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 Areas descriptions in novels

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Fillow Posted - 08 Sep 2007 : 17:40:14
Here is a conversion of the topic of Smyther's topic, Novel areas (

You'd like to set a campaign in a peticular city of the realms, just look for this area in the following list and you will know which novel you have to read to discover this land !

Add your own acknowledges and I will update the directory.

All ideas or suggestions are welcome !

Here are the first work of this topic.
Just let me few more days to accurate it.
I will make the directory to have just one land per line...

-Abbey of Byfor--1368 DR- --Rose Window, The--Cook, Monte
-Abyss, Tilverton, Thunder Peaks--1369 DR- --Glass Prison, The--Monte Cook
-Aglarond--1368 DR- --Simbul's Gift, The--Lynn Abbey
-Aglarond--1369 DR- --Silverfall: Stories of the Seven Sisters--Ed Greenwood
-Alaghon--1370 DR- --Jewel of Turmish, The--Mel Odom
-Altumbel--Year:- --Yellow Silk, The--Don Bassingthwaite
-Anauroch--1360 DR- --Parched Sea, The--Troy Denning
-Anauroch--1368 DR- --Finder's Bane--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
-Anauroch--1368 DR- --Finder's Bane--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
-Anauroch--1371 DR- --Summoning, The--Troy Denning
-Anauroch--1372 DR- --Siege, The--Troy Denning
-Anauroch--1372 DR, 7 Flamerule- --Sorcerer, The--Troy Denning
-Anauroch--976,1373 DR- --Freedom's Promise--Gentry, Ed
-Anauroch--Year:- --The Forbidden Sands of Anauroch --Alessandro Zeminian & Andrea Verardi
-Anaurouch--Year:- --Condemnation--Richard Baker
-Ankhapur--1366 DR- --King Pinch--David Cook
-Arabel--1359 DR- --Night Parade, The--Scott Ciencin
-Arabel to Shadowdale--1358 DR- --Shadowdale--Scott Ciencin (as Richard Awlinson)
-Arrabar--Year:- --Sapphire Crescent, The--Thomas M. Reid
-Arrabar--Year:- --Ruby Guardian, The--Thomas M. Reid
-Arrabar--Year:- --Emerald Scepter, The--Thomas M. Reid
-Athalantar--212, 241 DR- --Elminster: The Making of a Mage--Ed Greenwood
-Athalantar--224 DR- --A Ghost of a Chance--Ed Greenwood
-Athkatla--1369 DR- --Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn--Philip Athans
-Baldur's Gate--1368 DR- --Baldur's Gate--Philip Athans
-Baldur's Gate--1369 DR- --Under Fallen Stars--Mel Odom
-below the Eastern Shaar--Year:- --Sea of Ghosts--Moore, Roger E
-Berun’s Hill--107 DR- --Bones of the Beast, The--Murray J.D. Leeder
-Berun’s Hill--1359 DR- --Wayfarer--Erik Scott de Bie
-Bezantur--1354, 1373 DR- --Maiden of Pain--Kameron Franklin
-Blingdenstone--1357 DR- --Starless Night--R.A. Salvatore
-Bloodstone Lands--Year:- --Promise of the Witch king--R.A. Salvatore
-Bloodstone Lands--Year:- --Road of the Patriarch--R.A. Salvatore
-Border Kingdoms, Shaar--Year:- --Bloodwalk--James P. Davis
-Brynnlaw--1369 DR- --Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn--Philip Athans
-Calimport--1356, 1357 DR- --Halfling's Gem, The--R.A. Salvatore
-Calimport--1359 DR- --Night Parade, The--Scott Ciencin
-Calimport--1364 DR- --Silent Blade, The--R.A. Salvatore
-Calimport--1372 DR- --Sands of the Soul--Voronica Whitney Robinson
-Calimport--Year:- --Third Level, The--Salvatore, R.A.
-Calimshan--1366 DR- --Servant of the Shard--R.A. Salvatore
-Calimshan---6048 & 1369 DR- --Star of Cursrah--Clayton Emery
-Candlekeep--1368 DR- --Baldur's Gate--Philip Athans
-Candlekeep--1369 DR- --Crucible: The Trial of Cyric the Mad--Troy Denning
-Candlekeep--c720s 1368 DR- --Lost Library of Cormanthyr, the--Mel Odom
-Cantrev Myrloch--1368 DR- --A Walk in the Snow--Gross, Dave
-Caradoon--1361 DR- --Night Masks--R.A. Salvatore
-Castle Trinity--1361 DR- --Canticle--R.A. Salvatore
-Castle Trinity--1361 DR- --Fallen Fortress, The--R.A. Salvatore
-Castle Waterdeep--1357 DR- --Hand of Fire--Ed Greenwood
-Chaulssin--Year:- --Condemnation--Richard Baker
-Ched Nesad--Year:- --Gorlist's Dragon--Cunningham, Elaine
-Chessenta--Year:- --Shadow Stone, The--Richard Baker
-Chult--1362 DR- --Ring of Winter, The--James Lowder
-Citadel Abdar--Year:- --Thousand Orcs, The--R.A. Salvatore
-Citadel of Ravens--1357 DR- --Crown of Fire--Ed Greenwood
-Citadel of Ravens--1357 DR- --Crown of Fire--Ed Greenwood
-City of Shade--1371 DR- --Summoning, The--Troy Denning
-City of Shade--1372 DR- --Siege, The--Troy Denning
-City of Shade--1372 DR, 7 Flamerule- --Sorcerer, The--Troy Denning
-City of the Dead --1369 DR- --Crucible: The Trial of Cyric the Mad--Troy Denning
-Cormanthor--1357 DR- --Azure Bonds--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
-Cormanthor--Year:- --Condemnation--Richard Baker
-Cormanthor--Year:- --Extinction--Lisa Smedman
-Cormyr--1357 DR- --Crown of Fire--Ed Greenwood
-Cormyr--1357 DR- --Crown of Fire--Ed Greenwood
-Cormyr--1368 DR- --Club Rules, The--Lowder, James
-Cormyr--1368 DR- --Tymora's Luck--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
-Cormyr--1368 DR, Eleasias- --Grinning Ghost of Taverton Hall, The--Greenwood, Ed
-Cormyr--1370 DR- --Beyond the High Road--Troy Denning
-Cormyr--1371 DR- --Long Road Home, The--Ed Greenwood
-Cormyr--1371 DR- --Death of the Dragon--Ed Greenwood & Troy Denning
-Cormyr--1371 DR- --Summoning, The--Troy Denning
-Cormyr--1372 DR- --Siege, The--Troy Denning
-Cormyr--1372 DR, 7 Flamerule- --Sorcerer, The--Troy Denning
-Cormyr--6 DR- --Cormyr: A Novel--Ed Greenwood & Jeff Grubb
-Cormyr--c720s 1368 DR- --Lost Library of Cormanthyr, the--Mel Odom
-Cursrah--6048 1369 DR- --Star of Cursrah--Clayton Emery
-Daggerdale--1368 DR- --Finder's Bane--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
-Daggerdale--1368 DR- --Finder's Bane--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
-Daggerdale (formerly Merrydale)--761 DR- --Vampire of the Mists--Christie Golden
-Dalelands--1358 DR- --Cloak of Shadows--Ed Greenwood
-Dalelands--1358 DR- --All Shadows Fled--Ed Greenwood
-Dalelands--1358 DR- --Shadows of Doom--Ed Greenwood
-Dekanter--1368 DR- --Nether Scroll, The--Lynn Abbey
