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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Strahd Von Zarovich Posted - 21 Sep 2003 : 18:45:48
Now here is something for all you Baldurs Gate : Dark Alliance fans to sink your teeth into while you are waiting for BG : DA 2 to come along.

D&D Heroes is available on the Xbox and looks divine. I will be playing this one for sometime with my mates, in the multiplayer co-op mode I am sure.

Okay it is not FR, and it is not really RPG. But I find these games extremely fun when ya come back in after a nice curry, and ya just want to bash a bugbear chieftan in the face with a magical mace+20!


Strahd Von Zarovich
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 02 Jan 2004 : 01:50:51
Oh, gees...

RogueAssassin Posted - 01 Jan 2004 : 18:08:46
No problem, anything for the sage

The Sage Posted - 24 Dec 2003 : 08:10:17
Thanks Rogue, I appreciate it .

I sometimes base part of my decision to purchase a CRPG almostly exclusively on what type of monstrous creatures are involved.

RogueAssassin Posted - 23 Dec 2003 : 16:18:16
Sage id be more than happy to. So here is a list of all the monsters i can remember from the DnD Heros game:
monsterous spiders(of varying sizes),skeletons(pf varying powers),a bulette,trolls,drow(warriors preistesses and high preists),mind flayers,a beholder,a weak red dragon,a white worm, Destrachans ,fire and frost giants,blood golems,flesh golems(only like 1),magma golems, rage golems,automatons(of varying power),yan-ti(of varying power),
Bone Nagas,gargoyles,barbarians,ice elementals,fire elementals,and im sure theres a few more i cant recall.
Hope this will do it for ya.
The Sage Posted - 23 Dec 2003 : 08:38:25
RogueAssassin, can you perhaps, provide us with a short listing of the monstrous creatures that are included in the game...or maybe just the general monster types involved?.

RogueAssassin Posted - 22 Dec 2003 : 20:25:46
Heros is a great game though it does have its drawbacks i.e. lack of actual DnD style roleplaying, and no varying type of damage(theres no differance between fire and bludgeoning dmg, u can hit a frost giant with a fire axe and still do as much dmg as if u had used a ice axe, {no matter though all foes fall before me}).
I played the wizard character which is pretty useless unless you have a horde of magika potions, and magic missle maxed out. but once you have that ur set for the game get plate mail (because hey what wizard doesnt wear platemail{theres no penalty}) and a kick ass staff and ur set. i was lvl 28 when i beat the game i think. the game has all sorts of cool monsters and bad guys. i recommend it.
After you beat it youl want to go back in time and kick the shop keeper in the nuts (youll find out what im talkin bout).
Feraplith Posted - 29 Nov 2003 : 21:45:20
Originally posted by William of Waterdeep

I guess this will probably never be available for pc.

Dont worry about that William.
It is similar with Diablo, just another hack&slash game.
It doesn't contain any role playing factor.
Greyhawk:Temple of Elemental Evil is MUCH better than this game.
Maecenus of Westgate Posted - 13 Nov 2003 : 01:24:15
Hmm...I was considering purchasing D&D Heroes, but it struck me as being heavily geared for the younger crowd. Since you seem to enjoy it so much, I may end up checking it out anyway, at least as a rental if nothing else.
William of Waterdeep Posted - 06 Oct 2003 : 23:03:23
Yeah,I seen the ad for it when I got IWD2 and I realized that it wasn't FR but I didn't know it wasn't made for WindowsPC.
Well,have fun Rad.When you finish it,give us a final report though
If you have time.
Lord Rad Posted - 06 Oct 2003 : 16:41:15
Originally posted by William of Waterdeep

Arrghhh,I hate you Rad. No,really I envy you.
You make it sound really interesting!!!! Maybe I'll find out for
myself someday.(SIGH)

hehehehe Really, this game is amazing, just a shame its not tagged with a Forgotten Realms logo
William of Waterdeep Posted - 06 Oct 2003 : 04:50:04
Originally posted by Rad

WOW! Played this game for a few hours last night. Highly recommended! The atmosphere and graphical effects are amazing! The gameplay is slightly harder than Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance but is even more enjoyable. The character inventory\feat selection etc. is almost identical to BG:DA. The in-game movies are really well done and add even more atmosphere to the game.


Arrghhh,I hate you Rad. No,really I envy you.
You make it sound really interesting!!!! Maybe I'll find out for
myself someday.(SIGH)
Lord Rad Posted - 05 Oct 2003 : 11:24:44
WOW! Played this game for a few hours last night. Highly recommended! The atmosphere and graphical effects are amazing! The gameplay is slightly harder than Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance but is even more enjoyable. The character inventory\feat selection etc. is almost identical to BG:DA. The in-game movies are really well done and add even more atmosphere to the game.

MuadDib Posted - 05 Oct 2003 : 06:54:49

We will play it soon enough, just like all the others...
William of Waterdeep Posted - 03 Oct 2003 : 23:18:49
I guess this will probably never be available for pc.
MuadDib Posted - 23 Sep 2003 : 09:39:30
well im not sure abouy gauntlet, but here you take command of four predefined heroes, and go about your business in a console style game. I never played games like Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance, but im guessing it will work in a similar way, being that there is no pause and that is a real time adventure, a bit more akin to hack and slash than we are accustomed to just obeying the D&D rules...
Yasraena Posted - 23 Sep 2003 : 01:25:58
Does it have the same type of gamelay and graphics that the PS2 version of Gauntlet had? Wasn't it called Gauntlet: Dark Ages, or something similar?
kahonen Posted - 22 Sep 2003 : 22:24:38
Originally posted by Strahd Von Zarovich

Now here is something for all you Baldurs Gate : Dark Alliance fans to sink your teeth into while you are waiting for BG : DA 2 to come along.

D&D Heroes is available on the Xbox and looks divine. I will be playing this one for sometime with my mates, in the multiplayer co-op mode I am sure.

Okay it is not FR, and it is not really RPG. But I find these games extremely fun when ya come back in after a nice curry, and ya just want to bash a bugbear chieftan in the face with a magical mace+20!


Strahd Von Zarovich

I'm probably showing my age now but I can't help thinking it looks a bit like Gauntlet. The hours I wasted on that game in the arcades ...

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