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 New Infinity engine mods

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
William of Waterdeep Posted - 19 Sep 2003 : 01:31:03
Anyone tried this beside me.Haven't played very much but works great.
Its a mod that takes BG2 resourses and uses them in BG1.Basically you are playing BG in BG2 game.
for more info>>>>
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
William of Waterdeep Posted - 04 Nov 2003 : 00:44:08
Originally posted by Alaundo

Originally posted by Echon

No, you have not offended me. I do not see how you could. Anyway, nobody really offended me as such back when I was here. I, however, managed to treat on a couple of toes before leaving. If anybody should apologize it is probably me.


Well Met once again Echon.

'tis indeed good to see you at Candlekeep again, even if your stay is a short one. Im sure apologies are not necessary and that the scribes here at the library will be glad to welcome you back and read your posts again, after all...youre a Learned Scribe of no short measure!

I am so glad you posted that Master Alaundo,such a loss of one of Echon's talents and knowledge can't be easily accepted by myself.
Echon Posted - 02 Nov 2003 : 21:12:20
Originally posted by Alaundo
Well Met once again Echon.

'tis indeed good to see you at Candlekeep again, even if your stay is a short one. Im sure apologies are not necessary and that the scribes here at the library will be glad to welcome you back and read your posts again, after all...youre a Learned Scribe of no short measure!

Thank you, Alaundo. It is always good to know one is welcome even though one does not intend to stay.

Alaundo Posted - 02 Nov 2003 : 20:19:28
Originally posted by Echon

No, you have not offended me. I do not see how you could. Anyway, nobody really offended me as such back when I was here. I, however, managed to treat on a couple of toes before leaving. If anybody should apologize it is probably me.


Well Met once again Echon.

'tis indeed good to see you at Candlekeep again, even if your stay is a short one. Im sure apologies are not necessary and that the scribes here at the library will be glad to welcome you back and read your posts again, after all...youre a Learned Scribe of no short measure!
William of Waterdeep Posted - 02 Nov 2003 : 20:13:42
Echon said-
I can tell you it is still far off.

But well worth the wait, I'm sure!!

Echon said-
No, you have not offended me. I do not see how you could. Anyway, nobody really offended me as such back when I was here. I, however, managed to treat on a couple of toes before leaving. If anybody should apologize it is probably me.



Then I guess its none of my business if it doesn't involve me, but I would like to see you back again and I am sure many others feel the same.I know you may not have much time to devote to the forum here with your other obligations but you could be a great asset to the library with your knowledge.
Echon Posted - 02 Nov 2003 : 19:15:48
Originally posted by William of Waterdeep
Thank you Echon,for both the kind words and summary. I will visit your site and forum often to look for updates and a release date.

I can tell you it is still far off.

Really glad you are busy with IE modding but hate to hear that you feel that way about the forum.I for one hope I haven't offended you and If so,please let me apoligize and say I am so sorry.

No, you have not offended me. I do not see how you could. Anyway, nobody really offended me as such back when I was here. I, however, managed to treat on a couple of toes before leaving. If anybody should apologize it is probably me.

William of Waterdeep Posted - 02 Nov 2003 : 17:54:07
Echon said-
There is not need to apologize for that.

Although everything is described on the site, I shall make a summary here for those who are interested:

The overall concept is that of a P&P mod. I aim at changing as many rules of Baldur's Gate as possible into their P&P counterparts. This will affect items, spells, creatures, various features and rules, etc. When that is done I want to make new areas to explore containing lots of quests to undertake.

I have decided to call it Baldur's Gate Classic: The Fields of the Dead. Baldur's Gate Classic because I want to use the classical AD&D rules and Fields of the Dead because this is where the new areas will lie.

Thank you Echon,for both the kind words and summary. I will visit your site and forum often to look for updates and a release date.

Echon said-
I have no intention of returning to these forums. I did enjoy them while I was here but I felt they changed for the worse and they do not seem to have returned to 'normal'. Anyway, I am quite busy with the whole IE modding community. By the way, people here do not use mods that much, do they?

Really glad you are busy with IE modding but hate to hear that you feel that way about the forum.I for one hope I haven't offended you and If so,please let me apoligize and say I am so sorry.
I think most people use NWN instead but there are a few of us who still hold onto the IE games.I have tried my hand at modding before but my major setback is understanding weiDU.I love it in use,but even with the tutorials I couldn't grasp it.I am probably making it harder than it is!