-Dragon Coast--759, 767 DR- --Temptation of Elminster, The--Ed Greenwood
-Dragonisle--1369, 1370 DR- --Sea Devil's Eye, The--Mel Odom
-Dusklake--902 DR- --The Whispering Crown--Ed Greenwood
-Edificant Library--1361 DR- --Canticle--R.A. Salvatore
-Edificant Library/Spirit Soaring--1362 DR- --Chaos Curse, The--R.A. Salvatore
-Elturel--Year:- --Gallow's Day--Cook, David
-Endless Wastes--1360 DR- --Crusade--James Lowder
-Erlkazar--Year:- --Master of Chains--Jess Lebow
-Erlkazar to The Utter East--1368 DR- --Faces of Deception--Troy Denning
-Espar--Year:- --Raven's Egg--Bergstrom, Elaine
-Eveningstar--1357 DR- --Hand of Fire--Ed Greenwood
-Evereska--1361 DR- --Elfshadow--Elaine Cunningham
-Evereska--1361 DR- --Elfshadow--Elaine Cunningham
-Evereska--1371 DR- --Summoning, The--Troy Denning
-Evereska--1372 DR- --Siege, The--Troy Denning
-Evereska--1372 DR, 7 Flamerule- --Sorcerer, The--Troy Denning
-Evereska--1374 DR- --Forsaken House--Richard Baker
-Evermeet--1374 DR- --Forsaken House--Richard Baker
-Evermeet--24500 1371 DR- --Evermeet: Island of the Elves--Elaine Cunningham
-Evermeet--Year:- --More Things Change, The--Cunningham, Elaine
-Evermoors--1356 DR- --Streams of Silver--R.A. Salvatore
-Eversult--1364 DR- --Veiled Dragon, The--Troy Denning
-Eversult--Year:- --Temple Hill--Drew Karpyshyn
-Eversult --1369 DR- --Crucible: The Trial of Cyric the Mad--Troy Denning
-Firefall Keep in Cormyr--1365 DR- --Stormlight--
-Fugue Plane--1368 DR- --Prince of Lies--James Lowder
-Galen's Ford--1368 DR- --Lynaelle--Reid, Thomas M.
-Ghars--1367 DR- --Murder in Cormyr--Chet Williamson
-Godly Realms--1368 DR- --Prince of Lies--James Lowder
-Grackstuglh outskirts--Year:- --Condemnation--Richard Baker
-Halruaa--1367 DR- --Murder in Halruaa--Richard Meyers
-Halruaa--1370 DR- --Magehound, The--Elaine Cunningham
-Halruaa--1370 DR- --Floodgate, The--Elaine Cunningham
-Halruaa--1371 DR- --Wizardwar, The--Elaine Cunningham
-Halruaa--Year:- --A Little Knowledge--Cunningham, Elaine
-Hastarl--229 DR- --Dark Times in Hastarl--Ed Greenwood
-Hastarl--229 DR- --Far Too Many Thieves--Ed Greenwood
-Hastarl--229 DR- --Revenge Among Thieves--Ed Greenwood
-High Forest--1361 DR- --Daughter of the Drow--Elaine Cunningham
-High Forest--1374 DR- --Forsaken House--Richard Baker
-High Forest--Year:- --Son of Thunder--Murray J.P. Leeder
-Highmoon--1357 DR- --Spellfire--Ed Greenwood
-Hlondeth --Year:- --Venom's Taste--Lisa Smedman
-Hulburg--1479 DR- --Swordmage--Richard Baker
-Icewind Dale--1351, 1356 DR- --Crystal Shard, The--R.A. Salvatore
-Icewind Dale--1356 DR- --Streams of Silver--R.A. Salvatore
-Icewind Dale--1357 DR- --Siege of Darkness--R.A. Salvatore
-Icewind Dale--1364 DR- --Silent Blade, The--R.A. Salvatore
-Ieirithymbul in the Sword Mountains--1373 DR- --How Burlmarr Saved the Unseen Protector--Franklin, Kameron M.
-Immersea--1358 DR- --Wyvern's Spur, The--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
-Immurk's Hold--1369-1370 DR--Sea Devil's Eye, The--Mel Odom
-Innarlith--Year:- --Whisper of Waves--Philip Athans
-Innarlith--Year:- --Lies of Light--Philip Athans
-Innarlith--Year:- --Screams of Stone--Philip Athans
-Iraiebor--1360 DR- --Curse of the Shadowmage--Mark Anthony
-Iriaebor--1357 DR- --Crypt of the Shadowking--Mark Anthony
-Iriaebor--1368 DR- --Devil and Tertius Wands, The--Grubb, Jeff
-Kara Tur--1359 DR- --Horselords--David Cook
-Kara Tur--1359 DR- --Dragonwall--Troy Denning
-King's Forest--Year:- --Elminster's Daughter--Ed Greenwood
-Luskan--1361 DR- --Tangled Webs--Elaine Cunningham
-Luskan--1363 DR- --Passage to Dawn--R.A. Salvatore
-Luskan--1364 DR- --Silent Blade, The--R.A. Salvatore
-Luskan--1365 DR- --Spine of the World, The--R.A. Salvatore
-Luskan to Calimport--1356-1357 DR--Halfling's Gem, The--R.A. Salvatore
-Luthcheq (Chessenta)--1354-1373 DR--Maiden of Pain--Kameron Franklin
-Maimed Wizard's Stronghold--1357 DR- --Hand of Fire--Ed Greenwood
-Mantol Derith--1348 DR- --Rite of Blood--Cunningham, Elaine
-Marsember--Year:- --Elminster's Daughter--Ed Greenwood
-Maztica--1352-1361 DR--Ironhelm--Douglas Niles
-Maztica--1361-1362 DR--Viperhand--Douglas Niles
-Maztica--1362 DR- --Feathered Dragon--Douglas Niles
-Menzoberranzan--1354 DR- --Legacy, The--R.A. Salvatore
-Menzoberranzan--1357 DR- --Starless Night--R.A. Salvatore
-Menzoberranzan--1357 DR- --Siege of Darkness--R.A. Salvatore
-Menzoberranzan--1361 DR- --Daughter of the Drow--Elaine Cunningham
-Menzoberranzan--Year:- --Fires of Narbondel, The--Anthony, Mark
-Menzoberranzan--Year:- --Dissolution--Richard Lee Byers
-Menzoberranzan--Year:- --Extinction--Lisa Smedman
-Menzoberranzan outskirts--Year:- --Condemnation--Richard Baker
-Menzoberranzan to Ched Nasad--Year:- --Insurrection--Thomas M. Reid
-Menzoberranzen--1297-1328 DR--Homeland--R.A. Salvatore
-Menzoberranzen--1297-1328 DR--Homeland--R.A. Salvatore
-Mezro--1362 DR- --Ring of Winter, The--James Lowder
-Mimph--Year:- --Viper's Kiss--Lisa Smedman
-Minroe--1368 DR- --Ekhar Lorrent: Gnome Detective--Brown, Steven Stan!
-Mirt's Mansion--1357 DR- --Hand of Fire--Ed Greenwood
-Mistledale--c720s-1368 DR--Lost Library of Cormanthyr, the--Mel Odom
-Mistledale--Year:- --Blood Sport--Golden, Christie
-Mithril Hall--1356 DR- --Streams of Silver--R.A. Salvatore
-Mithril Hall--1357 DR- --Siege of Darkness--R.A. Salvatore
-Mithril Hall--Year:- --Two Swords, The--R.A. Salvatore
-Mithril Hall and Area--Year:- --Lone Drow, The--R.A. Salvatore
-Moonshae Isles--1345 DR- --Darkwalker on Moonshae--Douglas Niles
-Moonshae Isles--1346 DR- --Black Wizards--Douglas Niles
-Moonshae Isles--1346 DR- --Darkwell--Douglas Niles
-Moonshae Isles--1365 DR- --Prophet of Moonshae--Douglas Niles
-Moonshae Isles--1365 DR- --Coral Kingdom, The--Douglas Niles
-Moonshae Isles--1365 DR- --Druid Queen, The--Douglas Niles
-Moonwood--Year:- --Ghostwalker--Erik Scott de Bie
-Mordulkin ( Chessenta)--1354-1373 DR--Maiden of Pain--Kameron Franklin
-Mouth O' Gargoyles--Year:- --Elminster's Daughter--Ed Greenwood
