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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Veldrin Laervain Posted - 09 Jan 2008 : 02:11:54
Will their be a sequel? I know it'S been a long time since it was print and all... But that's one of my favorite novel ever in the realms. I just keep read it when I have time and nothing new to read.

And with the futur death of Mystra and all the change in magic and Shadow magic, what whill apen to them? What will appen to Mateo and Tzigone?
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fillow Posted - 14 Sep 2008 : 13:15:41
Thanks a lot for this piece of information and this explanation Elaine.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 14 Sep 2008 : 13:10:01
Originally posted by Fillow

Originally posted by The Red Walker

Originally posted by BARDOBARBAROS

Does anyone knows if any of the 3 books of this trilogy were published in Hardcover binding by wizards of the coast??

Yes , I have The Magehound in hardback, not sure if the other two ever were though.

I also found the Book I in hardcover but not the second nor the third ones. They simply seem not to exist.

They don't. WotC published all three books as mass market paperback originals, but the first book was printed in hard cover for the Science Fiction Book Club. The next two books were not picked up by the book club.
Fillow Posted - 14 Sep 2008 : 11:04:42
Originally posted by The Red Walker

Originally posted by BARDOBARBAROS

Does anyone knows if any of the 3 books of this trilogy were published in Hardcover binding by wizards of the coast??

Yes , I have The Magehound in hardback, not sure if the other two ever were though.

I also found the Book I in hardcover but not the second nor the third ones. They simply seem not to exist.
The Red Walker Posted - 14 Sep 2008 : 00:13:13
Originally posted by BARDOBARBAROS

Does anyone knows if any of the 3 books of this trilogy were published in Hardcover binding by wizards of the coast??

Yes , I have The Magehound in hardback, not sure if the other two ever were though.
BARDOBARBAROS Posted - 13 Sep 2008 : 22:10:50
Does anyone knows if any of the 3 books of this trilogy were published in Hardcover binding by wizards of the coast??
Jimbobx Posted - 13 Sep 2008 : 09:30:43
Originally posted by cacoxxx

Im sorry im not actually a fan or follower of FR, i was just passing by a bookstore and bought the set of C&K, so i dont really know what 4E is, can anyone enlighten me??


FR or the Forgotten Realms is the shared setting/campaign world (created by Ed Greenwood) for the Dungeons and Dragons Role playing game.
The Counselors and Kings Trilogy (as well as many other fine novels and short stories) is set in this shared world .
4e or 4th Edition is the most recent version of both the Dungeons & Dragons game and the FR campaign setting.
The 4e of the FR setting has introduced many changes. Most significantly (IMO) the introduction of a 100 year Time Leap forward and the destruction of the Land of Halruaa (one of my favorite areas).

I'd say you were pretty lucky to pick up the set in a book store. A second hand full set from Amazon goes for around £50 these days.
Hawkins Posted - 13 Sep 2008 : 00:40:50
Originally posted by cacoxxx

Im sorry im not actually a fan or follower of FR, i was just passing by a bookstore and bought the set of C&K, so i dont really know what 4E is, can anyone enlighten me??

Are you asking about D&D 4th Edition or the Forgotten Realms 4th Edition (the results of the new edition of D&D on the Realms)? They are, to many, two very different things.
cacoxxx Posted - 13 Sep 2008 : 00:17:57
Im sorry im not actually a fan or follower of FR, i was just passing by a bookstore and bought the set of C&K, so i dont really know what 4E is, can anyone enlighten me??

Hawkins Posted - 12 Sep 2008 : 23:54:24
Ack! 4e is Murder of Halruaa...
The Red Walker Posted - 12 Sep 2008 : 21:43:54
Originally posted by Fillow

Originally posted by Fillow

Originally posted by cacoxxx

HI, after all that's happened i wonder if there will be a sequel to C&K, or a prequel about the 3 and how the heart of halruaa came to be

many thanks

I remember about an Elaine's post where she writes about the sequels of our favorite characters of hers.
I do not have time enough to find this post back but I'm afraid of remembering she wrote there would not exist any sequel...
But I write again that I'm not sure anymore !

EDIT : And welcome to the Keep Cacoxxx.

I will add that having a look at the future of Halruaa seems to mean that there wont be Councelors & Kings sequels anymore. Don't you think so ?

Looks like you are right.

And by the way, Murder in Halruaa is a fun read, grab it if you can!!!(especially in hardcover!)
Fillow Posted - 12 Sep 2008 : 21:24:39
Originally posted by Fillow

Originally posted by cacoxxx

HI, after all that's happened i wonder if there will be a sequel to C&K, or a prequel about the 3 and how the heart of halruaa came to be

many thanks

I remember about an Elaine's post where she writes about the sequels of our favorite characters of hers.
I do not have time enough to find this post back but I'm afraid of remembering she wrote there would not exist any sequel...
But I write again that I'm not sure anymore !

EDIT : And welcome to the Keep Cacoxxx.

I will add that having a look at the future of Halruaa seems to mean that there wont be Councelors & Kings sequels anymore. Don't you think so ?
Fillow Posted - 12 Sep 2008 : 21:00:21
Originally posted by Kairin

I'm a bit hesitant about the shipping rates from ebay (I live in Scandinavia). Not everyone wants to send books outside US either.

