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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lewton Posted - 13 Sep 2008 : 01:54:54
Can anyone tell me if they have any insight on the spellplague novels. I've read several of the post-spellplague. Is there a plan for a series that goes into detail about the plague? Maybe who the author might be. I don't think I've missed it, a pretty major event in the Realms. Any info would be appreciated.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Red Walker Posted - 14 Sep 2008 : 00:15:35
Richard Lee Byers Undead takes place during that time period and the Spellplague hits in the midst of a large battle.
Hawkins Posted - 13 Sep 2008 : 02:43:29
Months and months ago, Rich Baker stated that at that time there was no plan to have novels focusing on the Spellplague, nor the silly Tyr/Tymnora/Helm soap opera that really needs help beyond what is briefly covered in the Grand History of the Realms.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 13 Sep 2008 : 02:36:14
I know the Lady Penitent, Thay and Twilight War novels are covering parts of what led up to (and possibly a little of) the actual event, but I don't know if there will be anything that documents the Spellplague itself.
Hawkins Posted - 13 Sep 2008 : 02:07:30
Originally posted by Lewton

Can anyone tell me if they have any insight on the spellplague novels. I've read several of the post-spellplague. Is there a plan for a series that goes into detail about the plague? Maybe who the author might be. I don't think I've missed it, a pretty major event in the Realms. Any info would be appreciated.

Check out Fillow's scroll on the subject.

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