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 Reading age of FR Novels

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Paj Posted - 16 Sep 2010 : 22:13:52
Good evening all,

As the title pretty much says, I'm curious as to what people would say is the average reading age for Forgotten Realms novels.

I ask because I volunteered to help with a Literacy Launch at my secondary school, (I *really* need to stop volunteering for everything mentioned to me... there's only so many hours in a day and I do need to eat and sleep...) and I thought a good way would be to bring in some of my FR and Star Wars books for the pupils to read.

To be perfectly honest I'm not entirely sure how to go about trying to get interest in reading, I find it very difficult to understand how someone aged between 11 and 16 has never picked up a book before...

I spoke to the library and showed the staff there the copy of Elfsong I had on me, but they said the book was too advanced for the age range of the pupils.

Now, I distinctly remember when I was 12, in secondary school, I was reading 'full length' novels (i.e. 300+ page novels with little, to no pictures in them), the Rogue Squadron X-Wing series by Michael Stackpole and Aaron Allston being a particular favourite, and so, the answer given to me by the staff was a little puzzling.

So, what do you as readers, (and authors if any FR authors visit this thread) consider the age-range for your novels to be?

- Paj
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dennis Posted - 17 Sep 2010 : 23:32:51

I used to teach first year high schoolers, which here in our place are 11-13 years old. Many of them read these kinds of novels/books: Warcraft, Starcraft, Stephen King, Paulo Coelho, and even Ayn Rand.
I tried to introduce them to the Realms, but sadly, they weren't that enthusiastic.

Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 17 Sep 2010 : 05:02:46
While officially all FR novels are PG-13, I think some of the Realms novels are more appropriate for young readers than others. Generally speaking, the early stuff (Icewind Dale trilogy, Azure Bonds, Pool of Radiance, Elfshadow, etc.) works for young readers, while some of the more recent stuff (Paul Kemp's books, the War of the Spider Queen series, RAS's Transitions series) might be a little darker and edgier than you're looking for.

I would recommend reading through any potential FR book before giving it to a young reader, to make sure it's ok.

idilippy Posted - 17 Sep 2010 : 00:13:59
I also enjoyed the Rogue Squadron series and my first Realms novels when I was in the 11-13 range but I've always been an avid reader and those sort of things bored my less reading inclined classmates who in other subjects were as smart or smarter than I was. Based only on that I'd say the minimum reading age of an FR novel by a typical kid would be the early to mid-teen range. For kids who are reluctant to read, which I also don't understand, I would say they might be a bit beyond them but it's still worth a try, especially if the kid enjoys fantasy movies or games.

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