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 Realms of the Dead - "A Prayer for Brother Robert"

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kyrene Posted - 20 Jan 2010 : 19:06:15
I’m not familiar with any of Philip Athans work, except noting that he was the editor of some of the previous Realms anthologies. Constantly being confronted by Amaunator as a replacement for Lathander was a bit shocking, but didn’t detract from an excellent tale. Brother Robert, while not having a really Realms sounding name, is almost a non-hero. He is possibly the lowest ranking cleric in the church of Lathander/Amaunator in Dagger Falls, and gets roped into investigating a haunting. He is just naïve, browbeaten and low-ranking enough, and just infatuated enough with the damsel in distress, to take this task seriously.

As the story unfolds it becomes clear that he is wholly out of his depth, but with initially shaky faith in his patron, growing just enough to (not quite) keep up with the rising threat of the horror awaiting him on his quest, he prevails. Also, one of the most amusing and lecherous characters can be found in Three-feet, a regular of the ingloriously named Slurping Stirge tavern, whom Brother Robert has the misfortune to have to interview during his investigations. Only Terry Pratchett has ever made me laugh out loud as gleefully as reading those few pages featuring Three-feet. Great read!
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alisttair Posted - 14 May 2010 : 17:54:16
This was a good one. It was nice to have a Haunted House story mixed in with former Zhentarim and a whole bunch of Crawling Claws (I used a lot of these early in a campaign against my players so they would probably enjoy this tale as well). Nicely done!
Tremaine Posted - 03 May 2010 : 15:46:25
I really enjoyed this tale the investigation robelt held in the tavern before entering the haunted house was was Hilarious, i also enjoyed the character of robert because he was so timid but still felt the urge to do what was right, it makes a nice change fromm the self-confident heros

and the hands were a nice touch
The Red Walker Posted - 23 Jan 2010 : 23:15:28
I have loved about half of Phils work and I guess I'll just say didn't love the otherhalf. I really didn't know what to expect. I basically went in with a blank slate and was happily rewarded with a litte gem!!

I thouroughly enjoyed this tale.....I would rank it with RLB's as my favorite of RoTD so far. The "hero" is anything but.... I don't think he was even described as handsome! Just a regular grunt doing the hard work of a low level cleric. And the damsel is not a throw away either, with her revealing that she knew what she could be vetting into, but could not pass up the chance for a better life for her daughter... She was a well crafted and written.

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