-Mulhorand--1373 DR- --Book Dragon, The--Pitrat, Jim
-Mulmaster--1368 DR- --Mage in the Iron Mask, The--Brian Thomsen
-Myth Drannor--1357 DR- --Spellfire--Ed Greenwood
-Myth Drannor--1369 DR- --Pool of Radiance: The Ruins of Myth Drannor--Carrie Bebris
-Myth Drannor--1374 DR- --Farthest Reach--Richard Baker
-Myth Drannor--241-261 DR--Elminster in Myth Drannor--Ed Greenwood
-Myth Drannor--759-767 DR--Temptation of Elminster, The--Ed Greenwood
-Myth Nantar--1369-1370 DR--Sea Devil's Eye, The--Mel Odom
-Nashkel--1368 DR- --Baldur's Gate--Philip Athans
-Nether mountains--1368 DR- --H--Byers, Richard Lee
-Netherese Empire--c-700 DR--Sword Play--Clayton Emery
-Netherese Empire--c-700 DR--Dangerous Games--Clayton Emery
-Netherese Empire--c-700 DR--Mortal Consequences--Clayton Emery
-New Phlan--1369 DR- --Pool of Radiance: The Ruins of Myth Drannor--Carrie Bebris
-Nimbral--1361 DR- --Into the Void--Nigel Findley
-North Underdark--1338-1340 DR--Exile--R.A. Salvatore
-North Underdark--1338-1340 DR--Exile--R.A. Salvatore
-Oeble of the Border Kingdoms--Year:- --Black Bouquet, The--Richard Lee Byers
-Old Empires--Year:- --Shadow Stone, The--Richard Baker
-Ormpetarr--Year:- --Viper's Kiss--Lisa Smedman
-Outer Planes--1368 DR- --Tymora's Luck--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
-Outer Planes--1368 DR- --Finder's Bane--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
-Outer Planes--1368 DR- --Finder's Bane--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
-Pavillion of Cynosure --1369 DR- --Crucible: The Trial of Cyric the Mad--Troy Denning
-Phlan--1340 DR- --Pool of Radiance--James Ward & Jane Cooper Hong
-Phlan--1350 DR- --Pool of Darkness--James Ward & Jane Cooper Hong
-Phlan--1372 DR- --Pool of Twilight--James Ward & Jane Cooper Hong
-Pirate Isles--1373 DR- --Queen of the Depths--Richard Lee Byers
-Plane of Shadow--1358 DR- --Cloak of Shadows--Ed Greenwood
-Plane of Shadow--1358 DR- --All Shadows Fled--Ed Greenwood
-Plane of Shadow--1358 DR- --Shadows of Doom--Ed Greenwood
-Plane of Shadows--Year:- --Twilight Falling--Paul S. Kemp
-Plane of Shadows--Year:- --Dawn of Night, The--Paul S. Kemp
-Quaervarr--Year:- --Ghostwalker--Erik Scott de Bie
-Rasheman--1368 DR- --Thieves' Justice--Herbert, Mary H.
-Rauthaven--1361 DR- --Into the Void--Nigel Findley
-Raven's Bluff--Year:- --City of Ravens, The--Richard Baker
-Realmspace--1361 DR- --Into the Void--Nigel Findley
-Ruathym--1361 DR- --Tangled Webs--Elaine Cunningham
-Rysheos--Year:- --Meaning of Lore, The--Hendee, Barb
-Saerloon--Year:- --Raven's Egg--Bergstrom, Elaine
-Saradush--1369 DR- --Baldur's Gate II: The Throne of Bhaal--Drew Karypshyn
-Scornubel--1339 DR- --One Comes, Unheralded, to Zirta--Ed Greenwood
-Scornubel--1357 DR- --Hand of Fire--Ed Greenwood
-Sea of Fallen Stars--1369-1370 DR--Sea Devil's Eye, The--Mel Odom
-Selgaunt--1368 DR- --Whence the Song of Steel--King, J. Robert
-Selgaunt--Year:- --And All the Sinners, Saints--Paul S. Kemp
-Selgaunt--Year:- --Twilight Falling--Paul S. Kemp
-Selgaunt--Year:- --Dawn of Night, The--Paul S. Kemp
-Selgaunt--Year:- --And all the Sinners, Saints--Paul S Kemp
-Sembia--1293-1369 DR-- The Burning Chalice--Ed Greenwood
-Sembia--1370 DR- --Night School--Clayton Emery
-Sembia--1370 DR- --The Price--Voronica Whitney
-Sembia--1370 DR- --Thirty Days--Dave Gross
-Sembia--1370 DR- --Resurrection--Paul S Kemp
-Sembia--1370 DR- --Skin Deep--Lisa Smedman
-Sembia--1371 DR- --Shadow's Witness--Paul S. Kemp
-Sembia--1371 DR- --Shattered Mask, The--Richard Lee Byers
-Sembia--1371-1372 DR--Black Wolf--Dave Gross
-Sembia--1372 DR- --Heirs of Prophecy--Lisa Smedman
-Sembia--1373 DR- --Lord of Stormweather--Dave Gross
-Sembia, --1369 DR- --Silverfall: Stories of the Seven Sisters--Ed Greenwood
-Seros--1373 DR- --Queen of the Depths--Richard Lee Byers
-Sespech--Year:- --Viper's Kiss--Lisa Smedman
-Shadowdale--1354 DR- --A Dance in Storm's Garden--Ed Greenwood
-Shadowdale--1357 DR- --Spellfire--Ed Greenwood
-Shadowdale--1357 DR- --Azure Bonds--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
-Shadowdale--1358 DR- --Song of the Saurials--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
-Shadowdale--1365 DR- --Stormlight--
-Shadowdale--780 DR- --Dark Talons Forbear Thee--Ed Greenwood
-Shadowdale--Year:- --Elminster's Daughter--Ed Greenwood
-Shadowdale to Tantras--1358 DR- --Tantras--Scott Ciencin (as Richard Awlinson)
-Shilmista--1361 DR- --In Sylvan Shadows--R.A. Salvatore
-Shining Sea--1355-1369 DR--Rising Tide--Mel Odom
-Sigil--1368 DR- --Finder's Bane--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
-Sigil--1368 DR- --Finder's Bane--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
-Silver Marches--1368 DR- --Lynaelle--Reid, Thomas M.
-Silver Marches--Year:- --Ghostwalker--Erik Scott de Bie
-Silverymoon Pass--1373 DR- --Waylaid--Reid, Thomas M.
-Skullport--1358 DR- --A Slow Day in Skullport--Greenwood, Ed
-Skullport--1361 DR- --Daughter of the Drow--Elaine Cunningham
-Skullport--1368 DR- --Dream Spheres, The--Elaine Cunningham
-Skullport--Year:- --Direct Approach, The--Cunningham, Elaine
-Skullport--Year:- --Volo Does Menzo--Thomsen, Brian M.
-Skullport--Year:- --Twilight Falling--Paul S. Kemp
-Skullport--Year:- --Dawn of Night, The--Paul S. Kemp
-Spandilyon--Year:- --Yellow Silk, The--Don Bassingthwaite
-Spellguard--1358 DR- --Shadows of Doom--Ed Greenwood
-Starmantle--759-767 DR--Temptation of Elminster, The--Ed Greenwood
-Starmantle--Year:- --Twilight Falling--Paul S. Kemp
-Starmantle--Year:- --Dawn of Night, The--Paul S. Kemp
-Storm Horns--1357 DR- --How Wisdom Came to the Maimed Wizard--Ed Greenwood
-Suldenesselar--1369 DR- --Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn--Philip Athans
-Sundabar to Moonwood--1297-1328 DR--Homeland--R.A. Salvatore
-Sundabar to Moonwood--1297-1328 DR--Homeland--R.A. Salvatore
-Suzail--1357 DR- --Azure Bonds--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
-Suzail--1362 DR- --Ring of Winter, The--James Lowder
