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 BG2 Team Lineup?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Zaknafein Posted - 24 May 2003 : 02:50:07
this may have been already asked before i arrived in these forums but...what was your party in BG2 and why?

mine consisted of:

Minsc-of course, i love this guy, give him Sentient Sword/Silver Sword and hes a front line

Keldorn-my other front line guy, mainly used him because he was a Paladin and could wield Corsomyr:Holy Avenger!!

Yoshimo-no question, best thief in the game(only one too) gave him Celestial Fury+3 and Equalizer...oh yeah i know a little bug that can keep him for the whole game

Anomen-a decent cleric with nice spells and attributes, a good warrior and really kicks it with Crom Faeyr

Edwin-only mage in the game and it pays off, can hold a lot of diff. types of spells and is good to pick em off from the back

Me-Sorcerer-ehh, either a sorcerer or kensai, but the sorcerer can get spells a lot more easier and its fun for me to have two power mages helping amazingly from the backrow

whats everyone elses party?
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
hashimashadoo Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 15:04:35
<CHARNAME> Elf fighter/wizard
Yoshimo (to be replaced by Imoen)
Jaheira (my romance option)
Then I fill my other two slots with each companion who has a quest, complete said quest and usually settle on:
Nalia (to be replaced by Sarevok in ToB)

My choices are purely for roleplaying reasons except for Anomen who I find the least annoying of the three clerics (though only barely less annoying than Viconia. If she wasn't so grating, I'd go with Aerie but I just can't stand her)

One of these days I've got to play a primarily evil party. Some of the lines that Korgan comes out with are gold. Pity they're mostly with Mazzy.
Light Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 14:37:10
For me it was always:

Thief: CHARNAME (playing a thief is the best!)
Mage: Edwin
Cleric: Anomen (I'll be changing this to Viconia on my next playthrough)
Fighters: Korgan and Valygar
Other: Imoen! Cause she's my little sister.
Alruane Posted - 24 Nov 2013 : 08:41:59




And myself.
branmakmuffin Posted - 05 Jun 2003 : 23:07:24
No Aerie? Despite her whiney attitude, as a cleric/mage she is simply too useful to do without in my opinion. There're alternatives to everyone else:

Front-line fighters: Minsc, Kargan/Korgon/K<whatever>, Valgyar, Anomen and/or Keldorn.
Mage: Imoen+Aerie or Edwin
Cleric: Anomen or Viconia.
Pain in the as-, uh, I mean druid: Jaheira or Cernd.
Holy warrior: Keldorn or Mazzy (and maybe Anomen)
Thief: Well, we all know about Yoshimo, don't we? I played the first time with a cleric/ranger PC and the second time with a monk PC and found that lacking a thief after Yoshimo's departure to be no handicap. Imoen is good enough.
The Sage Posted - 02 Jun 2003 : 12:07:46
To tell you the truth Edain, the only real reason I never found Jaheira any good, was mainly because, as I said before, I very rarely used her. For the party I wanted to create and play with at the time, Jaheira just didn't really seem to fit. However I will take your suggestions under advisement when I replay the game next month, and I will make the effort to use her from the beginning instead of just abandoning her.

I will also use Anomen as well, since I didn't much like him for my party either.

Thanks Edain.

May your learning be free and unfettered

Edain Shadowstar Posted - 02 Jun 2003 : 06:02:15
Okay, I just wanted ot make a few comments. Firstly, Zak, not to nitpick, but you get 100,000 exp. from Elminster...I mean Terminsel. And only if your reputation is over 15 and you are romancing Jaheira (you cannot even get the Harper Pin for her if you have a reputation that is too low). Also, is response to Sage's comments about Jaheira, no insult intended, but are you sure you used her properly? I know it sounds silly, but Jaheira is one of the few characters who really has to used in a certain way to actually be effective, otherwise she just plain sucks. That's why many do not bother with her, because she's tricky to use correctly. Firstly, you have ot pick good weapons for her. Overall, the best choice is dual-wielding scimitars, since it allows her to maximize her damge output, which is one of her two jobs. Also, make sure to give her a Belt of Giants Strength to improve her so-so strength and some
Gauntlets of Weapon Skill or Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise to improve her THAC0 and damage. Also, use her cleric buffs. They can help a lot to improve her combat skill and AC. She also adds effective healing to the party, but do not waste time on offensive magics with her.

