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 Complete Cloakmaster cycle on eBay

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jamallo Kreen Posted - 05 Nov 2007 : 19:30:16 is for the complete Cloakmaster cycle on eBay. I'm not the one offering it, and cannot vouch for the seller in any way, but the last two books are very difficult to find (I had to get Radiant Dragon directly from Elaine Cunningham!), so I post this here.

The series has quite a lot of Realmslore, particularly about Nimbral and the Elven Imperial Navy's relations with Evermeet.

The same seller is offering 42 Realms novels in a single lot:

30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 15 Oct 2008 : 03:03:24

If I can't find a copy around here, I may just have to grab one of your copies from eBay.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 15 Oct 2008 : 02:12:12
Originally posted by The Sage

Now, I'm sure I've actually lost one of the "Double Diamond" books recently. I think I'll have to check through my stacks.

Well, I've also got dupes of 1-7. So I've got two complete sets, and books 1-7.

Needless to say, I only intend to hold on to just one set.
The Sage Posted - 15 Oct 2008 : 00:38:44
Now, I'm sure I've actually lost one of the "Double Diamond" books recently. I think I'll have to check through my stacks.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 14 Oct 2008 : 20:37:10
I now have a complete second set of the Double Diamond Triangle Saga books. All nine books. I'm going to be putting them up on eBay, either this week or next.
Thielan Posted - 09 Oct 2008 : 12:20:00
Sorry from Vic so unfortunately that doesn't work.
I've got a good Sci-Fi/Fantasy oriented bookshop nearby, but I've tried the other places he recommended
The Sage Posted - 07 Oct 2008 : 03:04:34
Originally posted by Thielan

ah been searching for the last cloakmaster book for ages, found 1-5 in second hand bookshops...

Which part of the country are you living in Thielan? I know a few used bookstores in Western Australia and South Australia that have copies of most of the "Cloakmaster Cycle" books.
Thielan Posted - 07 Oct 2008 : 02:37:27
ah been searching for the last cloakmaster book for ages, found 1-5 in second hand bookshops...
The Sage Posted - 30 Sep 2008 : 00:20:28
While we're on the subject of difficult-to-find books, I managed to nab copies of the first two volumes of the "Dwarven Nations" trilogy from an Australian supplier the other day. Which is neato! Now all I need do, is find the final book.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Sep 2008 : 21:53:52
The other day, I found 7 of the 9 Double Diamond books on eBay... With a Buy It Now price of $20!

And they were all in better condition than the copies I had. I am pleased with myself for finding that auction before anyone else.

The only thing I have to decide now is whether to list the duplicates as a lot or individually...
Mazrim_Taim Posted - 28 Feb 2008 : 21:49:29
It would be nice to get a nice big collective edition of those. But maybe these won't get too high.
Mazrim_Taim Posted - 28 Feb 2008 : 21:48:45
I tried to edit it and it made another post.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 27 Feb 2008 : 12:27:19
The entire Double Diamond Triangle Saga is back up on eBay.
Jamallo Kreen Posted - 02 Feb 2008 : 09:19:11
Originally posted by Mazrim_Taim

I see the Double Diamond Triangle 1-9 up on Ebay right now, this is the first time I've heard of it. Was it a short print?

I was thinking of bidding just because it's FR. Has anyone read these? The bid is pretty high right now.

I paid the big bucks for just one of them and was shocked that it was a skinny little thing hardly worth the name of "novel." Mind you, it may be an outstanding book, but I'd be happier if WotC repackaged them as a single big book. It grates on the nerves to pay so much for (seemingly) so little.

Mazrim_Taim Posted - 11 Jan 2008 : 22:47:12
I see the Double Diamond Triangle 1-9 up on Ebay right now, this is the first time I've heard of it. Was it a short print?

I was thinking of bidding just because it's FR. Has anyone read these? The bid is pretty high right now.
Hawkins Posted - 11 Jan 2008 : 20:14:16
I finished the Cloakmaster Cycle last weekend. I enjoyed it, but not overly much. It is one of those things where I understand why they did what they did, but I do not really agree that they should have do what they did. Anyways, I got the whole series off of ebay for 14 USD, so I am not complaining. I just wish that the auction had mentioned that the sixth book had some water damage.
Jamallo Kreen Posted - 11 Jan 2008 : 18:18:43
I recently bought TWO copies of the TSR Spelljammer adventure collection, 9286 (SJA2) Skull & Crossbows, and I have started a separate scroll about it in "D&D Core Products" (because it's not officially "branded" as a Forgotten Realms product) to address some of the Realms-related points in the adventures. I am mentioning it here, however, because it was written by Nigel Findley and seems to have been TSR's way of making a Cloakmaster adventure path without actually using that word (or paying royalties to any of the other writers, I presume!). There are MANY similarities, though, and it's as close as you're likely to come to an actual Cloakmaster adventure path. For example, instead of "Estriss" the mindflayer obsessed with "the Juna," in Skull & Crossbows we have "Thought Taker," the mindflayer obsessed with "the Elders!"

