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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 25 Feb 2012 : 23:35:39
I've heard some great things about this book and some bad things as well. What is the book about? Is it all Star elves? is there a sequel or prequel? Help an elven fanboy out please.

Thanks, CEV.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Thauranil Posted - 26 Feb 2012 : 07:12:42
@Lord Karsus

-That is one thing I like that Bruce Cordell does/did. Ususi, a side-character in Lady of Poison was the main character in Darkvision. Kyril Duskmourn, a side-character in Darkvision was the main character of Stardeep. Raidon Kane, the aforementioned Half-Elf/Half-Shou Monk, was a side-character in Stardeep, and was the main character of the Abolithic Sovereignty trilogy.
I agree whole heartedly with that. It creates a sense of continuity and helps you relate to the characters.
Lord Karsus Posted - 26 Feb 2012 : 06:35:59
-You can read my review of Stardeep here: It's fairly comprehensive without giving away too many spoilers.

-Information the book provided in included in the relevant sections of EoF. I also have information from it inserted in unfinished subjects topics, such as the Yuirwood, or the Sildëyuir.

Originally posted by Copper Elven Vampire

So then I should read Darkvision first perhaps??

-I don't think you really need to. Kyril Duskmourn, one of the protagonists of Stardeep is a side-character in Darkvision. She is introduced there, and her character, personality and motives for doing the things she does are fleshed out somewhat in that book, but there is nothing that is necessary to understanding the character. The plot line of Darkvision does not really have anything to do with the plot line of Stardeep with the exception of Kyril's inclusion.

-That is one thing I like that Bruce Cordell does/did. Ususi, a side-character in Lady of Poison was the main character in Darkvision. Kyril Duskmourn, a side-character in Darkvision was the main character of Stardeep. Raidon Kane, the aforementioned Half-Elf/Half-Shou Monk, was a side-character in Stardeep, and was the main character of the Abolithic Sovereignty trilogy.
The Sage Posted - 26 Feb 2012 : 02:06:54
It's not necessary, as I see it, but it does help in the understanding of certain tidbits that Cordell drops into the tale of Stardeep.

To put it simply, there is an underlining common theme running through both Darkvision and Stardeep, and to a lesser extent, the "Abolethic Sovereignty" books as well. For maximum enjoyment, I'd read each as they were originally published. But, as I said, it's not wholly necessary. Either Darkvision or Stardeep can be read in any order, really.
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 26 Feb 2012 : 02:00:18
So then I should read Darkvision first perhaps??
The Sage Posted - 26 Feb 2012 : 01:23:16
Stardeep is largely a lore-filled follow-up of the ideas and concepts Bruce Cordell established in Darkvision. I won't spoil it too much, other than to say that star elves do play a prominent role in this tale.

I know a great many folk here at Candlekeep don't have a particular liking for Cordell's style of Realms-fiction, and they often cite Stardeep as a primary example for reasons why. But I found myself rather enjoying both the tale, and the author's focus on the great archaeological and mystical origins of the Stardeep construct.

If you have read and enjoyed Darkvision or even Bruce's "Abolethic Sovereignty" books, then you'll like Stardeep as well.
Hawkins Posted - 26 Feb 2012 : 01:16:39
There is at least one character in Stardeep that was first in Darkvision. And IIRC, about half the book takes place in Sildëyuir (the extraplanar homeland of the star elves). Also IIRC, one of the characters is a human monk. Anyways, I remember enjoying reading it, and intend to read it again before reading the Abolethic Sovereignty (4e) trilogy, since I do remember something in Stardeep (a 3e book) that hints at the Abolethic Sovereignty.

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