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 Moonshae Trilogy:New Covers

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CurseLord Posted - 29 Apr 2004 : 23:10:41
I was looking on the product page for Wizards, and noticed that the Moonshae trilogy, the first FR novel trilogy I believe, will be republished and with new covers.

Black Wizards


I would also, link Darkwalker on Moonshae but that link doesn't seem to be working.

Well, I am defently looking foward to this because I always wanted to read these novels.
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Windshear Posted - 28 Jun 2004 : 11:17:59
yippee, I can get a copy of Darkwell. :) I picked Darkwalker and Black Wizards for $4 at a second hand shop the other day, but they didn't have the third book. Unfortunately they only had a sporadic collection of FR books - some of the harpers series, one of the maztica, and so on. *shrug*

I like to have complete sets of books :)
Valondil the Ranger Posted - 26 Jun 2004 : 22:39:50
Yes, but I would like to see them with the new FR logo first. I like this one much more than the previous.
SiriusBlack Posted - 26 Jun 2004 : 18:02:23
Originally posted by Valondil the Ranger
Or they might make a boxed set edition or a Collector's Edition omnibus, so it seems a very likely possibility, though it does not look like it'll be soon...

Agreed, if it does happen it will not be in the near future. I for one will be very surprised to see something like a boxed set, but would be happy if it did occur.
Valondil the Ranger Posted - 26 Jun 2004 : 17:00:29
Later on down the road (i.e. five years or so) they might make reprints of Songs and Swords with the new FR logo. Or they might make a boxed set edition or a Collector's Edition omnibus, so it seems a very likely possibility, though it does not look like it'll be soon...
SiriusBlack Posted - 26 Jun 2004 : 06:37:39
Originally posted by costas
i'd just wish now that songs&swords series would be reprinted

Not sure if that will happen. Those books themselves are reprints from the Harper series.
SiriusBlack Posted - 26 Jun 2004 : 06:35:47
Originally posted by Valondil the Ranger

Does anyone have an idea who did the new covers? It looks like Matt Stawicki's work, but I can't be sure...

I was just about to ask as I have no clue either. By the way, the link for Darkwalker on Moonshae is now working.
Valondil the Ranger Posted - 26 Jun 2004 : 06:10:34
Does anyone have an idea who did the new covers? It looks like Matt Stawicki's work, but I can't be sure...
costas Posted - 26 Jun 2004 : 05:40:25
i am also glad that the moonshae trilogy will be reprinted, and truly i wish wotc would reprint older novels more. there are many people out there who want to read certain books and they can't.

i'd just wish now that songs&swords series would be reprinted
Elmonster Posted - 07 May 2004 : 07:39:51
Good for us who live in countries that didn't have TSR distributors back in early 90's. It's impossible to find them (or Azure Bonds, Maztica etc.) here and most people on e-bay won't send them overseas.

Right, rereleasing old novels is a great opportunity for everyone who wants to read these novels, but for some reasons haven't bought them when they were on shelves.

As for me, i'll buy the books. And hope that WotC will publsih Druidhome Trilogy
Bladesinger Posted - 01 May 2004 : 22:16:15
Good for us who live in countries that didn't have TSR distributors back in early 90's. It's impossible to find them (or Azure Bonds, Maztica etc.) here and most people on e-bay won't send them overseas.
Kameron M. Franklin Posted - 30 Apr 2004 : 16:47:34
Originally posted by Lord Rad

....also, what is "mass market edition"?! is that like the format of the new Shandril's Saga?

"Mass-market" is the industry term for paperback.
The Sage Posted - 30 Apr 2004 : 09:38:01
Well, I'm certainly glad to hear this. As I've said before, the Moonshae trilogy was the first Realms series I ever read, just shortly after it was first published. It will be nice to add these fine novels to my always-increasing collection. I'm not sure whether I'll re-read them, but these reprints will always hold a special meaning for me .
Lord Rad Posted - 30 Apr 2004 : 09:31:13
I also noticed that these versions also have an introduction by Ed Greenwood

....also, what is "mass market edition"?! is that like the format of the new Shandril's Saga?
Lord Rad Posted - 30 Apr 2004 : 09:20:21
Of course the trend of releasing novels with new covers has the danger of WotC doing it for ALL older FR novels. Are we to see the Finders Stone Trilogy, Heroes of Phlan etc. rereleased? I think getting a complete duplicate collection of FR novels is going a bit far for me
Lord Rad Posted - 30 Apr 2004 : 09:16:41
Im not sure I can take anymore of this! Cover art everywhere!! Wooohoooooo ::runs around room giddy::

Love the covers, and the Moonshae Trilogy was the first FR trilogy I read. The Black Wizards cover is amazing. Whilst its clearly another WotC cash-in ill definately be getting these.

Always hoping that WotC get Doug Niles to write more Moonshae novels.

SiriusBlack Posted - 30 Apr 2004 : 04:29:53
Originally posted by CurseLord
I would also, link Darkwalker on Moonshae but that link doesn't seem to be working.

Give it a day or two and the link will be functional again. Such an error almost always happens when WOTC does an update to the site.
BobROE Posted - 30 Apr 2004 : 04:27:38
Great, now I can get one of the 3 series I'm missing.
VEDSICA Posted - 30 Apr 2004 : 03:50:57
Even though I have given up on some of the art.These look rather good.Nice job!!!!!

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