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 Descent into Undermountain

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
William of Waterdeep Posted - 12 Sep 2003 : 06:54:34
I did a search and found lots on undermountain but not about playing the pc game.I have been trying to get it.I have never owned or played it but I intend to do both.Anyone ever play it?If so what did you think of it?
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
William of Waterdeep Posted - 01 Oct 2003 : 15:01:15
Thanks Sage,I will try it but as I am willing to give it up if I can't
run it and maybe you could post your opinion.I would love to play it
but I had rather it be used than sit on a self.
The Sage Posted - 01 Oct 2003 : 05:03:00
William, I haven't had time to check my latest emails as yet (I'm am still digesting the character profile Bookwyrm sent me ), but from what I can determine from your post, I may have a DOS-based program that I wrote (way back when DOS was the in-thing) that may be able to help you. I'll see about sending it out to you soon.

William of Waterdeep Posted - 01 Oct 2003 : 03:41:03
I would love to play this game, and give my Personal opinion of this
game but it is a dos game that is win95 compatible.It isn't combatible
with the system I have.Sage I guess you have been busy but I sent you
an email about this since you are a programmer.The message could have
gotten spammed.Contact me by email.If I can't play it maybe you have
a system that it will work on.
William of Waterdeep Posted - 30 Sep 2003 : 01:14:25
Mage Spells

Level 1
Burning Hands
Chill Touch
Color Spray
Detect Magic
Feather Fall
Magic Missle
Protection From Evil
Spider Climb
Level 2
Continual Light
Melf's Acid Arrow
Level 3
Dispel Magic
Fire Ball
Flame Arrow
Hold Person
Hold Undead
Lightning Bolt
Melf's Minute Meteors
Level 4
Improved Invisibility
Rary's Mnemonic enhancer
William of Waterdeep Posted - 22 Sep 2003 : 22:58:56
Priest Spells

Level 1
Cure Light Wounds
Detect Magic
Magical Stone
Protection From Evil
Level 2
Hold Person
Resist Fire/Resist Cold
Silence,15' Radius
Level 3
Continual Light
Dispel Magic
Flame Walk
Magical Vestment
Protection From Fire
Level 4
Cure Serious Wounds
Free Action
William of Waterdeep Posted - 20 Sep 2003 : 01:43:01
okay it isn't going to be easy for me to run it.Its win95 compatible,
but it is a dos game.I am not reconfig. the whole computer to run this one game but I may put together an old one and try it.
Looking through the manual is great.They had some good ideas.
The 6 playable races:Human/Half-Elf,Elf/Drow/Dwarf/Halfling
The classes:fighter/mage/priest/thief (all can advance to lvl 12 and the thief to lvl 14.{Fighters,Thiefs and Priest can be any race/only Humans and Elfs can be mages.}
Alignment:LG/NG/CG/LN/TN/CN,no evil alignments.(I was surprized)
Monsters:Bane Guard,Giant Bats,Giant Beetles,Beholder,
Dragons,Gargoyle,Ghast,Ghoul,Goblins,KoBolds,Lich,Fire Mephit,
Ice Mephit,Lightning Mephit,Mummies,Ogre,Orcs,Giant Rats,Shadow Fiend,
skeletons,Giant Spider,Trolls,Zombies,Mind Flayers,and other adventurers which could be good or evil.
(the Waterdeep Screen:)
(1)KhelBen Blackstaff's tower:He gives assistance in your adventures
in Undermountain and supplies you with quest and other tasks to perform in exchange for monetary rewards.
(2)Yawning Portal Inn:The most publicly known entrance to costs 1 gp to enter or leave.
(3)Market place:Buy or sell items and weapons.

more later.

William of Waterdeep Posted - 16 Sep 2003 : 03:19:42
Sure Sage,You should try it.I am so looking forward to getting it.I will let you know what I think of it but I would love to hear from others who have played it.Waterdeep has always been a city that has always fascinated me including Undermountian and yet I never got to play a pc game about it thats been out since,well I don't know!
If the box is in decent shape(got it at may donate a picture to "Candlekeep" since the one in the library doesn't have one.
The Sage Posted - 15 Sep 2003 : 13:49:21
Unfortunately, Descent into Undermountain is the only Realms-related CRPG that I have never played. I purchased a copy some days after it's first release, but due to the OS changes I had made to my (then) only computer (for a programming assignment), I was never able to get it to work properly. After some time, I had forgotten about the game completely.

Eventually BG was released, and I put DiU to the wayside. I guess now that I have multiple systems (one of which is pre-586), it would be worth while trying to run it again...

William of Waterdeep Posted - 15 Sep 2003 : 08:09:14
Bookwrym have you played "Descent into Undermountain".I think I remember you saying somewhere to you started out on the classics as I did.I even bought the Forgotten Realms Archives thinking it would be included but it isn't.Anyway I always wanted to play it.
Bookwyrm Posted - 15 Sep 2003 : 03:47:47
Well, the original Eye of the Beholder works with WinXP, so you shouldn't have a problem, at least on that front.
William of Waterdeep Posted - 14 Sep 2003 : 22:37:48
No problem Rad,I just hope I don't have to get an old computer(something other than windows XP to run it.)to be able to play it.
Lord Rad Posted - 12 Sep 2003 : 21:50:15
Great! I wasnt actually sure if this game ever got released as I dont remember seeing it in the stores. Dont forget to report back here with your findings and let us know how you rate it
William of Waterdeep Posted - 12 Sep 2003 : 17:59:35
Yes Rad,my bad. Descent into Undermountain is correct.I finally got a copy of it and should recieve soon.I think there are more copies of the game left at "".
Lord Rad Posted - 12 Sep 2003 : 17:01:12
Do you mean the Descent into Undermountain game? I never actually saw more than a mention of it on the Forgotten Realms Archives was printed as being on the CD but I dont think they actually put it on

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