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 thief realms what book is good

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
katherinna Posted - 22 Jul 2006 : 18:33:47
what book should I read if i wanted to read thief realms?

Mod edit: Moved to the correct section.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 03 Jan 2007 : 22:53:24
Originally posted by Faraer

Why do Americans sometimes say 'Robin Hood' as 'Robinhood', with last syllable unstressed, as if it's a quality?

To be fair I don't see this as an "American thing". It's an error, yes, but I don't see it as a matter of nationality (it's not like I was taught to write "Robinhood" in my U.S. schooling or anything).
Ergdusch Posted - 03 Jan 2007 : 11:53:12
As Scererar mentioned - off topic discussion. However, one last thing since the two of you, Rino and Scer, further explained your meaning I do understand and in that point can only agree with that. She is a good-person and shares that trait with Robin Hood, indeed.

On with the true topic of the thread: thief realms what book is good
Faraer Posted - 03 Jan 2007 : 08:48:42
Why do Americans sometimes say 'Robin Hood' as 'Robinhood', with last syllable unstressed, as if it's a quality?
scererar Posted - 03 Jan 2007 : 04:25:26
And I was using Robinhood-ish , in a very broad sense of the term. with the hopes that it was appropriate to the discussion at the time. As far as continuing on topic, thief characters within the realms, do not get as much attention as I would think. My favorite will always be Torm of the Knights of Myth Drannor. Cale, Riven,& Artimus are close seconds.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 02 Jan 2007 : 23:38:53
Originally posted by Ergdusch

Robin Hood was motivated to steal from the reach and give to the poor. He was out to 'right a wrong' and did this with all means neccisary. However, IMO Kehrsyn (the Char) is not at all like that. I cannot see any similarities between the two, really. Just my thoughts

I meant that she has the same sense of compassion for those who have little...but like I said, that attitude isn't too good for her considering that she also has nothing.
Ergdusch Posted - 02 Jan 2007 : 13:14:30
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Originally posted by scererar

Kind of robinhood-ish. I liked this one. good storyline

Well, I saw this character as being quite more helpless (and solitary) than Robin Hood was. :) But the attitude is certainly similar.

Robin Hood was motivated to steal from the reach and give to the poor. He was out to 'right a wrong' and did this with all means neccisary. However, IMO Kehrsyn (the Char) is not at all like that. I cannot see any similarities between the two, really. Just my thoughts
Ergdusch Posted - 02 Jan 2007 : 12:38:08
Originally posted by ShadowJack


An excellent rogue-ish novel in my opinion. I loved this novel! Whoever said it before was right; Sefris is a badass, despicable, but a great villian... The thief in the book is one of my favorite Realms rogues (why can I not remember his name?) The Realms needs a good thief story focusing on a halfling thief!

His name is 'Aeron'.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 30 Dec 2006 : 04:02:37
Originally posted by scererar

Kind of robinhood-ish. I liked this one. good storyline

Well, I saw this character as being quite more helpless (and solitary) than Robin Hood was. :) But the attitude is certainly similar.
scererar Posted - 30 Dec 2006 : 01:42:24
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Originally posted by Koushiro

The Alabaster Staff was a pretty good rogue novel in my opinion, and as a bonus it is set in a rather undercovered but important part of the realms.

And unlike the other protagonists in the Rogue series, the star rogue in that book actually gives everything she takes back to others, to her own detriment. One can correctly state that that's incredibly stupid on her part (she is too good for her own good), but I liked it because it's so different from the rogues one normally sees.

Kind of robinhood-ish. I liked this one. good storyline
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 29 Dec 2006 : 23:32:03
Originally posted by Koushiro

The Alabaster Staff was a pretty good rogue novel in my opinion, and as a bonus it is set in a rather undercovered but important part of the realms.