As I said, I wound up with two copies, and I'm willing to sell one or swap it for something which I don't have (Krynnspace, maybe), but let's discuss that on the other scroll and leave this for the Cloakmaster books.

(FYI, for the benefit of new scribes, the two boldfaced terms are active links and may be clicked to go to the desired destination.)

MerrikCale Posted - 03 Dec 2007 : 00:45:37
Originally posted by Jamallo Kreen

Originally posted by MerrikCale



Which auction are you referring to? And were you the person I beat by $1?

I just got the Double Diamond books in the mail today. I didn't realize they were so short!

you don't see them that often on ebay

Actually, two sets showed up at the same time. I lost out on both ( ). This week several individual volumes were on sale. I've noticed (as with the Cloakmaster series) that availability tends to come in cycles: dearth followed by abundance followed by dearth. I'll get 'em sooner or later.

I will battle thee for the next set
Jamallo Kreen Posted - 01 Dec 2007 : 21:15:52
Originally posted by MerrikCale



Which auction are you referring to? And were you the person I beat by $1?

I just got the Double Diamond books in the mail today. I didn't realize they were so short!

you don't see them that often on ebay

Actually, two sets showed up at the same time. I lost out on both ( ). This week several individual volumes were on sale. I've noticed (as with the Cloakmaster series) that availability tends to come in cycles: dearth followed by abundance followed by dearth. I'll get 'em sooner or later.

MerrikCale Posted - 01 Dec 2007 : 16:15:51
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Jamallo Kreen

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I just won the complete set on eBay a week or two ago, myself... And last week, I was outbid by a mere dollar on the complete Double Diamond Triangle set, something I'd been trying to get for a while... I tried again on another set last night, and this time I got it.

AAAAARGH! You outbid me!

Which auction are you referring to? And were you the person I beat by $1?

I just got the Double Diamond books in the mail today. I didn't realize they were so short!

you don't see them that often on ebay
Wooly Rupert Posted - 01 Dec 2007 : 04:13:28
Originally posted by Jamallo Kreen

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I just won the complete set on eBay a week or two ago, myself... And last week, I was outbid by a mere dollar on the complete Double Diamond Triangle set, something I'd been trying to get for a while... I tried again on another set last night, and this time I got it.

AAAAARGH! You outbid me!

Which auction are you referring to? And were you the person I beat by $1?

I just got the Double Diamond books in the mail today. I didn't realize they were so short!
Jamallo Kreen Posted - 01 Dec 2007 : 01:37:31
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I just won the complete set on eBay a week or two ago, myself... And last week, I was outbid by a mere dollar on the complete Double Diamond Triangle set, something I'd been trying to get for a while... I tried again on another set last night, and this time I got it.

AAAAARGH! You outbid me!

Wooly Rupert Posted - 26 Nov 2007 : 20:45:09
I just won the complete set on eBay a week or two ago, myself... And last week, I was outbid by a mere dollar on the complete Double Diamond Triangle set, something I'd been trying to get for a while... I tried again on another set last night, and this time I got it.
Jamallo Kreen Posted - 26 Nov 2007 : 19:38:53
Here's another set. I haven't traded with the seller, so, as always, caveat emptor. Because this set is being offered more often now (and not for $28 a book!), I'm not going to post any more announcements. Interested people may search Amazon or eBay for themselves.

Jamallo Kreen Posted - 15 Nov 2007 : 21:55:09
Another set:

Again, I cannot vouch for the seller. Caveat emptor.

Mod edit: Removed the extra space that was causing some coding weirdness.
Hawkins Posted - 13 Nov 2007 : 16:58:15
Originally posted by Ergdusch

Does that mean you won the auction?!?

In that case my Congratulations, Hawkins!

Yes it does! *starts hopping about in a poor attempt to dance*
Ergdusch Posted - 13 Nov 2007 : 08:14:36
Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

Originally posted by MerrikCale

are these any good?

I will tell you in a couple of weeks after I read them all.

Does that mean you won the auction?!?

In that case my Congratulations, Hawkins!
Hawkins Posted - 12 Nov 2007 : 22:05:22
Originally posted by MerrikCale

are these any good?

I will tell you in a couple of weeks after I read them all.
MerrikCale Posted - 12 Nov 2007 : 22:04:31
are these any good?
Xysma Posted - 10 Nov 2007 : 05:09:46
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

It's been years since I read the series, and I've not yet replaced those books, either... But as I recall, Into the Void was the only one set in Realmspace.

Thanks Wooly, I'll leave the guide as-is for now.

Wooly Rupert Posted - 09 Nov 2007 : 20:03:54
Originally posted by Xysma

I'm kind of thinking that Into the Void and The Radiant Dragon are the ones with Realmslore, can anyone vouch for any of the other novels in this series?

It's been years since I read the series, and I've not yet replaced those books, either... But as I recall, Into the Void was the only one set in Realmspace.

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