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 Worlds Of Their Own

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
darkcrow Posted - 26 Mar 2008 : 01:49:56
This book (? Publisher is Paizo ?) gets released in Aug. and from what I gather it's a book of short stories from some of the all time greatest Realms writers like R. A. Salvatore, Ed Greenwood, Elaine Cunningham, Monte Cook, Michael A. Stackpole. Is this going to be a Realms Novel?
Found it on Amazon.

P.S. Hi O Love
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hawkins Posted - 11 Sep 2008 : 16:44:46
Most of the way through my copy, with overtime and taking a break to read Gypsy Morph (an excellent book by the way). I am enjoying it immensely.
DragonReader Posted - 11 Sep 2008 : 15:04:20
Originally posted by JamesLowder

For anyone interested in Worlds of Their Own, today was the book's "street date." It should be available through and finer retailers everywhere. (My local comic/game shop got their copies through Diamond today.)

Jim Lowder

Thanks for the heads up. Now I know what I'll use this weeks Border's coupon for
The Sage Posted - 11 Sep 2008 : 08:20:13
*The Sage makes a mental note to check the local book store today*
JamesLowder Posted - 11 Sep 2008 : 06:51:18
For anyone interested in Worlds of Their Own, today was the book's "street date." It should be available through and finer retailers everywhere. (My local comic/game shop got their copies through Diamond today.)

Jim Lowder
JamesLowder Posted - 18 Aug 2008 : 08:17:11
Hope you enjoy it, when you do find the time. Copies were indeed available at Gen Con, and the book looks great. I'm really happy with the design and layout. The signing on Saturday was a lot of fun, too.

Hawkins Posted - 14 Aug 2008 : 16:35:13
Woot! My copy arrived yesterday. I can't wait to finish Depths of Madness so I can start it. I don't have time to read two books at once right now because it is the busy season at my work (which means overtime for me; not all bad since I get more money, but it does mean less leisure time too).
JamesLowder Posted - 12 Aug 2008 : 00:46:06
Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

Woohoo! Just got the email Paizo informing me that my copy of Worlds of Their Own is in the mail!!! Now I just have to wait 4-8 days for it to arrive...

You may see a copy of the book before I do! My subscription copy is on the way (I subscribe to the Planet Stories releases, too), but it won't get here before I leave for Gen Con.

Hawkins Posted - 12 Aug 2008 : 00:43:33
Woohoo! Just got the email Paizo informing me that my copy of Worlds of Their Own is in the mail!!! Now I just have to wait 4-8 days for it to arrive...
Jorkens Posted - 07 Aug 2008 : 10:03:16
Originally posted by JamesLowder

If you're interested in any of the other Planet Stories books, Paizo does have a subscription option that lowers the price. The reprint titles they've done so far are great. I signed up for a subscription months before I signed on to put together Worlds of Their Own.

Thanks again for your interest in the book!

Jim Lowder

I will second that. The Planet Stories is a great series. Classic fantasy and Sword and Planet tales, many of them not seen in decades.
JamesLowder Posted - 07 Aug 2008 : 00:28:35
Word from Paizo is that Worlds of Their Own is now in the warehouse and will be available for purchase at Gen Con. It will be shipping to Planet Stories subscription customers shortly and should be available through the retail channels not long after that.

Jim Lowder
JamesLowder Posted - 28 Jul 2008 : 05:23:22
Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

Damn, when does GenCon begin? I even ordered it from the Paizo site because I am trying to support them (normally I would bought it at Amazon with the 32% off and free super saver shipping). Also (not that Amazon is always correct), but I noticed that Amazon has the pub date at September 10th. (I am really excited about this book, if you haven't guessed yet. )

Wow. I'm really happy to hear you're so interested in the book! It will ship from Paizo pretty quickly once it comes in, probably well before that September 10th street date at Amazon. Gen Con starts August 14th, so you should get your copy from Paizo before the end of August.

If you're interested in any of the other Planet Stories books, Paizo does have a subscription option that lowers the price. The reprint titles they've done so far are great. I signed up for a subscription months before I signed on to put together Worlds of Their Own.

Thanks again for your interest in the book!

Jim Lowder
The Sage Posted - 28 Jul 2008 : 05:09:01
Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

Damn, when does GenCon begin?
The 14th of August.
Hawkins Posted - 28 Jul 2008 : 05:00:23
Damn, when does GenCon begin? I even ordered it from the Paizo site because I am trying to support them (normally I would bought it at Amazon with the 32% off and free super saver shipping). Also (not that Amazon is always correct), but I noticed that Amazon has the pub date at September 10th. (I am really excited about this book, if you haven't guessed yet. )
JamesLowder Posted - 27 Jul 2008 : 21:37:46
Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

Mr. Lowder,

Is there an ETA better than "hopefully before GenCon" yet?

The last I heard from Paizo, Worlds of Their Own is on schedule to debut at Gen Con 2008. As we get closer to the show I'll check in with them again, but as of last week, we were still on target.

Jim Lowder
Hawkins Posted - 27 Jul 2008 : 21:29:01
Mr. Lowder,

Is there an ETA better than "hopefully before GenCon" yet?


P.S. If not, are you allowed to and would you be willing to tell us what the hang-up is?
JamesLowder Posted - 29 Jun 2008 : 17:32:51

I did an interview about Worlds of Their Own and anthology editing in general. It's been posted at the excellent Flames Rising web site:

Jim Lowder
Aaron Highcolor Posted - 17 Jun 2008 : 18:39:24
Here's another August purchase I suppose.