-Suzail--Year:- --Elminster's Daughter--Ed Greenwood
-Sword Coast--Year:- --Sea of Swords--R.A. Salvatore
-Tantras to Waterdeep--1358 DR- --Waterdeep--Troy Denning (as Richard Awlinson)
-Tegea--1360 DR- --Curse of Tegea, The--Denning, Troy
-Temple of the Sky--1368 DR- --Finder's Bane--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
-Temple of the Sky--1368 DR- --Finder's Bane--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
-Tethyr--1362 DR- --Bargain, The--Cunningham, Elaine
-Tethyr--1364 DR- --Silver Shadows--Elaine Cunningham
-Tethyr--1364 DR- --Silver Shadows--Elaine Cunningham
-Tethyr--1373 DR- --Possessions--Davis, James P.
-Thay--1375 DR - --Unclean--Byers, Richard Lee
-Thay--1385 DR - --Undead--Byers, Richard Lee
-Thay-- - --Unholy--Byers, Richard Lee
-Thay--1357 DR- --Bloodbound--Ed Greenwood
-Thay--1362 DR- --Red Magic--Jean Rabe
-Thay--1369 DR- --Silverfall: Stories of the Seven Sisters--Ed Greenwood
-Thay--1373 DR- --Book Dragon, The--Pitrat, Jim
-Thay--Year:- --Crimson Gold, The--Voronica Whitney Robinson
-The Blade Kingdoms--1217 DR- --Council of Blades, The--Paul Kidd
-The Coast Way--1368 DR- --Speaking with the Dead--Cunningham, Elaine
-The Dales--1374 DR- --Farthest Reach--Richard Baker
-The Great Dale--1368-1373 DR--Lady of Poison--Bruce R. Cordell
-The Ice Spires--1366 DR- --Ogre's Pact, The--Troy Denning
-The Ice Spires--1366 DR- --Giant Among Us, The--Troy Denning
-The Ice Spires--1366 DR- --Titan of Twilight, The--Troy Denning
-The Lost Vale--1358 DR- --Song of the Saurials--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
-The Nine Hells--Year:- --Elminster in Hell--Ed Greenwood
-The North--Year:- --Thousand Orcs, The--R.A. Salvatore
-The Rawlinswood--1368-1373 DR--Lady of Poison--Bruce R. Cordell
-The Sea of Swords--1363 DR- --Passage to Dawn--R.A. Salvatore
-The Seat of Lore--Year:- --Meaning of Lore, The--Hendee, Barb
-The Silver Marches--Year:- --Two Swords, The--R.A. Salvatore
-The Spirit Soaring--1357 DR- --Siege of Darkness--R.A. Salvatore
-The Sword Coast--1369 DR- --Under Fallen Stars--Mel Odom
-The Utter East--1368 DR- --Faces of Deception--Troy Denning
-The Utter East--1368 DR- --Darkly, Through a Glass of Ale--Archer, Peter
-The Utter East--1377 DR- --Paladins, The--James M. Ward & David Wise
-The Utter East--1377 DR- --Mercenaries, The--Ed Greenwood
-The Utter East--1377 DR- --Errand of Mercy--Roger Moore
-The Utter East--1377 DR- --An Opportunity for Profit--Dave Gross
-The Utter East--1377 DR- --Conspiracy--J. Robert King
-the Vast Swamp--1367 DR- --Murder in Cormyr--Chet Williamson
-the Vast Swamp-- Year- -- Crypt of the moaning diamond-- Rosemary Jones
-Thordentor Island--1369 DR- --The Star of Tethyr--Reid, Thomas M.
-Thunder Peaks--1369 DR- --Glass Prison, The--Monte Cook
-Tilverton--1368 DR- --Strange Bedfellows--Strohm, Keith Francis
-Tilverton,--1369 DR- --Glass Prison, The--Monte Cook
-Trackless Sea--c720s & 1368 DR- --Lost Library of Cormanthyr, the--Mel Odom
-Trade Way--1357 DR- --Hand of Fire--Ed Greenwood
-Triel--1357 DR- --Hand of Fire--Ed Greenwood
-Tsurlagol-- Year--Crypt of the moaning diamond--Rosemary Jones
-Twilight Hall--Year:- --Meaning of Lore, The--Hendee, Barb
-Twilight Vale--1366 DR- --Titan of Twilight, The--Troy Denning
-Underdark--1366 DR- --Servant of the Shard--R.A. Salvatore
-Underdark--Year:- --Sea of Ghosts--Moore, Roger E
-Undermountain--1325 DR- --Escape from Undermountain--Mark Anthony
-Undermountain--1358 DR- --A Slow Day in Skullport--Greenwood, Ed
-Unther--Year:- --Alabaster Staff, The--Edward Bolme
-Valley of Samek--1366 DR- --Soldiers of Ice--David Cook
-Velarswood--Year:- --Extinction--Lisa Smedman
-Waterdeep--1325 DR- --Escape from Undermountain--Mark Anthony
-Waterdeep--1357 DR- --Hand of Fire--Ed Greenwood
-Waterdeep--1361 DR- --Elfshadow--Elaine Cunningham
-Waterdeep--1361 DR- --Elfshadow--Elaine Cunningham
-Waterdeep--1363 DR- --Passage to Dawn--R.A. Salvatore
-Waterdeep--1364 DR- --Elfsong--Elaine Cunningham
-Waterdeep--1366 DR- --Nothing but Trouble--Ed Greenwood
-Waterdeep--1368 DR- --Tymora's Luck--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
-Waterdeep--1368 DR- --An Unusual Suspect--Thomsen, Brian
-Waterdeep--1368 DR- --Dream Spheres, The--Elaine Cunningham
-Waterdeep-- 1369 DR- --Fire is Fire--Cunningham, Elaine
-Waterdeep--1369 DR- --Silverfall: Stories of the Seven Sisters--Ed Greenwood
-Waterdeep--1370 DR---Rise of the Blade--Charles Alexander Moffat
-Waterdeep--1373 DR- --Keeper of Secrets, The--Greenwood, Ed
-Waterdeep--1374 DR- --Blackstaff--Steven Schend
-Waterdeep--1377 DR- --Abduction, The--J. Robert King
-Waterdeep--927 & 1368 DR- --Thornhold--Elaine Cunningham
-Waterdeep--c720s & 1368 DR- --Lost Library of Cormanthyr, the--Mel Odom
-Waterdeep--Year:- --More Things Change, The--Cunningham, Elaine
-Waterdeep--Year:- --Blood Sport--Golden, Christie
-Waterdeep--Year:- --City of Splendors: Waterdeep--Elaine Cunningham & Ed Greenwood
-Waterdeep--Year:- --Game of Chance--Elaine Cunningham
-Waterdeep--Year:- --Elminster's Daughter--Ed Greenwood
-Wealdath--1369 DR- --Baldur's Gate II: The Throne of Bhaal--Drew Karypshyn
-Weathercote Wood--1368 DR- --Nether Scroll, The--Lynn Abbey
-Westgate--1357 DR---Azure Bonds--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
-Westgate--1361 DR- --Night Masks--R.A. Salvatore
-Westgate--1368 DR- --Masquerades--Kate Novak
-Whamite Isles--1369 & 1370 DR- --Sea Devil's Eye, The--Mel Odom
-Wizard's Reach, --759 to 767 DR- --Temptation of Elminster, The--Ed Greenwood
-Yhaunn--1357 DR- --Azure Bonds--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
-Yhaunn in Sembia--1373 DR- --Mistress of Night--Dave Gross
-Zazesspur--1373 DR- --Possessions--Davis, James P.
-Zazzespur--1366 DR- --War in Tethyr--Victor Milan
-Zhentil Keep--1334 DR- --So High a Price--Greenwood, Ed
-Zhentil Keep--1368 DR- --Prince of Lies--James Lowder
-Zhentil Keep --1369 DR- --Crucible: The Trial of Cyric the Mad--Troy Denning

