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 The Srinshee

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
maransreth Posted - 23 Sep 2006 : 07:05:52
Apart from a recent novel (which I won't name to spoil others who might not have read the novel), can anyone remember if the Srinshee was in any other novel?

I have a vague recollection of reading about her in a novel, just can't remember which one. I thought it might have been the Lost Library of Cormanthyr, as I thought she was associated with a library, but there was no mention of her in that novel.

Any thoughts?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Beirnadri Magranth Posted - 24 Sep 2006 : 08:32:05
the anthology story Tearsso White is excellent! i really enjoyed it and it goes into depth about the way many epic characters interact.
maransreth Posted - 24 Sep 2006 : 00:53:00
Interesting. Thanks for the replies. I haven't read any of the anthologies so didn't know about that one.

Interesting because the other options are Elminster books, and both by Ed Greenwood, which implies (possibly) that he hasn't given that information to anyone else yet.
The Sage Posted - 23 Sep 2006 : 08:39:24
Elminster in Hell as well.
Kuje Posted - 23 Sep 2006 : 08:04:13
Elminster in Myth Drannor and in the Realms of the Elves anthology in Tears so White.

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