Now, as for Anomen, sure his wisdom is on the low side, but if you're using him, use Jaheira. Together tehy work quite well, since both have priestly spellcasting power and fairly good combat skill. If you want to get crazy, use Viconia, Anomen, and Jaheira in one party. Wow, is all I can say. You will never want for clerical might again, though you might experience a bit of a shortage in arcane power, I have found it doesn't hurt you too much.

The Sage Posted - 31 May 2003 : 08:14:18
Thanks for the information Zaknafein. I guess I will have to dig BG2 out from my mess, I mean room. It sounds fascinating. The acquired magical items sound promising too.

Now where are those discs?.

Zaknafein Posted - 30 May 2003 : 18:15:58
The entire Harper Quest takes quite some time. (real time so you can't just rest). First of all it takes place in the Docks Section. While in Athkatla, wandering between areas can get you into fights with smugglers. One fight ends with you having the choice to take the body of someone to a man named Rylock (i think thats his name) in front of the Harper Hold. After that, your friend from BG1, Xzar, wants you to rescue Montaron from inside. Agree to do so. Talk to Rylock and say you want to see inside. Go inside and upstairs to the big birdcage and use the "talk" to get a bird, go back outside to Xzar and complete the quest.
After that, some time will pass and a Harper will call Jaheira to the Harper Hold. Go back to the Docks and to the Hold, Harpers accuse you, and no matter what you say, attack you...kill them. More time will pass and more Harpers will track you down and take Jaheira from your party. Later i think she leaves again and leaves some note that says to not follow her. Go back to the Harper Hold and upstairs to get Jaheira. Fight downstairs. Much later on, harpers will continue to track you down.
The last one to come across you is the mage Terminsel, if your character is in romance then you get 200000 exp.

There are ok items that can be aquired. Many +1 stuff. There is a Ring of Acuity/Wizardry

whew, that is pretty much the Harper Quest
The Sage Posted - 29 May 2003 : 13:04:44
I don't recall completing the Harper Quest, maybe because I didn't have Jaheira as a member of the party. What does the quest entail, it sounds interesting?.

Zaknafein Posted - 28 May 2003 : 23:41:16
I agree on Jaheira...her druid cleric spells are interesting...but as combat goes, i give her Belm+2 and the other magical scimitar. that seems to be the only to way go if you use her.

But like i said, i only used her to complete the Harper Quest. Which by the way if you are in romance with her, then you get a wopping 200000 exp!! You get that from Terminsel
The Sage Posted - 28 May 2003 : 07:49:27
That's interesting Zaknafein.

I found that I could never use Jaheira effectively, her weapon selections just became too much of a hindrance. And as for Anomen, I found his problems revolved around his low wisdom, which is a death sentence for a cleric, which Edain stated in his entry. I guess had I stuck with him I perhaps could have enchanced this failing and created a more effective combatant.

Oh well...

Good learning...

- The Sage of Perth: For all your Realms Lore needs

Zaknafein Posted - 27 May 2003 : 22:59:43
To me, I eventually used everybody. Korgon was strong, especially with the axe. I used everyone mainly to complete their quests and gain the experience
The Sage Posted - 26 May 2003 : 07:53:44
The lineup I had was made up like this -

Myself - Rastromo Meradoc (male human-NE-Sorcerer/Cleric)

Korgan and Minsc provided both defense and melee combat operations, myself and Edwin supplied the offensive spell power, Jan provided a quick flanking and scouting position, highly mobile so he could zip around the area of battle lending his abilities where needed, and finally Viconia, whose main operations were offensive spellcasting, and party protection.

At the time, I wanted to run through the game with a basically 'evil' aligned party. It made for quite interesting computer role-playing actually.

Good learning...

