I've played. BG had real flair, something truly special.
Light Posted - 20 Sep 2011 : 15:55:41
awwwwww. It's too hard. I like them all. Well...all of them except for Neverwinter Nigths 1 (and 2 but it was a bit of an improvement). Eeni meeni miini moh...I'm going to have to go with Fallout 1 and 2. No, change that to Baldur's Gate. No wait! Planescape! Ok, I think I'll just not vote.
Synthalus Posted - 14 Sep 2011 : 12:09:45
in fact i think ill start playing it again right now!
Synthalus Posted - 14 Sep 2011 : 12:08:46
my vote is for baldurs gate. it was hard to decide between baldurs gate and fallout. i love them both so much. but baldurs gate is a forgotten realms based game and it was amazing from start to finish. ive played it thru to the end at least 20 or 30 timesincluding bg2 and icewind dale.
Hooch9 Posted - 10 Jan 2011 : 09:23:35
Considering I've been playing it for almost ten years now, I'm going to have to go with Black Isle for Fallout 1/2. They are literally my favorite games of all time.

I guess next in this list is Mass Effect (loved the story). I guess in terms of actual Forgotten Realms though, I'd have to go with NWN1. I never did get into Baldur's Gate much, but it's still a good game (I'd kill for The Bhaal Series of novels).

Oddly, I've NEVER played Planescape. I really need to get it.

Also played the first KOTOR, but only once through as the light side.
BARDOBARBAROS Posted - 09 Jan 2011 : 13:04:43
Icewind dale II
pdesbois Posted - 31 Dec 2010 : 04:15:43
oh lord, so many excellent games again... Planescape Torment wasn't in the other one, now I have to meditate on my answers EVEN more...

Had to go with BG series. Just love to play a classic D&N party of four, plus the stoies and quests...
Marc Posted - 30 Nov 2010 : 22:15:17
Icewind Dale, it's hack and slash with a story

never got the patience for BG2, endless text to read
Thelonius Posted - 27 Nov 2010 : 18:10:04
Got to choose Baldur's Gate saga, without reading the rest :P, and after reading I'll keep my choice, but also enjoyed a lot NWN ones, though I always feel "on rails" in them and a real high mark for the KOTOR ones.
sneakypetev Posted - 27 Nov 2010 : 10:07:44
Bg 2, a classic that revived the PC RPG and set the standard,IMO. Then NWN2 despite the bugs ,I liked the story and graphics, specially w/MoB included.Also,like the BG sereis,NWN2 has a load of free Mods which keep the game alive.
Elfinblade Posted - 26 Nov 2010 : 14:14:28
I've had wonderful experiences with several of the games on that list. Mass Effect 1 & 2 is by far the most exciting of those though. Storyline was amazing, interesting characters, and relatively fast paced combat all contributed to making this my favourite game series i have ever played. I am anticipating ME3 with trembling bowels
Zireael Posted - 26 Nov 2010 : 13:06:16
I seriously can't vote! Planescape: Torment on one hand, Baldur's Gate series on the other, but my vote goes to PS:T. Unbeatable plot. Really.
strafer Posted - 26 Nov 2010 : 02:32:19
I tried Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire but just couldn't get into them.
strafer Posted - 26 Nov 2010 : 02:27:57
I played BG2 a ton, plus beat both IW1 and 2 so Black Isle is my favorite. I tried Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire but just couldn't get into them.
Quale Posted - 25 Nov 2010 : 20:59:50
Originally posted by idilippy

Originally posted by Kno

Originally posted by Quale

Imagine Mass Effect and Planecape merged and you travel on a planejammer

replace Legion with a modron and the galaxy map with the Great Wheel, what's Bioware waiting for

I would pre-order that game today if it were announced and would be counting down the days til it arrived.


got me thinking about a Reaper-like villain, a sentient ship of chaos made of ancient baatorians

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