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 The weird halfling and the lady

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Thelonius Posted - 12 Mar 2005 : 11:18:08
I've just finished reading the novel "The blue tatoo", and i must say i've found it most interesting and surprising. All the characters got many of aspects interestings, from Alias to Olive, passing through Mist. But there's is one that i can't understand, and maybe cause i re3ally know who he is. I'm talking about Phalse the Fake-Halfling. Who is suppoused he to be? He says he's a rival of Moander, what's is he talking about?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 19 Mar 2005 : 16:02:17
I think he was just some really weird form of demon, and that was the form he had chosen. Had he been a deity or the manifestation of anything other than a nearly dead deity, he should have been a lot more difficult to kill.
Thelonius Posted - 19 Mar 2005 : 10:05:06
It's only that in some a moment of the story, he says that Moander has some kind of "deed" with him, and for the form he adopts at the end of the story, could it be he is some kind of "Beholder God"? as Ghaundaur?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Mar 2005 : 17:49:46
I assume you speak of the book known in the US as Azure Bonds...

I don't think it's ever revealed who, exactly, Phalse was. I've always assumed him to be some sort of major demon or the last remnants of a mostly forgotten evil deity.

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