- The Sage of Perth: For all your Realms Lore needs

Zaknafein Posted - 25 May 2003 : 20:46:02
yes Edain yoshi does leave but you can keep him


ok most already know this but i might as well share it. Yoshimo is indeed a spy of Irenicus. I believe it is once you enter Spellhold he talks to you, betrays, and attacks you. Truly sad, since he was the only pure thief in the game but i like to keep him. Ok, before you board the ship, in Ch.2, get him out of your party, take him to the Copper Coronet. I know he will be missed in the next couple of chapters, but its the only way to keep him alive. In Ch.6, return to the Copper Coronet and PAUSE as soon as you enter, immediately force talk to yoshimo and unpause, he will say something and then die, but die IN your party. simply revive him and hes yours for the rest of the game
Edain Shadowstar Posted - 25 May 2003 : 17:33:41
Having played through the game with most class combinations I have found a few characters I really like.

Main Character (Edain Shadowstar--Yes, I always name a character in every game I play as an omage to the ultimate Wizard in D&D history, Elminster be damned.) -- Male Elf Figher/Mage (Kensi/Sorcerer can also be pretty cool)

The Good Guys - The Knights of Candlekeep

Keldorn - A must have for a goodly party, Keldorn benefits from good strength (though I give him a Belt of Giant Strength as soon as I get one), constitution, wisdom and charisma. Unfortunately his dexterity is low, so I would consider giving him Gauntlets of Dexterity when you get them. He is also benefits from a very good kit, since it bestows good immunities and special abilities. He is also the only NPC who can use Carsomyr, the Holy Avenger.

Anomen - Probably the best goodly cleric, Anomen's main flaw is not his dual-classed status, but his low wisdom, which is a death sentence for a cleric. However, later in the game should he suceed and become a knight his wisdom will jump four points, to 16. In combat his fighter levels allow him to hold his own quite well, and his constitution score is good enough to give him more than a few HPs. While his Dexterity is low, it is not a hudge handicap for him, since he will not be fighting terribly often, besides let Keldorn soak up damage.

Jaheira - Ah, Jaheira, one of the hold overs from Baldur's Gate. I find her to be a particularly good choice in any party. Though many dislike her, I find her to be a good support priest and fighter. As a fighter/druid she has access to many priest spells and can outfit herself like a warrior in heavy armor. The only limitation for her is weapon selection. Now, arming her right is tricky. In the end the only ways to go are scimitars or dagger/shield. Both are fairly effective. As far as her spellcasting goes, I usually like her to memorize spells that help he as a fighter, a few heals in case they're needed and a Prot. from Evil 10' Radius or two. The combat buffs help her to shine in melee and the Prot. from Evil is always a big plus. He stats are decent with fairly high Dexterity and Constitution. Her Strength (she gets the second Belt of Giant Strength I get) and Wisdom are only okay, but you cannot have everything in a multi-classed character.

Minsc (and Boo) - You cannot be the heroic type without noble, if a bit slow, Minsc. When it comes to butt-kicking he shines with the best Strength score, except for Sarevok's. He also has fairly good Constitution and Dexterity (the Dex. was increased from his Bladur's Gate version). His other stats are abyssmally low, but he doesn't need em anyways (you do all the thinking). One drawback for Minco however, is that he cannot take a huge beating, since he's attired in leather (so as to use him as scout). This can be tricky to fix, util later int he game when you get some really good armor. He should always you a two-handed sword or a bow, and is lethal with either. As a rule of thumb keep him out of the front lines. Keldorn will have a higher armor class and HPs in all likely hood, so let him soak up the damage while Minsc whacks away with his sword.

Yoshimo - Very early into the game you'll run into this thief and he'll offer to join you. Make sure to except, for, even though you have Imoen at the begining, she will soon be taken from you. As such you'll need Yoshimo. As far as thieves go, Yoshimo is the best, possibly better than Imoen. First, you get his early. This is big for thieves, whose thieving skills must be carefully alotted or the thief becomes useless. As far as statistics go, Yoshimo get's top marks with a Dexterity of 18. and good strength and constitution. This means that he will have good HPs (critical for thieves who can die quickly if they get attacked), good backstab damage, and excellent success as a thief. Unfortunately, he'll eventually leave, a lose to be sure.

