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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Malanthius Posted - 27 Jul 2003 : 22:51:45
Okay, just found out about this program from the site, has anyone here ever tried it and if so, is it worth the cost?

10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Maecenus of Westgate Posted - 13 Nov 2003 : 01:38:01
E-Tools was a big dissapointment. Horrible interface, as was previously mentioned...and even after the Code Monkey fellas had their way with it, I still found it hard to use and riddled with minor annoyances. Well, I mainly stick to good old fashioned P&P when doing this stuff anyway.
William of Waterdeep Posted - 03 Oct 2003 : 23:14:23
For 2e the bottom link on my last post.The Character Generator version 1.2,For 3e I have no idea.
Thais Paradox Posted - 03 Oct 2003 : 07:14:36
So.......what *is* a good Char generating tool?
William of Waterdeep Posted - 30 Sep 2003 : 16:02:17
I have never used E-tools but I have basically heard the same thing that Arivia says from other people and even in a PS forum.
I use the cd and upgraded it here.
(The Character Generator version 1.2)
Arivia Posted - 30 Sep 2003 : 05:18:30
Having a copy, I can tell you honestly no. A horrible interface, seemingly no support, and a list of bugs the length of your arm make it hell to work with. If you used the 2e Core Rules CD, you'll be very disappointed. For some reason, Wizards decided to try something different, instead of simply updating the 2e Core Rules program to 3e. I have a myriad of D&D programs akin to E-Tools, and time and time again, I find myself returning to the 2e Core Rules CD.
Trafaldi Posted - 30 Sep 2003 : 02:35:32
I must drag this up again, are these worth it.
Malanthius Posted - 28 Jul 2003 : 00:28:34
It was originally supposed to be the final version of the character generator program included in the 3E players Handbook. That would have basicly been everything a Dungeon Master needed to create a campaign. I heard it was delayed though, and for some reason they weren't able to include a mapping program...

Salabasha Posted - 28 Jul 2003 : 00:11:16
I say that is a lot of links (the main site). It is obviously D&D related. Just to fill in my weary head, what exactly is the purpose of it?
Malanthius Posted - 27 Jul 2003 : 23:17:14
Ooops. This scroll was already written. Sorry!
Salabasha Posted - 27 Jul 2003 : 23:05:05
Could you make a link?

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