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 Novel Timeline

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lameth Posted - 17 Aug 2006 : 16:23:15
Is there somewhere a timeline about the novels?

A FR map about the boundaries in the current year?
Everything after: The Last Mythal, The Two Swords...
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BEAST Posted - 08 Oct 2008 : 19:16:53
My sig gives a link to my chronology of RAS's works, based primarily on the time clues actually given in his books, and then modified to fit as well as possible within the rest of the dates provided by WOTC.

But most of the official dates given in WOTC's publications for RAS's works do not match the time details given within his works.
Lord Karsus Posted - 08 Oct 2008 : 04:37:45
-You can find an index of Forgotten Realms novels by dates (and in nice colors) in one of the fanwork links found HERE.

Mod edit: added quotation marks around the URL to make the coding work right.
Jakk Posted - 28 Sep 2008 : 23:20:03
Well, this thread is over two years old, but its title suits my topic perfectly, so I'm reviving it. (posted earlier)

A good link for the skeleton of the chronology, but does anyone know of a timeline that has the major events of the novels slotted into the appropriate year (and month when possible)? I think that's what Lameth had in mind when he posted the original question. I'm posting this here because it focuses on the novels, but my interest is entirely game-campaign-based. I haven't had time to read *all* the novels in over fifteen years, so I'm a wee bit behind.

Thanks for any and all enlightenment provided.

Edit: If someone can get me a list of events and approximate dates in any form, I'm more than happy to polish it up visually for inclusion in the Library, if desired. Thanks again.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 18 Aug 2006 : 03:32:47
Originally posted by O Love

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I need to add that link to my list of links...

*gazing into Wooly's eyes* Do it. Now.

'Tis done, at least on the Linkies! file at home. I've made the necessary notation to do the same to the Linkage! file at work.
The Sage Posted - 18 Aug 2006 : 00:46:07
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Chosen of Bane

And this link has a timeline of when books took place...

I need to add that link to my list of links...


It conveniently picks up from where the WotC listing stopped.
O Love Posted - 17 Aug 2006 : 18:54:27
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I need to add that link to my list of links...

*gazing into Wooly's eyes* Do it. Now.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 17 Aug 2006 : 17:11:02
Originally posted by Chosen of Bane

And this link has a timeline of when books took place...

I need to add that link to my list of links...
Chosen of Bane Posted - 17 Aug 2006 : 17:06:16
Just so you know, R.A. Salvatore's books are usually not set in the Realms present. Despite the publish date, the Thousand Orcs series took place in 1370 and 1371, before the release of the FRCS, Return of Shade, and other stuff that is thought of as recent events. Even though the events contradict things written in the FRCS and Silver Marches, this is the case. The date of 1371 is given in a Realms of the Elves short story that takes place after Two Swords.

And this link has a timeline of when books took place...

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