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 Elven rangers in FR novels

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Afetbinttuzani Posted - 04 Jun 2008 : 14:03:21
Well met, all.

One of the PCs in my campaign is new to D&D and the Realms and would like to read an FR novel that would help her to understand and visualize her character's class, race and geographic origins. She is an Elf ranger from the Dales (hasn't decided which). Our 2E campaign is set in Cormyr in 1358. Does anyone have suggestions?

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MerrikCale Posted - 15 Jun 2008 : 18:48:57
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Foxfire, an elven ranger from SILVER SHADOWS.

oh yeah
BEAST Posted - 14 Jun 2008 : 11:09:28
Originally posted by monknwildcat
It seems there was a male elf ranger with a K-name in Dove's party to track down Drizzt, but I don't remember which novel that was, Afet.

Originally posted by Elven Avenger

There's also an Elven Ranger in the novel Soujorn from Drizzt's story. His name if I remember, is Kellindil.

Kellendil is an interesting sort in that he appears to have originated from <the Cold Wood>, rather than the Moonwood, as most of the other elves Drizzt has met, have done.

Kell also is said to rarely stay with his own kind, instead preferring the road. We first meet him in the novel Sojourn with a party of humans and a dwarf.

(Another interesting, though non-Realmsian elven ranger of Salvatore's can be found in his "Spearwielder's Tale" trilogy of books. Kelsenellenelvial Gil'Ravadry, or Kelsey, for short, is an arrogant elf who nevertheless grows on you over time . . .)
Afetbinttuzani Posted - 10 Jun 2008 : 14:08:16
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Foxfire, an elven ranger from SILVER SHADOWS.

Thanks, Elaine. I'm just about to read ELFSHADOW.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 10 Jun 2008 : 13:13:01
Foxfire, an elven ranger from SILVER SHADOWS.
MerrikCale Posted - 10 Jun 2008 : 03:49:06
Originally posted by monknwildcat

Human rangers, I liked Martine from Soldiers of Ice.

An underrated book
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 09 Jun 2008 : 20:58:01
You're welcome!
Afetbinttuzani Posted - 05 Jun 2008 : 14:16:19
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Originally posted by Afetbinttuzani

Originally posted by Alisttair

The Shadows of the Avatar Trilogy by Ed Greenwood has a party of three Rangers called "The Rangers Three".

Are any of the rangers Elves?

They may not be elves but I still think reading about them is a good idea.
There's also an elven ranger who features quite heavily in the first Last Mythal book, Forsaken House.

I've already ordered Shadows of Doom I'll add Forsaken House to the list. Thanks, Rin.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 05 Jun 2008 : 01:29:33
Originally posted by Afetbinttuzani

Originally posted by Alisttair

The Shadows of the Avatar Trilogy by Ed Greenwood has a party of three Rangers called "The Rangers Three". This is set in the dalelands during the time of troubles. This will at least give them an idea of the Ranger class in the realms and in that area. Highly recommend it.

Are any of the rangers Elves?

They may not be elves but I still think reading about them is a good idea.

There's also an elven ranger who features quite heavily in the first Last Mythal book, Forsaken House.
Elven Avenger Posted - 04 Jun 2008 : 19:57:18
There's also an Elven Ranger in the novel Soujorn from Drizzt's story. His name if I remember, is Kellindil.
monknwildcat Posted - 04 Jun 2008 : 19:18:14
Human rangers, I liked Martine from Soldiers of Ice.

The Last Mythal books (at least the first two: Forsaken House & Farthest Reach) had an elf scout(?), Gaerradh, who would function much like a ranger. I never knew if scout was her class or her task as a ranger, especially since she has an animal companion. I don't recall if she appears in the third book or not.

It seems there was a male elf ranger with a K-name in Dove's party to track down Drizzt, but I don't remember which novel that was, Afet.
Alisttair Posted - 04 Jun 2008 : 16:24:34
No they aren't elves but they are Rangers currently in the dales (in the story)...they are human and I remember one is from Baldur's Gate
Ergdusch Posted - 04 Jun 2008 : 16:09:12
Originally posted by Afetbinttuzani

Originally posted by Alisttair

The Shadows of the Avatar Trilogy by Ed Greenwood has a party of three Rangers called "The Rangers Three". This is set in the dalelands during the time of troubles. This will at least give them an idea of the Ranger class in the realms and in that area. Highly recommend it.

Are any of the rangers Elves?

The Rangers Three are Itharr, Belkram and Sharantyr, none of them being elves IIRC.

But than again it is ages ago that I have read the books, don't have them at hand and can't remember ever seeing stats for one of them.

Edit note:You might find more info on them in Kuje's NPC list, which is stored somewhere here at Candlekeep according to his homepage.
Ergdusch Posted - 04 Jun 2008 : 15:41:11
Well, a rather obvious choice for rangers would be Drizzt Do'urden, though he is a Drow and that might make his lookout on the world above and nature in general a bit special. However, IMO it could help visualize the general concept of a rangers view (esp. Drizzt time with Montolio Debrouchee in the novel 'Sojourn').

Besides that I remember a few other appearances of elfs and/or rangers in the Hunters Blade Trilogy featuring the moon elves Innovindil and her partner Tarathiel.

Moreover, there was a (Drow)/elf settlement dedicated to Eilistraee in one of the War of hte Spider Queen books - was it Extinction? - that IMO gave a nice look on elves, though strongly focused on the Dark Maiden.

Lastly I recall Bran Skorlskun, a ranger featured in Elaine Cunninghams Elfshadow.

Edit note:
Before it slips my mind: another ranger and harper agent worshipping Eldath is featured in Crown of Fire by Ed Greenwood but only on very few pages and without much information that would further game play, IMHO.
Afetbinttuzani Posted - 04 Jun 2008 : 15:33:59
Originally posted by Alisttair

The Shadows of the Avatar Trilogy by Ed Greenwood has a party of three Rangers called "The Rangers Three". This is set in the dalelands during the time of troubles. This will at least give them an idea of the Ranger class in the realms and in that area. Highly recommend it.

Are any of the rangers Elves?
Alisttair Posted - 04 Jun 2008 : 14:11:41
The Shadows of the Avatar Trilogy by Ed Greenwood has a party of three Rangers called "The Rangers Three". This is set in the dalelands during the time of troubles. This will at least give them an idea of the Ranger class in the realms and in that area. Highly recommend it.

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