Echon Posted - 02 Nov 2003 : 16:39:26
Originally posted by William of Waterdeep
Thank you for the correction Echon and sorry about that!
I wish you would explain a little more to the good folk of Candlekeep
about the mod.I do look forward to trying it myself once its released
and I can find the time to devote to it.

There is not need to apologize for that.

Although everything is described on the site, I shall make a summary here for those who are interested:

The overall concept is that of a P&P mod. I aim at changing as many rules of Baldur's Gate as possible into their P&P counterparts. This will affect items, spells, creatures, various features and rules, etc. When that is done I want to make new areas to explore containing lots of quests to undertake.

I have decided to call it Baldur's Gate Classic: The Fields of the Dead. Baldur's Gate Classic because I want to use the classical AD&D rules and Fields of the Dead because this is where the new areas will lie.

Echon Posted - 02 Nov 2003 : 16:23:42
Originally posted by Rad

Wow Echon, youre back! Back for good or just stopping by? Good to see you again anyway.

I have no intention of returning to these forums. I did enjoy them while I was here but I felt they changed for the worse and they do not seem to have returned to 'normal'. Anyway, I am quite busy with the whole IE modding community. By the way, people here do not use mods that much, do they?

William of Waterdeep Posted - 02 Nov 2003 : 15:50:22
Or perhaps to straighten some things out that someone posted wrong!..Got a piece of steak I can borrow for my eye,Rad.
Lord Rad Posted - 02 Nov 2003 : 09:53:30
Wow Echon, youre back! Back for good or just stopping by? Good to see you again anyway.
William of Waterdeep Posted - 02 Nov 2003 : 00:22:55
Originally posted by Echon

Originally posted by William of Waterdeep

A mod for the first Baldurs Gate--> For anyone w/BG or BGTotSC. The fields of the Dead.

No, BG:TotSC only.


Thank you for the correction Echon and sorry about that!
I wish you would explain a little more to the good folk of Candlekeep
about the mod.I do look forward to trying it myself once its released
and I can find the time to devote to it.

visit the Fields of the Dead forum
Echon Posted - 02 Nov 2003 : 00:06:48
Originally posted by William of Waterdeep

A mod for the first Baldurs Gate--> For anyone w/BG or BGTotSC. The fields of the Dead.

No, BG:TotSC only.

William of Waterdeep Posted - 01 Nov 2003 : 18:30:59
The Glory of Istar Demo
This is my first report.
This is well worth checking out,with a complete change to your Bg2ToB
game.The world map is of course changed,The outside areas are new,they are not old ones cut from BG,IWD or IWD2 as some mods use.I may give out more info later but for now,lets just say its different and can give your old game new life.Try it if you have time,everyone
may not like it but most like myself will find it enjoyable.The Dragonlance Official home page is something you should visit also.Download mod here.
William of Waterdeep Posted - 25 Oct 2003 : 22:19:28
A mod for the first Baldurs Gate--> For anyone w/BG or BGTotSC. The fields of the Dead.
Not yet finished and is not compatible w/Darkside of the Sword Coast---><-I loved this mod. it even adds a young dragon.
or Fire Walker--->
Also see item packs--->
William of Waterdeep Posted - 25 Oct 2003 : 20:52:06
Ever want to play a whole mod with Drizzt and companions? Although it isn't finished yet,you should check out this mod,"Region of Terror", It has Drizzt,Wolfgar,Cattie-brie,Bruenor,Regis,Jarlaxle and Artemis Entreri,and Randall{Necromancer}add in.
Look at the NPCs,Screen shots,Features(shows kits),Faq,Downloads(Entreri wallpaper)

William of Waterdeep Posted - 24 Oct 2003 : 11:20:43
Not yet released but a great looking mod for Icewind Dale------->
Tower of Iron Will adds characters that are joinable and one is a priest of Cyric.Check out the story based on Crenshinibon,npcs,and
check status to see how far along it has gotten.
William of Waterdeep Posted - 22 Oct 2003 : 04:20:58
Check it out:--->

Glory of Istar Demo - The Demo version of a total conversion set in the Dragonlance realm. [ToB Required]
William of Waterdeep Posted - 16 Oct 2003 : 23:07:34
UPDATE:Anyone who has BG and BG2 both should try this.It puts BG into the improved BG2 rules as well as grapics.I have played it for a while
with no problems at all.There is another similar Mod called BG Trilogy
but the download isn't as easy to get so I haven't tried it.
It lets you start playing BG and go into BG2SOA and BG2TOB non stop.
If I find out more I will post an update on it.

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