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 Shadowrealm (no spoilers)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Aaron Highcolor Posted - 28 Nov 2008 : 19:55:17
Got a copy early, and I have to say, I absolutely consumed this book.

It is an awesome read, and is a good transition as well.

Great job, kudos, huzzahs are due to Mr. Kemp, and I eagerly await his next foray into the Realms.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Brimstone Posted - 30 Jan 2009 : 22:17:05
-Then you should probably Read the Erevis Cale Series then. Some very important stuff goes on in the Erevis Cale Series.

Aulduron Posted - 30 Jan 2009 : 18:27:36
Yes I'm talking about Twilight Wars. I just don't want to read it, and ruin the future enjoyment of reading the earlier books.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 30 Jan 2009 : 17:01:16
Originally posted by Aulduron

I just bought this series (it was the only complete series I could find at the store).

Which series?

If you mean the Twilight War series, you might want to read the Erevis Cale series first, just to give you some more context. However, you *could* just read the Twilight War books and still enjoy them.
Aulduron Posted - 30 Jan 2009 : 08:22:48
Brimstone is a vampiric smoke dragon in The Year of Rogue Dragons.

Is there anything too spoilery in Twilight War?
Brimstone Posted - 30 Jan 2009 : 06:32:49
-Really which book. I got the name for an Infernal Pact Warlock I am wanting to play. Tiefling of course. I gotta get my group to at least try 4E. Or I will have to find a group that is playing 4E.

-Cale to me is a complex character. I know Paul started to write about him in Dragon Magazine. Then a short story in the 5 part Cormyr series. The Erevis Cale Trilogy is very good. But this last series was really good to me.

Aulduron Posted - 30 Jan 2009 : 04:36:31
So there's nothing I need to know about Cale, before I read?

I just saw you in a book, Brimstone!
Brimstone Posted - 30 Jan 2009 : 04:22:38
Originally posted by Aulduron

I just bought this series (it was the only complete series I could find at the store). On the 2nd page I find out it's an Erevis Cale book. I've not read any of his books.

Should I keep reading, or should I wait until I find and buy the previous books about him?

-I say go for it. I started reading the series, then read the Erevis Cale trilogy. They are good read btw.

Aulduron Posted - 30 Jan 2009 : 02:42:30
I just bought this series (it was the only complete series I could find at the store). On the 2nd page I find out it's an Erevis Cale book. I've not read any of his books.

Should I keep reading, or should I wait until I find and buy the previous books about him?
Stout Heart Posted - 09 Dec 2008 : 21:54:38
Let first say in no way shape or form have I ever been or will I ever be gay I love women passionately. But the only way for me to put my feelings for this book in to words is this. Shadowrealm and the twilight war short story included is such an amazing series of novels that I would marry Paul S. Kemp and spend the rest of my life building him the perfect home and house hold if he promised never to stop writing books for me. No lie lol Goddess help me it was so well worth the wait now I have to read them all over again. I'm a hundred and 140 pages into the book and his mothers words keep echoing in my head as if I was there when she spoke them. "To be the instrument of your downfall."
Baldwin Stonewood Posted - 08 Dec 2008 : 16:10:16
Originally posted by jcw928

Well, there's no forum in the book club and this one isn't the place for all I'll say is that as usual Paul Kemp had me reading all day and night. I was a bit disappointed with the way things turned out, but not at all completely, and I am sure much of it had to do with the changes WOTC has set up for 4E (for which they have lost a customer..things change, so be it).

Mask only became an intriguing character to me during the last two books that followed the Avatar Trilogy, then there was nothing. Then Mr. Kemp really made me love the guy even though he appeared only briefly, he was just written so well in these last books. In fact for a character that I didn't care much about in this shared world of fiction; the mysterious and imaginative portrayal of Mask in these last books made me ache for just a glimmer of the character.

I don't think I can go into any more detail about Cale, Riven, or Rivalen Tanthul without accidentally giving away any plot information or crucial details. Sufficed to say, I couldn't get enough of them.
I was surprised at the ending for all the major characters, I'm still not quite sure what to make of it. That's a good thing, I imagine.

Most of all, I want to recommend this book to anyone who has read the previous novels in the series. If you haven't, then start with the first and I guarantee you won't be able to keep yourself from buying this one. I've read too many fantasy novels to even count at this point, and I've become somewhat bored with what's come lately. Then I started in on the Erevis Cale novels...and I knew I was hooked.

Some questions were still left wide open, I felt. I'm sure that was the idea, but there was still a sense of closure which gave me that feeling I have with any really good novel. I put it down, and just laid back and thought about what I'd read, and felt truly sad that this part of the story had come to an end.

Thank you Mr. Kemp, as before your writing continues to entertain, and even be thought provoking (a rare gift). I hope the powers that be know what a talent they have on their hands.

