T O P I C R E V I E W |
Edain Shadowstar |
Posted - 11 Jun 2003 : 03:16:45 Well, not too long ago the good people at BioWare announced the title of their next expansion (XP2) at E3 in mid May. Now, this may be old news to some (I am a bit behind the times; I was out of town for a while), but I wondered what everyone else thinks about what is guaranteed to be Drow, Drow, and more Drow. I mean, at this point it's just getting obscene. I like Drow and all, but enough is enough, don't ya think? Of course BioWare has yet to announce any specifics (or for that matter general information), but I would say it is fair to surmise that this is where the expansion is going. |
25 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
The Cardinal |
Posted - 21 Dec 2003 : 22:36:37 My Friends of The Hordes of the Underdark (and possibly in Shadows of Underentide) I have come to bless you with a most joyous miracle! One that should not be dismissed, nor ignored. Recently, while playing Underentide (with the HoU installed I do not know if it would work with simply SoU so let me know) I came upon the Statue of The Elven god Corellion Larethian, creator of Elves, in the Elvish Crypt in chapter One. Being to God's hater that I am, (and not a very devout elf anyways) I pretended to Pray faithfully. I was rewared with a Curse. In anger I spit on that statue again and again. I was shocked to say the least when all but one stat was reduced to 3... My dex however had jumped up a bit....TO 255!!!! Thus granting me a 122 BONUS!!!!! Wether the trade off was worth it I do not know. But Cast off your old beliefs and be saved! |
Yasraena |
Posted - 21 Dec 2003 : 21:17:35 quote: Originally posted by Hastur
I was wondering if you could email me the info for removing the level cap in underdark. I'm in the process of creating a new module for the game which has many items requiring higher than level 40. I figure it's be nice to play and not kill almost everything with one or two hits...:) Any help would be muchly appreciated.
I don't think anyone has created one for this expansion yet Hastur, it only being out about a month now. If you happen to find one though, definitely post it. |
Hastur |
Posted - 21 Dec 2003 : 16:05:58 I was wondering if you could email me the info for removing the level cap in underdark. I'm in the process of creating a new module for the game which has many items requiring higher than level 40. I figure it's be nice to play and not kill almost everything with one or two hits...:) Any help would be muchly appreciated.
psychokenetic@hotmail.com |
William of Waterdeep |
Posted - 20 Oct 2003 : 06:10:54 Okay this expansion is supposed to be out soon right?What is the lastest. |
William of Waterdeep |
Posted - 30 Sep 2003 : 04:46:46 htoburen just in case you decide to look in on this post. you say you have dungeon crafter,have you tried any of the Doom dungeon maps.You used to be able to download them. http://wouter.fov120.com/maps/doom/favdoom.html Also see if you can use the IE Tileset Map Editor (IETME)v2.2.2 from Team BG. >>http://www.teambg.net/?page=tools/graphicalarea |
htoburen |
Posted - 17 Sep 2003 : 23:34:30 Ah yes, Commodore 64's. I have you all beat. I not only still have mine and they operate, but I can and do program them. I can do that, but not the mac and pc's I have now!
What is really irritating is that I had and have all of the forgotten realms games on it and never played them! But I still have them and I think I will go and compare them. The neat thing about that machine was that you could just go look at the save with a sector editor and make yourself whatever you wanted to be or to have. (I never did that, of course. But I did multiply gold now and then..)
ps. Does anyone know anything about "Ruins of Adventure". It is advertised as a pc game on the back of my clue book for Pools of Radiance, but i csnnot find sny anywhere? Or any indication that it was ever issued. |
htoburen |
Posted - 17 Sep 2003 : 22:33:52 Is it true that the Neverwinter Nights game, in only twoplayer if you play it offline. Yuck...
Someone please tell me what the toolkit is like?? I'm trying to find a mapper that can show the differently textured walls, and doors, archways, pssthroughs, etc. that were featured ion the Original Pool of radiance, Curse of the Azure Bonds, etc. So far noot having any luck, though the dungeon crafter seems to be the best I'm hoping there will be improvements in the next version. But that seems to have come to a standstill as far as I can tell.
Or maybe there is a better amapper and I don't know about it?