Ideas ? You've seen some mistakes ?
Do not hesitate to post below.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fillow Posted - 30 Sep 2008 : 20:14:39
Fellow scribes, please help !
We always need information about these novels :

-?--1016 DR--In the Bleak Deepwinter--Lynn Abbey
-?--1100s DR--The First Notch--R.A. Salvatore
-?--1290s-1370 DR--Song of Chaos--Richard Lee Byers
-?--1335 DR--Family Business, The--Lowder, James
-?--1340-1347 DR--Sojourn--R.A. Salvatore
-?--1340-1347 DR--Sojourn--R.A. Salvatore
-?--1342 DR--Necessary Sacrifices--Lisa Smedman
-?--1350s DR--Walls of Midnight, The--Anthony, Mark
-?--1353 DR--A Virtue by Reflection--Ciencin, Scott
-?--1355 DR--Elminster at the Magefair--Greenwood, Ed
-?--1355 DR--Dark Legacy--Mel Odom
-?--1356 DR -- Lord of Lowhill, The--Niles, Douglas
-?--1357 DR--Dark Mirror--Salvatore, R.A.
-?--1357 DR--Gathering, The--Michael Fleisher
-?--1357 DR--Bounty Seekers of Manshaka, The--Michael Fleisher
-?--1357 DR--Secret of Selune's Eye, The--Michael Fleisher
-?--1357 DR--Sorcerer's Moon--Michael Fleisher
-?--1357 DR--Spirit of Myrrth, The--Dan Mishkin
-?--1357 DR--Beneath the City of the Dead--Dan Mishkin
-?--1357 DR--Showtime! or Revenge of the Living Monologue--Dan Mishkin
-?--1357 DR--Die Laughing--Dan Mishkin
-?--1357 DR--Night of the Moonpenguin--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Of Mirt and Mind Flayers--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--All Hades Breaks Loose--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Down In The Depths--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Shackles of the Past--Dan Mishkin
-?--1357 DR --Shell Game--Dan Mishkin
-?--1357 DR--Cat and Mouse--Dan Mishkin
-?--1357 DR--Last Betrayal, The--Dan Mishkin
-?--1357 DR--Ogre's Paw, The--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Converging Lines--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Great Game, The--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Fools Rush In--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Dragon In the Dale, The--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Dragonspawn--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Dragonsmoker--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Dragons (And Other Beasts)--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Minder's Story: The Day After--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Head Cheeeese--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Kyriani's Story: The Ostus Legacy--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Day of the Darkening--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--1st Quarter: Selune Rising--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--2nd Quarter: Dark of the Moon--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--3rd Quarter: Lunatics--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--4th Quarter: Total Eclipse--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Lawyers!--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Scavengers--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Predators--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Survivors--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Death and the Dragon's Eye--Dan Mishkin
-? --1358 DR--Suspicion--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Dead of Night--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Burning Question--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Pillar of Gold--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Broken Pillars--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Wager that Saved Waterdeep, The--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Telling Lies--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Truth, The--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Finale--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Players--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Dwarves' Night Out--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--I, Connor--Dan Raspler
-?--1358 DR--Challenge of Timoth Eyesbright--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Jasmine--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Rivals--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Trial--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Liches in Love--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Possessions--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Mad Gods and Paladins--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Divine Rights--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--On Earth as it is in Heaven--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Picking Up the Pieces--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Temptations--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Cannibal Girls (Won't You Come Out Tonight?)--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Cat Logic--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Unreal Estate--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Everybody Wants to Run the Realms--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Wake of the Realmsmaster, The--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Waterdhavian Nights--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--How Wisdom Came to the Maimed Wizard--Ed Greenwood
-?--1360 DR--King's Tear--Anthony, Mark
-?--1362 DR--Greater Treasure, The--Erik Scott de Bie
-?--1362 DR--Patronage--Cook, David
-?--1362 DR--Grandfather's Toys--Rabe, Jean
-?--1366 DR--Prologue & Epilogue (Frame story)--Thomsen, Brian
-?--1366 DR--Nothing but Trouble--Ed Greenwood
-?--1366 DR--The Great Hunt--Elaine Cunningham
-?--1367 DR--Once Around the Realms--Brian Thomsen
-?--1367 DR--Thieves' Honor--Herbert, Mary H.
-?--1367 DR--Thieves' Reward--Herbert, Mary H.
-?--1368 DR--Reunification: Body & Soul--Jeff Grubb
-?--1368 DR--Stolen Dreams--Elaine Cunningham
-?--1369 DR--Hard Choices--Abbey, Lynn
-?--1369 DR--Messenger to Serôs--Archer, Peter
-?--1369 DR--The Place Where Guards Snore at their Posts--Greenwood, Ed
-?--1369 DR--Lost Cause--Byers, Richard Lee
-?--1369 DR--Forged in Fire--Emery, Clayton
-?--1369 DR--One who Swims with Sekolah--Odom, Mel
-?--1369 DR--The Crystal Reef--Denning, Troy
-?--1369 DR--The Patrol--Hobbs, Larry