Don't think there's an author on there I don't enjoy reading!
MerrikCale Posted - 17 Jun 2008 : 03:50:13
Originally posted by JamesLowder

Originally posted by Brian R. James

Coming out in August eh? Now that looks like an excellent item to preorder. Or perhaps it will be available Gen Con?

We're aiming for a Gen Con debut, but we'll have to see if the printer gods are smiling upon us.


Good luck

I for one will definately get the book
Hawkins Posted - 16 Jun 2008 : 16:54:10
The only thing that made me sad is that Steven Schend was not one of the contributing authors. However, there are so many authors on there that I am familiar with (1 or 2 of them not Realms authors), I definitely need to get it.
The Sage Posted - 14 Jun 2008 : 07:26:53
Originally posted by JamesLowder


The table of contents and the final cover for Worlds of Their Own has been posted over at

Jim Lowder

Thanks Jim. I've been looking forward to this. And seeing the actual contents now, the only thought I'm left with is... Is it August yet?
JamesLowder Posted - 14 Jun 2008 : 06:00:37
Originally posted by Brian R. James

Coming out in August eh? Now that looks like an excellent item to preorder. Or perhaps it will be available Gen Con?

We're aiming for a Gen Con debut, but we'll have to see if the printer gods are smiling upon us.

KnightErrantJR Posted - 14 Jun 2008 : 05:51:03
Gary Teter just said in the (unofficial) Paizo chatroom that they were indeed trying to have this ready for Gen Con, but didn't promise anything.
Brian R. James Posted - 14 Jun 2008 : 05:25:24
Coming out in August eh? Now that looks like an excellent item to preorder. Or perhaps it will be available Gen Con?
JamesLowder Posted - 14 Jun 2008 : 02:51:54

The table of contents and the final cover for Worlds of Their Own has been posted over at

Jim Lowder
Wooly Rupert Posted - 05 Apr 2008 : 18:38:52
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Stackpole is one of a very small list of authors who can sell me a book by putting his name on the cover.
He's also one of the few highlights of the MechWarrior: Dark Age series of novels.

Unfortunately, my hatred of the farce that is the Dark Age has kept me from reading too mnay of those books. I did read the first Stackpole one, and a couple of others, but I just can't buy into the Dark Age timeline.

Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I found the political manuevering behind the fighting much more interesting than the fighting itself (though some of that was good, like when Kai was behind enemy lines on Alyina or when Caradoc Travena was fighting the Jade Chickens on Coventry).
Oh, come now Wooly. I know how much you loved seeing Stackpole have the Davions deliver the "beat-down" on the Capellans.

Eh, the Cappies are just too easy to beat up. It's not as much fun to watch their inevitable defeat.

That said, the Warrior trilogy is excellent, and I loved Justin Allard's role in the series.
The Sage Posted - 05 Apr 2008 : 18:03:23
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Stackpole is one of a very small list of authors who can sell me a book by putting his name on the cover.
He's also one of the few highlights of the MechWarrior: Dark Age series of novels.
I found the political manuevering behind the fighting much more interesting than the fighting itself (though some of that was good, like when Kai was behind enemy lines on Alyina or when Caradoc Travena was fighting the Jade Chickens on Coventry).
Oh, come now Wooly. I know how much you loved seeing Stackpole have the Davions deliver the "beat-down" on the Capellans.


I'm glad to see Stackpole's involved though. I may just have to check this out myself.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 05 Apr 2008 : 16:05:59
Stackpole is one of a very small list of authors who can sell me a book by putting his name on the cover.

I first found his BattleTech novels, which remain my fave of the series. While he did do some of the Mech battles common to all of the novels, Stackpole also played with the politics of the setting, on a large scale. I found the political manuevering behind the fighting much more interesting than the fighting itself (though some of that was good, like when Kai was behind enemy lines on Alyina or when Caradoc Travena was fighting the Jade Chickens on Coventry).

I've only read one of his Star Wars novels, I, Jedi. But I really enjoy that novel.

A Hero Born is a fantastic novel; the main good guy's full backstory is one of the most interesting ideas I've ever seen in a novel.

I've also really enjoyed the Dragon Crown War novels, especially the prequel.
Nimriel Posted - 05 Apr 2008 : 09:37:13
Stackpole is also one of the(IMHO) few good Star Wars authors. And the author of the Dragon Crown War novels, the Age of Discovery novels and The Pulling Report.
JamesLowder Posted - 05 Apr 2008 : 07:28:06
Originally posted by darkcrow

I love every author featured in this treasure horde. Except for Michael A. Stackpole, I don't know him. But the others I'm huge fans of their work. It's reason enough for me to add it to my shelf. Jim, thanks for the info so far.

Realms fans are going to know many of the writers, but there are some writers who have worked in the Warhammer universe or, in Mike Stackpole's case, Battletech. We hope that the book will do a couple of things, in addition to present some really entertaining stories: introduce readers to at least a few writers you might not be familiar with and showcase the creator-owned work by all the writers.


darkcrow Posted - 05 Apr 2008 : 06:41:23
I love every author featured in this treasure horde. Except for Michael A. Stackpole, I don't know him. But the others I'm huge fans of their work. It's reason enough for me to add it to my shelf. Jim, thanks for the info so far.

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