I have been having trouble getting to the site in the US and I wonder if anyone who replies coud also email me. htoburen@yahoo.com and put d&D in the subhject line please... (Guess why?) |
William of Waterdeep |
Posted - 12 Sep 2003 : 17:49:26 Thanks Rad.Thats not bad since they just released an expansion but the sooner the better. |
Lord Rad |
Posted - 12 Sep 2003 : 17:02:27 The latest I heard was a November release. |
William of Waterdeep |
Posted - 11 Sep 2003 : 20:09:16 Any official estimated release date that is more specific than the third Quarter of this year? I couldn't find any myself,anyone else? |
The Exile |
Posted - 02 Aug 2003 : 23:09:44 Well perhaps it will be hordes of rothe.  |
MuadDib |
Posted - 10 Jul 2003 : 14:09:43 Aye, indeed. Ye can add them to my 'To-Kill' list as well
as far as evil is concerned though, im tired of seeing so many undead playing the field, time to start production of some weapons of disruption methinks |
The Sage |
Posted - 10 Jul 2003 : 08:32:43 For me, I don't really think the Drow are any more of an 'evil' species than most other denizens of both the Underdark and the surface. Mind Flayers on the other hand, well now these I see as totally vile, and horribly evil. You really only need to take into consideration the methods that they use to continue the proliferation of their species.

MuadDib |
Posted - 10 Jul 2003 : 07:55:20 i think he must mean Shadows of Undertide...
and the thing with drow is, with the proliferation of evil in the world, Drow has become a magic words of sorts. People generally acclaim them to be the most powerful of all races, thus their appeal
As long as i am killing plenty of the evil ones in the game, im happy |
Yasraena |
Posted - 09 Jul 2003 : 18:54:25 Tombo, are you talking about Shadows of Undrendtide or Hordes of the Underdark? SoU was just released about 2 weeks ago here. Hordes doesn't even have a release date yet. |
The Sage |
Posted - 09 Jul 2003 : 14:51:02 Strange, it hasn't been released here yet .
Tombo |
Posted - 09 Jul 2003 : 13:42:55 Actually, I just bought it this weekend. It's pretty good so far. I like the enhancement of having the NPC's interacting a little more. I can hardly wait to start building some modules. |
The Sage |
Posted - 03 Jul 2003 : 11:09:55 Tombo, it is an expansion pack for the NWN game. It has not been released yet, as it is scheduled for release in the third quarter of this year.
Click here for more details.

Tombo |
Posted - 02 Jul 2003 : 23:25:54 Hey guys, It's been a while since I've been on Candlekeep. My employer has kept me in a dungeon of sorts. Anyway, is this new expansion pack (or whatever it is) in stores yet?
Yasraena |
Posted - 02 Jul 2003 : 05:51:25 Thanks for the info Edial, but my version is 1.30 since the Undrentide install. Just have to keep my eye out for the latest hack for it, I guess. Thanks for trying! |
Edial |
Posted - 01 Jul 2003 : 10:15:14 But of course, my lady, glad to be of assistance. |
Yasraena |
Posted - 01 Jul 2003 : 08:43:36 Really? Care to email me and share the knowledge? I would be grateful!  yasraena@marksreality.com |
Edial |
Posted - 30 Jun 2003 : 17:43:53 it`s deffo going to feature drow, drow and (you guessed it) more drow. i doubt bioware has other plans, but let`s not foresee the future, but carefully wait for it.
as far as i`m concerned, i`d rather like to see some games featuring kara-tur or maztica. those would be far more original than yet_another_drow_game or anything similar. :)
ah, the level cap can be removed (using some rather 'unorthodox' methods) as far as i know. :P |
Yasraena |
Posted - 11 Jun 2003 : 19:33:53 Well, it could be very cool if they do an Underdark setting instead of a Drow setting. As Zacas said, there are many more races besides Drow down there. Even though they didn't focus on the Drow in the original game, there are enough fan made modules out there that do, so it realy isn't neccessary to focus just on them. Regardless of what they focus on, if they don't do away with the level cap, I'll probably won't buy it. |
Zacas |
Posted - 11 Jun 2003 : 04:02:06 well sure it'll probably deal with the drow, but there are a lotta other races in the underdark... maybe it'll go in line with the 'Underdark' FR game accessory that's coming out later this year |