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 Thoughts on Sea of Swords

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mournblade Posted - 24 Apr 2003 : 06:41:22
R.A. Salvatore is definitely one of the Best writers of the FOrgotten Realms books, (Ties with Elaine Cunningham at least). But I have to say Silent blade, Spine of the World, and Sea of Swords were far below standard. Spine of the world was probably the best out of the three, but I have to say Sea of Swords just well, was terrible. If not for Drizzt being the main character of Sea of Swords, I would of stopped reading it halfway through. Unfortunaltely I Wanted to find out what happens to Drizzt so I kept reading, but it was the ONE time I was reading an FR book and wished they had cliff notes.

R.A. Salvatore had no artistry to his descriptions, and he was very rough. I really think Wizards rushed him on it. IT could of been such a good book, but it fell short.

Fortunately thousand orcs so far seems like it is back to Salvatores Level. I have just been very disappointed with his latest stuff.

Just compare Sea of Swords to the Cadderly series (Which is incredible), and see how much the writing is lacking.

13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hordak Posted - 05 Jun 2008 : 18:38:18
Well I would say the Drizzt story bar.... I like Drizzt, Entreri and Errtu more, but I am really excited when a new Drizzt book comes out.
Now I mostly liked hunters trilogy because of Obould... But I find it alot better than sea of swords which was the worst RAS I read. So raised the bar as in better than before.. but still I agree not at the standard of Darkelf trilogy or Legacy series.
Then again I liked The Orc King more then hunters trilogy.. so still rising IMO

I am currently reading the third book in the Sell swords trilogy Which I guess must start with Servant of the Shard.. Which I loved... The second one I really didn't like... but this third one has got me going so still raising the bar for me...
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 04 Jun 2008 : 16:46:22
Originally posted by Karzak

Originally posted by Hordak

Anyway RA really raised the bar on the hunters trilogy and on the Orc king imo

Which particular bar are we talking about?

Good question.

I found the HB trilogy to be pretty disappointing overall, as much of the tension revolves around previously used plot devices (ie. Drizzt thinks his friends are DEAD! His friends think he's dead!).

My thoughts on The Orc King can be read in the Book Club.
Karzak Posted - 04 Jun 2008 : 01:11:22
Originally posted by Hordak

Anyway RA really raised the bar on the hunters trilogy and on the Orc king imo

Which particular bar are we talking about?
Hordak Posted - 03 Jun 2008 : 00:34:55

Well the deepest respect to RA salvatore...

I really liked Spine of the world and Silent blade

But Sea of swords pretty much sucked. the whole plot with the elven girl he saved only to kill was such a waste in my opinion. I mean he could have used that in so many exciteing ways.. And it was really obvious it was her. Entreris return inlegacy.. that was a suprise!
Anyway RA really raised the bar on the hunters trilogy and on the Orc king imo
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 02 Jun 2008 : 15:45:39
Originally posted by Fillow

Thanks a lot my dear Rinonalyrna

... and thanks also to BEAST of course ! Sorry but I only saw milady's answer.
She's so shining...

Hey, thanks.
Fillow Posted - 02 Jun 2008 : 04:23:13
Thanks a lot my dear Rinonalyrna

... and thanks also to BEAST of course ! Sorry but I only saw milady's answer.
She's so shining...
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 01 Jun 2008 : 22:41:01
The novel does take partly take place on the Sea of Swords.
BEAST Posted - 01 Jun 2008 : 10:00:18
Originally posted by Fillow

I was told this novel (Sea of Swords)did not take place in the Sea od Swords area.
Is it true ?

It takes place mostly on land, but the sea scenes take place between the Golden Cove, to the north, and Waterdeep, to the south.

I am not familiar with the exact boundary between the Sea of Moving Ice and the Sea of Swords. But it would appear that the sea scenes do indeed occur in the Sea of Swords.

See <James Bluff's map> from here on CK.
Fillow Posted - 31 May 2008 : 11:28:49
I was told this novel (Sea of Swords)did not take place in the Sea od Swords area.
Is it true ?
Mournblade Posted - 25 Apr 2003 : 00:05:27
When I say Rushed, I am talking about production, not pace. Just to Clarify.
Edain Shadowstar Posted - 24 Apr 2003 : 23:50:22
Rushed in production, I'd agree, but as for in pace...actually it dragged a little for me at parts. Maybe, that's just me.
Mournblade Posted - 24 Apr 2003 : 22:44:45
I thought Spine of the World was BETTER than the Sea of Swords.

My only problem with Spine of the World, was it seemed RUSHED. But still it was the BEst out of the three I mentioned before.

Edain Shadowstar Posted - 24 Apr 2003 : 21:09:39
I agree, Sea of Swords did come across a little...rushed. However, I have to ask: What does everyone find so unappealing about The Spine of the World?

I personally liked it. I was definately different than his other "Drizzt" books, but then again, it wasn't a "Drizzt" book...well, not directly in any case. As for The Silent Blade, yeah, it wasn't great. Well, I guess you can't always write a Bestseller...or can you?

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