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T O P I C    R E V I E W
darkvarg Posted - 25 Aug 2006 : 22:08:27
Are there any books covering the blood wars? i am very interested in reading about the war between devils and demons.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 26 Aug 2006 : 01:32:19
Originally posted by Kuje

Hellgate Keep module from 2e details the events of that dungeon. As does Cloak & Dagger, Monsters of Faerun, Lords of Darkness, Rich's Last Mythal trilogy because all of them involve the fey'ri. A succubus elven descended tiefling and or half-fiend.
And Races of Faerun.
The Sage Posted - 26 Aug 2006 : 01:31:50
Originally posted by darkvarg

Are there any books covering the blood wars? i am very interested in reading about the war between devils and demons.

You may also want to pick up copies of the 2e PS sources -- Faces of Evil and Hellbound -- for more in-depth accounts of the relationships between baatezu and tanar'ri and the Blood War itself.
Kuje Posted - 25 Aug 2006 : 23:35:23
Originally posted by darkvarg

is this world related to forgotten realms ( i know both are d&d) but there are several instances in some of the forgotten realms novels that reference the blood wars between devils and demons. Most recently the War of the Spider Queen make several references to this war.

Yes. Planescape was the cosmology of 2e that was expanded on from the cosmology of 1e. However, even in FR's current cosmology there are tons of Planescape references that are still appearing in FR and normal D&D lore.

Hellgate Keep module from 2e details the events of that dungeon. As does Cloak & Dagger, Monsters of Faerun, Lords of Darkness, Rich's Last Mythal trilogy because all of them involve the fey'ri. A succubus elven descended tiefling and or half-fiend.
darkvarg Posted - 25 Aug 2006 : 22:36:51
"Outside of Hellsgate keep story I cant think of any other places where the Blood War has spilled out into Faerun"

what's the name of the book that covers hellsgate keep story is it a trilogy?

darkvarg Posted - 25 Aug 2006 : 22:34:50

is this world related to forgotten realms ( i know both are d&d) but there are several instances in some of the forgotten realms novels that reference the blood wars between devils and demons. Most recently the War of the Spider Queen make several references to this war.
Dargoth Posted - 25 Aug 2006 : 22:34:28
Outside of Hellsgate keep story I cant think of any other places where the Blood War has spilled out into Faerun
Kuje Posted - 25 Aug 2006 : 22:18:50
The Blood Wars trilogy from Planescape and the Hellbound box set from Planescape, which has great details about the Blood War.

The trilogy is:
Blood Hostages
Abyssal Warriors
Planar Powers

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