There are original FR novels in European Ebay websites you know !
dealing with that, I try to sell the hardcover version of Murder in Cormyr... a new item.
Kairin Posted - 12 Sep 2008 : 10:32:10
I'm a bit hesitant about the shipping rates from ebay (I live in Scandinavia). Not everyone wants to send books outside US either.
The Red Walker Posted - 12 Sep 2008 : 00:18:59
I got lucky enough to get a hardback version of The Magehound on eBay for like 9 bucks, shipping included. The seller had a couple more and I mentioned on another scroll.
Fillow Posted - 11 Sep 2008 : 20:56:05
Originally posted by Kairin

I bought the first book in the series in a store a few years ago. They had one copy of each book in the trilogy. I assumed the rest of them would be there when I had more money. No such luck. I often curse myself for leaving them behind.

I've just made a search in Ebay and found them.
Why don't you try it ?
Hawkins Posted - 11 Sep 2008 : 20:56:03
Originally posted by Kairin

I bought the first book in the series in a store a few years ago. They had one copy of each book in the trilogy. I assumed the rest of them would be there when I had more money. No such luck. I often curse myself for leaving them behind.
I made a similar mistake (I bought the first when it came out, but didn't try to buy the others til a couple of years later). I was lucky and found a used copy of the second one for not too much, but I have not been able to find the third one for anywhere near or below list price.
Kairin Posted - 11 Sep 2008 : 20:48:27
I bought the first book in the series in a store a few years ago. They had one copy of each book in the trilogy. I assumed the rest of them would be there when I had more money. No such luck. I often curse myself for leaving them behind.
Fillow Posted - 11 Sep 2008 : 20:38:38
Originally posted by cacoxxx

HI, after all that's happened i wonder if there will be a sequel to C&K, or a prequel about the 3 and how the heart of halruaa came to be

many thanks

I remember about an Elaine's post where she writes about the sequels of our favorite characters of hers.
I do not have time enough to find this post back but I'm afraid of remembering she wrote there would not exist any sequel...
But I write again that I'm not sure anymore !

EDIT : And welcome to the Keep Cacoxxx.
cacoxxx Posted - 11 Sep 2008 : 18:35:58
HI, after all that's happened i wonder if there will be a sequel to C&K, or a prequel about the 3 and how the heart of halruaa came to be

many thanks
Fillow Posted - 11 Jan 2008 : 20:52:31
Originally posted by Nimriél

Yeah, I've searched eBay like a million times but I never seems to find a seller who ship internationally. Same on Amazon.

I confirm there are a lot of international Ebay-sellers on every Ebay national websites.
When it's not written in the webpage of the item you are interested in, just ask (to ) the seller !

A lot of French FR fans order their "French written" D&D or FR products from Belgium, but although from Canada.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 Jan 2008 : 13:56:25
Originally posted by Nimriél

Yeah, I've searched eBay like a million times but I never seems to find a seller who ship internationally. Same on Amazon.

That's odd... I've gotten eBay stuff from Canada, Italy, England, Taiwan, and Australia more than once, and from Japan several times. The stuff from Canada seems to take the longest.
Nimriel Posted - 11 Jan 2008 : 12:26:40
Yeah, I've searched eBay like a million times but I never seems to find a seller who ship internationally. Same on Amazon.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 10 Jan 2008 : 21:41:00
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Nimriél

I'd sell my soul to just get a chanse to read Counselors & Kings.

Try eBay. I see the books on there on occasion (including an auction that ended yesterday). Many sellers will ship internationally, too. And the extra dollars (or euros, or whatnot) are a better bargain than your soul.

Very true. I do not recommend soul-selling.

I wish I had extra copies of the trilogy to spare, but I lost most of my author copies of FLOODGATE in--wait for it--a flood.

Okay, it was a SMALL flood. Or more accurately, a leaking hot water heater. But hey--wet is wet.

This story would be better if I had a dog who chewed up my extra copies of the MAGEHOUND.

Ayunken-vanzan Posted - 10 Jan 2008 : 21:27:06
Sometimes Amazon has used versions of the trilogy, too. I bought book 2 used on Amazon, since it was already sold out as new version.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 10 Jan 2008 : 20:30:22
Originally posted by Nimriél

I'd sell my soul to just get a chanse to read Counselors & Kings.

Try eBay. I see the books on there on occasion (including an auction that ended yesterday). Many sellers will ship internationally, too. And the extra dollars (or euros, or whatnot) are a better bargain than your soul.
Herkles Posted - 10 Jan 2008 : 20:24:48
I would love for a reprint of them, or if i could get my hands on this series. I have wanted to read it for a long time but sadly it is out of print.
Nimriel Posted - 10 Jan 2008 : 18:39:30
I'd sell my soul to just get a chanse to read Counselors & Kings.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 09 Jan 2008 : 14:04:56
Hi, folks. Thanks for your interest in Matteo, Tzigone, and Halruaa.

I wish I could answer these questions, but I have no idea what plans WotC might have for these books. At present, they are officially OOP. It is possible, I suppose, that they might be reprinted as an omnibus somewhere along the line, but I consider this unlikely. What with 4e coming up, the focus will most likely be on the future, not the past.

If anything develops, I'll be sure to pass along the news.

Kairin Posted - 09 Jan 2008 : 11:54:24
I have the first part, but can't find the rest. It drives me crazy.. Are there any plans of reprinting them?
Hawkins Posted - 09 Jan 2008 : 02:41:30
Why don't you ask Elaine on her scroll? I would be interested in more adventures of Matteo and Tzigone.

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