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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Oriac Posted - 21 Jan 2009 : 17:04:36
My favorite FR books are the "War of the Spider Queen" books. I love the characters and I also enjoy a book that doesn't have a good vs. evil concept. I enjoy rooting for the "bad guys", or I like it when there aren't defined factions. I've read the books about Artemis Entreri, "The Haunted Lands" books, and "The Lady Penitent" books. These are not the only FR books I've read but they might be ones that people would think of first to suggest considering what I'm looking for. Please feel free to suggest your favorite FR book, and if it is a book you feel is an absolute must read, even if it is about do-good'rs, you can suggest those too. (Yes I've read the Dark Elf Trilogy) Any and all suggestions are welcome and appreciated.
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Arion Elenim Posted - 26 Jan 2009 : 07:32:35
I'd like to stand up in favor of Evermeet: Island of Elves.
swifty Posted - 25 Jan 2009 : 13:56:14
haunted land trilogy.
Thielan Posted - 25 Jan 2009 : 06:28:12
Definitely the Cale books (I have the sane problem finding the newest one), the Avatar series, and the Knights of Myth Drannor.
yshyi Posted - 24 Jan 2009 : 02:59:36
Alot of the newer citadels books tend to have a darker edge to them, the cale books are my favorite tho i cant seem to find the last one. gotta love those shadovar. The series set in thay, the unholy are good as well
yshyi Posted - 24 Jan 2009 : 02:52:32
The elminster books, Cormyr saga, evermeet, and the avatar series are in my opinion great books to expand your realms lore.
The Red Walker Posted - 23 Jan 2009 : 23:01:36
Originally posted by Oriac

I've read Depths of Madness really liked that. I may have read Blackstaff but I'd have to double check. Well I checked my book store and they don't have most of these books so it looks like I'm gonna be placing a big order.

If you liked Depths of Madness you will LOVE Ghostwalker by the same swordwielding an very tall author Erik Scott de Bie.
Oriac Posted - 22 Jan 2009 : 14:53:17
Ok, so yes I did read Blackstaff, I got it and all but one of the other "The Wizards" for Christmas a year back. Blackstaff was pretty good, but I hope I don't hurt anyones feelings by saying that I did not like Frostfell at all. However, Bloodwalk was way interesting for me because I hadn't read about a blood magus before.
Oriac Posted - 22 Jan 2009 : 14:48:31
I've read Depths of Madness really liked that. I may have read Blackstaff but I'd have to double check. Well I checked my book store and they don't have most of these books so it looks like I'm gonna be placing a big order.
The Sage Posted - 22 Jan 2009 : 04:17:39
Originally posted by Oriac

So the list I have is: Erevis Cale, Twilight War, and then I guess the Knights of Myth Dannor. Also I think I might look into Cormyr: A Novel, afterward just to get some more history on Cormyr.
I'd suggest both Blackstaff and Blackstaff Tower by Steven Schend also.
Lord Karsus Posted - 22 Jan 2009 : 03:09:09
Originally posted by ranger_of_the_unicorn_run

The Songs & Swords series was really good up until the last one or two books. Lots of people even liked those, so I don't think you could go wrong with that series.

-Thornhold, the fourth book, doesn't necessarily even need to be read to understand the plot going on between books I-III.
riot the outsider Posted - 22 Jan 2009 : 01:57:37
Ghostwalker,Depths of Madness. Your into that dark egdey style writting (gothic) if I may say. I like a bit of that myself and know many more books with the same style.
ranger_of_the_unicorn_run Posted - 22 Jan 2009 : 01:23:53
The Songs & Swords series was really good up until the last one or two books. Lots of people even liked those, so I don't think you could go wrong with that series.
Oriac Posted - 22 Jan 2009 : 01:20:46
I've read Ed's Elminster Series, and despite liking the first two or three, I found Elminster in Hell to be my own personal hell. Hopefully "Knights of Myth Drannor" wont be such a bore, even Elminster's Daughter wasn't very exciting. It had a lot of potential build up, but I found it to be very anti-climatic.

So the list I have is: Erevis Cale, Twilight War, and then I guess the Knights of Myth Dannor. Also I think I might look into Cormyr: A Novel, afterward just to get some more history on Cormyr.
The Sage Posted - 21 Jan 2009 : 23:22:46
Ed Greenwood's "Knights of Myth Drannor" trilogy.

'Nuff said!
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 21 Jan 2009 : 21:21:43
Originally posted by Oriac

That topic is for suggesting novels for people who are new to the realms. I am not new to the realms, I'm just trying to find a book that is more to my preferences.

Well, you did ask people to suggest their favorite books, so I'll suggest anything by Greenwood or Cunningham.
Oriac Posted - 21 Jan 2009 : 19:39:44
Thank you for your replies, I think I will begin the Erevis Cale books as soon as I finish up The Fractured Sky, which wont be long. That's if I can find it of course.
mnb128 Posted - 21 Jan 2009 : 18:35:46
Although there is a good vs. evil aspect to them the Erevis Cale books can be pretty dark, and I love them because of it. I enjoy books where the hero isn't always "good." I haven't read the most recent trilogy yet, but Shadow's Witness, the Erevis Cale Trilogy, and all the related short stories are excellent. The Gossamer Plain is a follow-up to WotSQ as well, and features some unsavory characters as well. Haven't read Fractured Sky yet though.
Lord Karsus Posted - 21 Jan 2009 : 18:27:47
-What are your preferences? Judging by what you wrote in your original post, I'd say you might like the Erevis Cale trilogy, and it's sequel, the Twilight War trilogy.
Oriac Posted - 21 Jan 2009 : 17:40:10
That topic is for suggesting novels for people who are new to the realms. I am not new to the realms, I'm just trying to find a book that is more to my preferences.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 21 Jan 2009 : 17:29:11
Please see the "Experienced Help" sticky at the top of this page for novel suggestions.

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