-?--1369 DR--Persana's Blade--Schend, Steven E.
-?--1369 DR--And the Dark Tide Rises--Strohm, Keith Francis
-?--1369 DR--Honest and True--Troy Denning
-?--1369 DR--The Honor of Two Swords--Kate Novak-Grubb
-?--1369 DR--The Innkeeper's Secret--Troy Denning
-?--1370 DR--A Tall Tale--Collins, J.L.
-?--1370 DR--Living Forever--Ed Greenwood
-?--1371 DR--Comrades at Odds--R.A. Salvatore
-?--1373 DR--Topaz Dragon, The--Lebow, Jess
-?--1373 DR--Wickless in the Nether --Salvatore, R.A.
-?--1373 DR--Serpestrillvyth--Baker, Richard
-?--1373 DR--Standard Delving Procedure--Smedman, Lisa
-?--1373 DR--An Icy Heart--Whitney-Robinson, Voronica
-?--1373 DR--Penitential Rites--Strohm, Keith Francis
-?--1373 DR--How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth--Gross, Dave
-?--1373 DR--Beer with a Fat Dragon--Bassingthwaite, Don
-?--1373 DR--Prisoner of Hulburg, The--Byers, Richard Lee
-?--1373 DR--Faerie Ire--Tettensor, Erin
-?--1373 DR--Woman Who Drew Dragons, The--Jones, Rosemary
-?--1373 DR--Hunting Game, The--Scott de Bie, Erik
-?--1373 DR--Road Home, The--Stroh, Harley
-?--1373 DR--Queen of the Mountain--Johnson, Jaleigh
-?--1373 DR--Strength of the Jester, The--Leeder, Murray J.D.
-?--1373 DR--Rage, The--Richard Lee Byers
-?--1373 DR--Rite, The--Richard Lee Byers
-?--1373 DR--Ruin, The--Richard Lee Byers
-? --1374--That Time of the Tenday--Erik Scott de Bie
-?--1374 DR--Tears So White--Ed Greenwood
-?--1374 DR--Bladesinger’s Lesson, The--Richard Baker
-?--1374 DR--Final Gate--Richard Baker
-?--1377 DR--Uneasy Alliances--David Cook & Peter Archer
-?--1377 DR--Easy Betrayals--Richard Baker
-?--1377 DR--Diamond, The--J. Robert King & Ed Greenwood
-?--224 DR--Not the Most Successful of Feasts--Ed Greenwood
-?---25,090 DR--Traitors--Richard Lee Byers
-?--253 DR--Gwenhwyvar--Salvatore, R.A.
-?---390 DR--The Lady and the Shadow--Athans, Philip
-?---7628 DR--Staff of Valmaxian, The--Philip Athans
-?--892 DR--One Last Drink--Golden, Christie
-?--902 DR; Kythorn--The Whispering Crown--Greenwood, Ed
-?--During the Phaerimm War--Fallen Lands, The--Leeder, Murray J.D.
-?--Year:--Midnight's Mask--Paul S. Kemp
-?--Year:--Vanity's Brood--Lisa Smedman
-?--Year:--Frostfell--Sehestedt, Mark
-?--Year:--Prologue, Interlude, Epilogue --Wes Nicholson
-?--Year:--Wishing You Many More--David Cook
-?--Year:--Secrets of Blood, Spirits of the Sea--Cunningham, Elaine
-?--Year:--Bread Storm Rising--Dupree, Tom
-?--Year:--When Even Sky Cities Fall--King, J. Robert
-?--Year:--The Grotto of Dreams--Anthony, Mark
-?--Year:--A Narrowed Gaze--Cook, Monte
-?--Year:--Shadows of the Past--Thomsen, Brian
-?--Year:--Tertius and the Artifact--Grubb, Jeff
-?--Year:--Soulbound--Kemp, Paul S.
-?--Year:--First Flight--Bolme, Edward
-?--Year:--A Matter of Thorns--Ward, James M.
-?--Year:--Stolen Spells--Vitola, Denise
-?--Year:--Greatest Hero Who Ever Died, The--King, J. Robert
-?--Year:--Twilight--Denning, Troy
-?--Year:--And Wringing of Hands--Hong, Jane Cooper
-?--Year:--Laughter in the Flam--Lowder, James
-?--Year:--Vision--Moore, Roger E.
-?--Year:--Smoke Powder and Mirrors--Grubb, Jeff
-?--Year:--Magic Thief, The--Anthony, Mark
-?--Year:--Quiet Place, The--Golden, Christie
-?--Year:--Eye of the Dragon, The--Greenwood, Ed
-?--Year:--Every Dog His Day--Gross, Dave
-?--Year:--Common Spell, The--Novak-Grubb, Kate
-?--Year:--First Moonwell, The--Niles, Douglas
-?--Year:--Luck of Llewellyn the Loquacious, The--Kupfer, Allen C.
-?--Year:--Too Familiar--Cook, David
-?--Year:--Red Ambition--Rabe, Jean
-?--Year:--Six of Swords--Connors, William W.
-?--Year:--Wild Bunch, The--Dupree, Tom
-?--Year:--A Worm Too Soft--King, J. Robert
-?--Year:--Gunne Runner--Moore, Roger E.
-?--Year:-- Trial By Ordeal--Smedman, Lisa
-?--Year:--Assassin's Shadow--Lebow, Jess
-?--Year:--Too Long in the Dark--Kemp, Paul S.
-?--Year:--Darksword--Denning, Troy
-?--Year:--Liar's Game--Beaven, Jessica
-?--Year:--That Curious Sword--Salvatore, R.A.
-?--Year:--Astride the Wind--Athans, Philip
-?--Year:--When Shadows Come Seeking a Throne--Greenwood, Ed
-?--Year:--King Shadow--Byers, Richard Lee
-?--Year:--Shifting Sands, The--Archer, Peter
-?--Year:--Neversfall--Ed Gentry
-?--Year:-- …Songs of Death--Ed Greenwood
-?--Year:--Possessions--Elaine Cunningham
-?--Year:--Garden of Souls--Richard Lee Byers
-?--Year:--Cause and Effect--Paul S. Kemp
-?--Year:--New in Town--Richard Lee Byers
-?--Year:--Silverfish, The--Richard Lee Byers
-?--Year:--Depths of Madness, The--Erik Scott de Bie
-?--Year:--Howling Delve, The--Jaleigh Johnson
-?--Year:--Stardeep--Cordell, Bruce
-?--Year:--Crypt of the Moaning Diamond--Rosemary Jones
-?--Year:--Gossamer Plain, The--Thomas M. Reid
-?--Year:--Bladesinger--Keith Francis Strohm
-?--Year:--Swords of Eveningstar--Ed Greenwood
-?--Year:--Swords of Dragonfire--Ed Greenwood
-?--Year:--Sacrifice of the Widow--Lisa Smedman
-?--Year:--Game of the Ancients--Lisa Smedman
-?--Year:--Ascendancy of the Last--Lisa Smedman
-?--Year:--Windwalker--Elaine Cunningham
-?--Year:--Shadowbred--Paul S. Kemp
-?--Year:--Shadowstorm--Paul S. Kemp
-?--Year:--Shadowrealm--Paul S. Kemp
-?--Year:--Annihilation--Philip Athans
-?--Year:--Resurrection--Paul S. Kemp
-?--Year:--Darkvision--Bruce R. Cordell
-?--Year:--Bold as Brass--Clayton Emery
-?--Year:--The Dowry--R.A. Salvatore
-?--Year:--The Grand Tour--Jeff Grubb
-? --Year:--If Ever They Happened Upon My Lair--R. A. Salvatore
-?--Year:--Character Profile: Silverfall--Ed Greenwood
-?--Year:--Never a Warpig Born--Ed Greenwood
-?--Year:--Ladies Night at the Yawning Portal--Ed Greenwood
-?--Year:--Only a Woman Can Take This Sort of Abuse--Ed Greenwood
-?--Year:--The Night Tymora Sneezed--Ed Greenwood
-? --Year:--The Lady of the Mists--Ed Greenwood
Fillow Posted - 16 Sep 2008 : 05:11:16
Thanks Sage.
I just wanted to make this topic become more active, hoping that it would make some scribes say "I've just finished one or another novel and the area where it took place is not quoted here, So let's add it to the list."
The Sage Posted - 16 Sep 2008 : 01:26:19
I'll probably help out eventually. It's just that I've not read many Realms books in the past few months. And those I have read, have already been referenced in this scroll. I'd imagine this probably applies to some other scribes as well.
Fillow Posted - 15 Sep 2008 : 21:15:08
Am I the only one to write in this thread ?

