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 Al-Qadim novels?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Theophilus Posted - 17 Jan 2008 : 03:02:58
My curiosity motivates me to ask:

Considering that the Al-Qadim setting was considered part of the Realms, were there any Al-Qadim novels published, and if not, does anyone know why?

(I have thought that they would have provided some very interesting material for at least an Anthology)
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ergdusch Posted - 17 Jan 2008 : 12:59:07
As far as I know the continents Kara-Tur, Zakhara and Maztica are all part of the Forgotten Realms. Even though Kara-Tur was only later placed on Toril it now should be considered part of it none the less. Therefore as such I would most definitely consider them all a part of the FR and order them as such in my or any library/bookshelf for that matter.

However, as Kara-Tur products (later) and Maztica products were officially labeled as Forgotten realms material (with the FR logo on most any from cover that I can racall) the Al-Qadim products were not labeled as such. Why that is i don't know but I can imagine that while Zakhara is part of Fearun the designers or marketing department considered it to be better in some way to keep the Al-Qadim setting seperate rather than to be implement yet another setting into the FR campaign world.

BARDOBARBAROS Posted - 17 Jan 2008 : 12:44:30
Yes .. there is a novel which is called the Secret of the Djinn ... i have it!
Alisttair Posted - 17 Jan 2008 : 11:59:22
Speaking of which, if there were some, would they be considered REALMS novels and be part of the Realms Library? Same question goes for Kara-Tur novels...should those be considered part of the library/bookshelf??? I haven't taken the time to put them on my checklist of Realms products to get because I never saw a list of them without looking but the game products are part of Realms library (I believe that is the case here)
Jorkens Posted - 17 Jan 2008 : 08:49:28
No, there were never any Al-Quadim novels published. There was more than enough material to work from, but in many ways I am glad the setting was left alone by the book department. I think the openness and unresolved plot hooks in the more or less uniformly great products of the setting, is a large part of its appeal for me personally.
Ergdusch Posted - 17 Jan 2008 : 08:47:48
I don't know of any novels that TSR had published. Why that is I have no further knowledge of. However, IIRC in Dragon 208 was a short story set in Al-Qadim: 'Time in a Bottle'.

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