- Joel

Joel, I could not agree more. I had similar reactions that you had when I completed the book. There was closure but just enough left open to pique my interest.
jcw928 Posted - 07 Dec 2008 : 09:31:43
Well, there's no forum in the book club and this one isn't the place for all I'll say is that as usual Paul Kemp had me reading all day and night. I was a bit disappointed with the way things turned out, but not at all completely, and I am sure much of it had to do with the changes WOTC has set up for 4E (for which they have lost a customer..things change, so be it).

Mask only became an intriguing character to me during the last two books that followed the Avatar Trilogy, then there was nothing. Then Mr. Kemp really made me love the guy even though he appeared only briefly, he was just written so well in these last books. In fact for a character that I didn't care much about in this shared world of fiction; the mysterious and imaginative portrayal of Mask in these last books made me ache for just a glimmer of the character.

I don't think I can go into any more detail about Cale, Riven, or Rivalen Tanthul without accidentally giving away any plot information or crucial details. Sufficed to say, I couldn't get enough of them.
I was surprised at the ending for all the major characters, I'm still not quite sure what to make of it. That's a good thing, I imagine.

Most of all, I want to recommend this book to anyone who has read the previous novels in the series. If you haven't, then start with the first and I guarantee you won't be able to keep yourself from buying this one. I've read too many fantasy novels to even count at this point, and I've become somewhat bored with what's come lately. Then I started in on the Erevis Cale novels...and I knew I was hooked.

Some questions were still left wide open, I felt. I'm sure that was the idea, but there was still a sense of closure which gave me that feeling I have with any really good novel. I put it down, and just laid back and thought about what I'd read, and felt truly sad that this part of the story had come to an end.

Thank you Mr. Kemp, as before your writing continues to entertain, and even be thought provoking (a rare gift). I hope the powers that be know what a talent they have on their hands.

- Joel
Baldwin Stonewood Posted - 07 Dec 2008 : 01:35:00
I thought the book was excellent and the complex battle scene, towards the end, was laid out a clear crisp fashion. Of all the FR novels that I have read, this was probably my favorite.

Given all the changes that WoWC have made with 4.E, the ending made sense.
dwarvenranger Posted - 05 Dec 2008 : 15:26:54
It was a good read, if rather predictable. I really enjoyed the direction Riven went though.
Firestorm Posted - 04 Dec 2008 : 06:12:22
Towards the end of the book, it became a bit hard to follow, and I threw the book on the floor in frustration during the last few pages because of what happens. Was excellent though
Arion Elenim Posted - 04 Dec 2008 : 05:43:22
SPOILER ALERT: Riven and Erevis run against each other in the 2012 election. Riven's motto: Why choose the lesser or two evils?


Sorry...getting out my frustration with having to wait til Christmas for the book by being silly.
Brimstone Posted - 04 Dec 2008 : 03:44:28
-It was a good read, yet I was disapointed with what happens to certain characters.

Aaron Highcolor Posted - 04 Dec 2008 : 01:27:49
Originally posted by Brimstone



Brimstone Posted - 03 Dec 2008 : 20:16:42
-Edited by Brimstone.

Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 03 Dec 2008 : 19:21:16
Originally posted by Brimstone



Ya bastard!

Keep thy mouth well and truly shut until I can get to the bookstore.
Brimstone Posted - 03 Dec 2008 : 18:21:24

Brimstone Posted - 03 Dec 2008 : 15:49:47
-I am about 3 quarters done with this novel.

scererar Posted - 03 Dec 2008 : 05:08:03
picked this up today at my local borders. It was not on the shelf with the rest of the Fr, dragonlance and other sci-fi/fantasy. As I was leaving, peeved about having to brave downtown holiday and 5 o'clock traffic with no results, I spotted the novel in the "stocking stuffer" section by the door. I got me my copy
Brimstone Posted - 02 Dec 2008 : 18:34:57
-Currently reading it.

Baldwin Stonewood Posted - 02 Dec 2008 : 17:00:36
I was able to get the last copy today at Border's in Tampa. Looking forward to the read.
Lord Karsus Posted - 02 Dec 2008 : 15:34:53
-Son of Thunder, that was another good one, while we're sitting here, throwing out good Forgotten Realms books.
Alisttair Posted - 02 Dec 2008 : 14:38:34
That's soon as I am done Son of Thunder, I'm going to Chapters and buying this book so as to start it ASAP!!!!
Lord Karsus Posted - 02 Dec 2008 : 01:44:47
-Lovely Rita, meter maid...
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 02 Dec 2008 : 00:29:31
Originally posted by Aaron Highcolor

No ill feelings Rita...

Me? Glad to hear it.
Aaron Highcolor Posted - 02 Dec 2008 : 00:18:20
Originally posted by PaulSKemp

I hope those of you with an interest in the novel find it worth the wait. To me, it felt like it took forever for December to come.

Couldn't have come soon enough Paul!

And I'm going to have to go and check out BAM tomorrow to get the Plague of Spells.

No ill feelings Rita...
Brimstone Posted - 01 Dec 2008 : 23:49:29
-Well its about Elves. Now if it was about some good ol'Dwarves now that would be outstanding. Hey my first ever D&D character was a Dwarf.


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