Please help me to list the areas which are described in the novels.
Thanks a lot for reading and helping...

all FR eras or editions novels are welcome !
Fillow Posted - 18 Aug 2008 : 19:54:30
I'd just like to ask the mods about the possible pinning of this thread.
I think it's more up-to-date than the other one which deals with the areas within novels (
And the method of searching seems (ATM !) easier in this topic. Don't you think so ?

I know that it's the second time since yesterday I ask such a question but... I believe it could be useful topics.

I let you to be the judges !

EDIT : updated with only two dates (Undead & Unclean)
Fillow Posted - 05 Jun 2008 : 19:22:41
list updated.
I just added Hulburg, described in Swordmage.
Fillow Posted - 03 Jun 2008 : 20:05:06
I also corrected two mistakes abou tthe Vast Swamp and Tsulargol.
Please tell me if you see other ones.

This makes me realize that I totally forgot this project...
As soon as I finish the trivia Challenge collection, I come back to here... If I do not forget...
Fillow Posted - 03 Jun 2008 : 19:57:59
Allright Gravelist.
The list is updated
Thanks for this first help to the project.
Feel free to go on...
Gravelist Posted - 03 Jun 2008 : 00:46:07
Here's some data for your list. (The list you have on this forum is missing the year.)

Raven's Bluff -- 1372 -- City of Ravens -- Richard Baker

Note: this contradicts the information at the following website:
which lists the date as 1370.

The current analysis is derived from the following passage:

"Until he found the entry reading Durezil Nightcloak, Initiate of the First Circle. Deceased as of the Fourth day of Alturiak, Year of the Unstrung Harp. Reported mauled to death by hungry trolls and subsequently devoured. Membership account closed by order of Meritheus, Assistant Secretary for Rolls of Membership, on the Ninth day of Mirtul, Year of the Unstrung Harp.

" 'Dead? How inconsiderate of him!' Jack muttered. 'How spiteful to live five full years from the day he dealt with Gerard's effects, only to die a year before I had need of his services! What kind of man would do such a thing?' "

From Baker, Richard, City of Ravens, paperback edition, page 49.

Given that the Year of the Unstrung Harp is shown as 1371 in the Grand History of the Realms, that dates the story at 1372.
Fillow Posted - 17 Jan 2008 : 20:52:40
Danke sehr Lameth.
Ich habe schon zu viel Arbeit mit "Kujes NPC files" !
Dieses Thema betrifft nur die Orte, die in den Romanen gefunden sind.