Imoen - The eternal child, in Baldur's Gate II Bioware changed her froma straight thief to a thief/mage, a move most players made in Baldur's Gate. This is because her detect traps ability is fairly adequate, enough so that you can make her into a support mage (an excellent addition to a party lacking a full-fledged wizard) without losing her thief abilities. Her statistics are very well suited from this role, first her Strength is to low to be a good straight thief, since she will be poor in combat. As for her Dexterity, it's nice and high, as is her Intelligence at 17, and her Constitution. For Imoen I usually keep a few potions of Master Thievery and a few Potions of Genius handy to help he out.

The Bad Guys - The Scourge of the Coast

Korgan - Essentially Kaigan from Baldur's Gate, Korgan is the best pure fighter in the game. Statisically he has high strength, second only to Minsc and Sarevok, his Constitution is higher than any other character, even most player characters, giving him lots of HPs, and his Dexterity is pretty good (I might drop Gaunlets of Dexterity on him if I do not need them for another simply to imporve his AC). As a front line warrior he takes a lot of damage, and gives out a lot more. Even better, he come with maximum proficiancy in Axes, making him dealy (since he is one of the only single clased fighter int he game he is also one of the only character who can max. specialize in a weapon). Give him a pair of Axes and a suit of full plate and he will tear your enemies apart.

Jaheira - As she is neutral, she works for an evil party as well. Same rules as above apply.

Viconia - The evil party's answer to Anomen, Viconia is perhaps the best cleric in the game, so much so that I often use her in a good party. With high wisdom her spellcasting abilities are excellent. Her Dexterity is very high, giving her good AC, but her Constitution is abyssmally low, and her strength is not anything to write home about. I would recommend outfitting her with Gaunlets of Ogre Power at the earliest convenience. I would also recommend giving her a few Potions of Fortitude for difficult combat situations. Her 50% magic resistance is also very helpful, sometimes.

Yoshimo/Imoen - Same as above.

Edwin - The only true wizard in the game, Edwin makes being a pure wizard as a player pointless. With a maximum Intelligence and bonus spell slots (they are his character's special ability) and a great spell selection, Edwin is the best of the best when it comes to the arcane. This guy also sports good Constitution, which give him some extra HPs, always helpful for wizards. Edwin also has some great character moments, expecially when he accidently turns himself into a woman. A keeper.

Others (Those who I sometimes use):

Sarevok - Bar none the best fighter in the game, Sarevok shines with a high Strength (18/100), Dexterity (18), and Constitution (17), all of which mean he can take it and give it like no other. He also comes maximum proficient in two-handed swords and in two-handed weapons. This means he can use his weapon of choice better than any in the game. Give him a Belt of Fire Giant Strength, a good suit fo full plate, and a good sword and he wrecked my opponents.

Haer'Dalis - While I am not a big fan of bards in the Baldur's Gate series, I used him a few times simply because he is a Tiefling. His statistics are not very good, and as a character he lacks any realy strong points, in my opinion.

Jan - Like Haer-Dalis, Jan is not a very good character. Lacking strong statistics, he is a poor thief, and a poor illusionist (which happens to be one of the weaker specializations in my opinions). I really only used him because he was funny (those stories are fantastic).
Leona Posted - 25 May 2003 : 03:45:44
Me, kensai sorc
The gnome, can't remember his name.

Me, Viconia, Minsc frontline. Edwin and the gnome middle ranks and Jahelra brings up the rear.
Alexis Merlin Posted - 24 May 2003 : 17:55:01
In my case it was:

Alexis Merlin (my character) - Mage

Keldorn - definately one of my fav. characters, and as you said kiks ass with the holy avenger - also handy with a crossbow if you need long-range support, give him the gloves of dex. and he will get a real good AC.

Anomen - Gets some nice spells as you said, and has good teacher/pupil interaction with Keldorn - his subplots good too with the two paths he can take.

Jaheira - good healer, and atm I have her with a v low armour clas, and also I like the love interest plots with her.

Yoshimo - when I had him he was extremly useful as a thief - any chance you could mail me/post where you got the patch for him? I now have to use Imoen who isn't v good...

Valygar - nice with two scimitars/katanas, and also good with a long bow.

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