And unlike the other protagonists in the Rogue series, the star rogue in that book actually gives everything she takes back to others, to her own detriment. One can correctly state that that's incredibly stupid on her part (she is too good for her own good), but I liked it because it's so different from the rogues one normally sees.
Koushiro Posted - 29 Dec 2006 : 22:15:59
The Alabaster Staff was a pretty good rogue novel in my opinion, and as a bonus it is set in a rather undercovered but important part of the realms.
ShadowJack Posted - 29 Dec 2006 : 12:38:30

An excellent rogue-ish novel in my opinion. I loved this novel! Whoever said it before was right; Sefris is a badass, despicable, but a great villian... The thief in the book is one of my favorite Realms rogues (why can I not remember his name?) The Realms needs a good thief story focusing on a halfling thief!
Ergdusch Posted - 29 Dec 2006 : 12:26:12
Originally posted by Thauramarth

One may also want to consider "King Pinch" (if you can still find it - I do not know of it has been reprinted). The principal characters (would not dare to call them "heroes" ) are a gang of thieves.

Great book! Definitly worth the trouble looking for it, IMO.

Has anyone mentioned 'Elminster: making of a mage' yrt?! There is a section deticated to Els roguish history as well.

quajack Posted - 29 Dec 2006 : 03:15:37
Elminster's Daughter. In it, there's much thievery afoot.
MerrikCale Posted - 29 Dec 2006 : 00:40:43
Originally posted by scererar

Many of Salvatores novels feature thief characters. I have especially enjoyed the latest tales of Entreri and Jarlaxle

Not to steal from Mr. Odom but "seconded".
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 28 Dec 2006 : 23:43:43
Originally posted by Lameth

Erevis Cale is a must read.
And you should try The Lost Library of Cormanthyr

The star of Lost Library was actually a ranger, but since he doubles as an artifact-seeker, that novel could be ideal for lovers of traditional rogue-type characters.
scererar Posted - 28 Dec 2006 : 04:42:06
Many of Salvatores novels feature thief characters. I have especially enjoyed the latest tales of Entreri and Jarlaxle
RodOdom Posted - 28 Dec 2006 : 04:27:24
Originally posted by MerrikCale

read City of Ravens. It was very good.

Seconded !
MerrikCale Posted - 28 Dec 2006 : 02:28:03
read City of Ravens. It was very good.
Lameth Posted - 27 Dec 2006 : 16:38:28
Erevis Cale is a must read.
And you should try The Lost Library of Cormanthyr
Thauramarth Posted - 27 Dec 2006 : 13:17:54
If you can still get hold of it, "King Pinch", by David Cook, features a small gang of thieves.
Victor_ograygor Posted - 27 Dec 2006 : 11:23:36
I have read many fantasy books, and i going to say this quietly : The Erevis Cale trilogy!!!!!!!!!
Twilight Posted - 27 Dec 2006 : 07:26:10
I strongly Recommend The Yellow Silk one of the best FRs I've ever read. The Black Bounquet is good just because Sefris is so Badass
Reefy Posted - 29 Jul 2006 : 16:24:41
I'll also back up anyone favouring City of Ravens, it's a good book and Jack Ravenwild is a cool character.
And Faraer is right, Torm of the Knights of Myth Drannor is perhaps *the* rogue to be looking up.
Conlon Posted - 29 Jul 2006 : 06:55:05
I thought that City of Ravens by Richard Baker was a very entertaining, light read with lots of humour. Check it out!
Akukakk Posted - 27 Jul 2006 : 05:13:22
Ya, if your interested in thieve's check out all of the Rogues series. Though Yellow Silk is bard/rogue, it is still good. and Everis Cale series is really good also, but u should probably read the sembian series to get the background info on it.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 23 Jul 2006 : 21:55:03
Originally posted by Thauramarth

One may also want to consider "King Pinch" (if you can still find it - I do not know of it has been reprinted).

Nope. But one can still buy it used.
Thauramarth Posted - 23 Jul 2006 : 07:38:32
One may also want to consider "King Pinch" (if you can still find it - I do not know of it has been reprinted). The principal characters (would not dare to call them "heroes" ) are a gang of thieves.
Faraer Posted - 23 Jul 2006 : 05:19:43
Read any book that features Torm of Westgate, such as the Shandril's Saga and Shadow of the Avatar series.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 23 Jul 2006 : 05:09:59
Originally posted by Kajehase

Not something of a rogue - class levels in sorcerer aside, he is the epitomised D&D Forgotten Realms rogue.

Oh, even better.

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