(Thanks a lot Lameth.
I've already too much work with Kuje's NPC files !
This topic is only about the areas we find in FR novels )
Lameth Posted - 17 Jan 2008 : 20:10:51
Characters etc. in novels: I`m working on a list for a "little" while now, you can take a look at
Most of the titles are in english, but books that were translated I posted in german. If you are interested I could change the german words.
Fillow Posted - 10 Jan 2008 : 10:46:06
I'm back to restart this project.
Excuse-me for all this time out of the topic.
I've edited this today.

I'll dive again into Xysma's Anthologies and Tales Overviews files ASAP.
Xysma Posted - 14 Sep 2007 : 19:26:10
If you want, you could PM me with your email address and I'll send you the most recently updated copy of my guide.
Xysma Posted - 14 Sep 2007 : 19:21:13
Fillow, I was looking at your list with the "gaps" and I know for a fact I have completed many of those. Have you consulted the Anthologies and Tales overviews topic (should be around page 4 I believe) that is the most recently updated list.
Fillow Posted - 13 Sep 2007 : 20:50:43
Originally posted by Victor_ograygor

Great: its just great

Thank you so very much Vic but your works are more numerous and greater ! I'm a newby in the FR-lore-recovery.
And you're my Yoda master ! I'm just a padawan !

This work will be great when there will be "?" no more in my second post.
Victor_ograygor Posted - 13 Sep 2007 : 14:31:15
Great: its just great
Fillow Posted - 11 Sep 2007 : 21:17:19
Thanks a lot Xysma.

Just tell me if I do a mistake !

And I just need readers not to be in urge !
Xysma Posted - 11 Sep 2007 : 20:44:28
Originally posted by Fillow

That's just because of an easier sorting of data !

I figured as much, I used a similar system on my miniatures list. Keep up the good work! Let me know if I can help.
Fillow Posted - 11 Sep 2007 : 20:28:10
Originally posted by Xysma

No need for the main characters, that will (eventually) be completed in my file. It may be easier on the eye if you had a format more like:

Freedom's Promise--976-1373 DR--Gentry, Ed
Parched Sea, The --1360 DR --Troy Denning
Finder's Bane--1368 DR--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
The Forbidden Sands of Anauroch--Year unknown--Alessandro Zeminian & Andrea Verardi
Condemnation--year--Richard Baker

You're totally right Xysma... However, you all will understand that to begin with, our directory will seem as following :
Anauroch - Freedom's Promise--976-1373 DR--Gentry, Ed
Anauroch - Parched Sea, The --1360 DR --Troy Denning
Anauroch - Finder's Bane--1368 DR--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
Anauroch - The Forbidden Sands of Anauroch--Year unknown--Alessandro Zeminian & Andrea Verardi
Anauroch - Condemnation--year--Richard Baker

That's just because of an easier sorting of data !
Xysma Posted - 11 Sep 2007 : 05:02:14
Fillow, as far as the gaps are concerned, I am working on filling them all in, but 'tis a lengthy process. I've been working on this guide for a couple of years now. I am currently working my way through the anthologies, I have quite a few updates on the "Anthologies and Tales overviews" stickied topic in this thread. It has been updated more recently than the Guide (I missed the deadline for the last site update).
Xysma Posted - 11 Sep 2007 : 04:56:02
Originally posted by Fillow

Hard !
some novels -a lot of novels in fact- take place in several lands !
It's quite hard to cut Word and Excel files to build something readable and usable !
Wysma's file is round 110 pages ! I converted up to page 16 !
already tired...

If someone has an idea, it's welcome !

allright for :
-Land – year the books takes place - Title of the book -- Author

We forget the main characters ? (please say "yes" !)

No need for the main characters, that will (eventually) be completed in my file. It may be easier on the eye if you had a format more like:

Freedom's Promise--976-1373 DR--Gentry, Ed
Parched Sea, The --1360 DR --Troy Denning
Finder's Bane--1368 DR--Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
The Forbidden Sands of Anauroch--Year unknown--Alessandro Zeminian & Andrea Verardi
Condemnation--year--Richard Baker
Fillow Posted - 10 Sep 2007 : 20:57:30
Have a look at the both first posts, it's on a good way... no ?

Vic and Xysma, would you agree to delete your posts above?
Then I will cut our directory not to be limited by the length of a post.
Thanks a lot.

That's all for tonight.
But I will be back tomorrow !!

Please post your suggestions or the mistakes you've seen...
Lawfire Posted - 10 Sep 2007 : 17:47:32
Personally, I'd stick to the locations (lands) and the book titles. Forgotten Realms: The Library, has an extensive time-line (

If you wanted to throw the author on the end, that's up to you, but if you start small (land and title) like you were, the whole project won't seem as overwhelming. That in itself would be a great resource, I do not know of another like it. If one wants the other information (dates and authors) that can be found elsewhere...just my opinion.
Victor_ograygor Posted - 10 Sep 2007 : 17:38:32
I understand.. Yes and I agree

It’s your thread Fillow, you set the rules. I only gave you idears about putting –year the books takes place and Author in it.

I hope you got my mail; there are a lot of Canon dates of FR books in it.

Fillow Posted - 10 Sep 2007 : 17:21:06
Hard !
some novels -a lot of novels in fact- take place in several lands !
It's quite hard to cut Word and Excel files to build something readable and usable !
Wysma's file is round 110 pages ! I converted up to page 16 !
already tired...

If someone has an idea, it's welcome !

allright for :
-Land – year the books takes place - Title of the book -- Author

We forget the main characters ? (please say "yes" !)
Fillow Posted - 10 Sep 2007 : 16:34:57
I've just opened it !
There is all we need to make a very useful tool !

I will edit my first post to after having shown you a preview !
Xysma Posted - 10 Sep 2007 : 16:03:40
Originally posted by Fillow

Indeed ! It would be great !
It needs a lot of work to gather information.

A lot of work yes, but perhaps not as much as you think, see my Guide to the Tomes and Tales of the Realms hosted here on Candlekeep.
Victor_ograygor Posted - 10 Sep 2007 : 14:30:09
Originally posted by Fillow

Indeed ! It would be great !
It needs a lot of work to gather information.

But you did not answer my first question Vic, What would add the name of the author within the data ?

I am taking about the year the book takes place not when it’s published

Fillow some of the books are old and if you add the Author of the books people have an easier way of finding the book.

Personally I think its normal to state the Author name when printing the title of the book, this way readers have no chance of misunderstand the information given
Fillow Posted - 10 Sep 2007 : 14:16:09
Indeed ! It would be great !
It needs a lot of work to gather information.

But you did not answer my first question Vic, What would add the name of the author within the data ?
Fillow Posted - 10 Sep 2007 : 13:22:14
Thanks a lot Xysma, I will do it !

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