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 Yor'thae of Lolth (War of Spider Queen spoilers)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SiriusBlack Posted - 10 Apr 2005 : 17:44:32
In the sample chapter to Resurrection (War of the Spider Queen Book VI), readers learn of a new term, Yor'thae.

As the chapter explains, Yor'thae is the "chosen vessel" of the Spider Queen. And, as also found in the sample chapter, there are three potential candidates for this role.

Thus, I created this thread to see what scribes think of these choices. Who will be the Yor'thae of Lolth? Quenthel Baenre? Halisstra Melarn? Danifae Yauntyrr? Another member of the party that is being overlooked by the source of information for the three candidates? Or will there be no Yor'thae? Please select and elaborate if you wish on why you feel the way you do.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ethriel Posted - 18 Apr 2005 : 00:52:54
I know, but why'd Mel bow out?
SiriusBlack Posted - 17 Apr 2005 : 22:35:24
Originally posted by Ethriel

What was the deal with Mel Odom anyways?

Check out this thread.
Ethriel Posted - 17 Apr 2005 : 22:28:57
What was the deal with Mel Odom anyways?
SiriusBlack Posted - 13 Apr 2005 : 16:16:06
Originally posted by Thomas M. Reid
Oh, well . . . anything that deserves credit, that's the six authors' doing. Anything that deserves blame, we'll just pin on Mel Odom.


A very dark elven.
VEDSICA Posted - 13 Apr 2005 : 15:47:51
......Funny one Thomas!!!!
Thomas M. Reid Posted - 13 Apr 2005 : 15:26:11
Originally posted by SiriusBlack
Now we know who to credit...or is it to blame upon the series' conclusion.

Oh, well . . . anything that deserves credit, that's the six authors' doing. Anything that deserves blame, we'll just pin on Mel Odom.

SiriusBlack Posted - 12 Apr 2005 : 18:44:51
Originally posted by Thomas M. Reid
It's been sitting there, gathering cobwebs for four+ years, waiting for Book 6 to get here so we could dust it off and show it to you. That's my cool word!

Thank you for explaining the word's origins. Now we know who to credit...or is it to blame upon the series' conclusion.
SiriusBlack Posted - 12 Apr 2005 : 18:43:46
Originally posted by Lord Rad
I think Valas' intentions are very much left hanging. I'm sure he won't abandon the party (hopefully! Valas was one of my favorite characters)

I certainly hope for his sake he does leave the party. As he said to his superiors when using one of his numerous items near the end of Annihiliaton, his services are no longer needed here.
Lord Rad Posted - 12 Apr 2005 : 17:45:06
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

You think Valas will hang around to claim the position/title? I got the impression that he was existing stage left at the end of the last novel.

Well that's certainly one of the scenes I liked in Annihilation. I think Valas' intentions are very much left hanging. I'm sure he won't abandon the party (hopefully! Valas was one of my favorite characters)
Thomas M. Reid Posted - 12 Apr 2005 : 17:44:43
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

readers learn of a new term, Yor'thae. As the chapter explains, Yor'thae is the "chosen vessel" of the Spider Queen.

I created that term! I generated it from the glossary of drow terms from Drow of the Underdark back when we were plotting the series. It comes from yorn, meaning power/will/servant-creature of the Goddess, and orthae, meaning holy, sacred.

It's been sitting there, gathering cobwebs for four+ years, waiting for Book 6 to get here so we could dust it off and show it to you. That's my cool word!

(OK, I'm done now. )

SiriusBlack Posted - 12 Apr 2005 : 17:25:56
Originally posted by Alhoon
Second I voted for valas mainly because he hasn't betrayed anyone yet and it would be very chaotic to do a swap from favoring females to using a male as her favored, I think lolth is going to need someone she can trust for what ever plans she has, and that would throw off any would be assassins Vhraun might (is) sending to stop these 3 potential female candidateds.

You think Valas will hang around to claim the position/title? I got the impression that he was existing stage left at the end of the last novel.
Alhoon Posted - 12 Apr 2005 : 16:22:45
first ::SPOILER::

Ryld will beat everyone to lolth because his spirit is being drawn there, and thinking on the fact that hallisstra talked to his spirit somthing is up because i thought the dead lost there memories, anyway i don't think he is totally out of the picture yet.

Second I voted for valas mainly because he hasn't betrayed anyone yet and it would be very chaotic to do a swap from favoring females to using a male as her favored, I think lolth is going to need someone she can trust for what ever plans she has, and that would throw off any would be assassins Vhraun might (is) sending to stop these 3 potential female candidateds.
khorne Posted - 12 Apr 2005 : 07:56:30
I haven`t read the volume yet but a magical sword getting destroyed by a woodsmans axe seems downright wrong to me
DDH_101 Posted - 12 Apr 2005 : 02:58:00
I agree with you, Etriel. I thought Ryld's death was poorly written. In fact, I don't really mind him dying, but just the fact that he died how he did. I thought it was really stupid to have Splitter be "splittened" by a woodsman's axe.

I've said it before, and I will say it again. I don't care how strong Jeggred is, or the "angle" and "momentum" of his attack. Ryld has been using Splitter to kill beholders, giant spiders, demons, devils, and all sorts of enemies and hasn't even nicked that weapon. Now it's shattered by some unknown woodsman's axe... Some people argued that it could be enchanted, but I say this: if this axe is so powerful, why is it used to cut wood in some arsehole part of Faerun?
Ethriel Posted - 11 Apr 2005 : 21:11:24
I wouldn't mind Ryld's death nearly as much if Athans had written it better...not only that: Uluyara or Feliane stating Ryld was beyond them may've been better...or Halisstra attempting to contact him and getting a brief goodbye would've been better. The procession of souls at the end I despised because it just hurled it in our faces that he was gone and a last bit with him just rubbed salt in the wound
VEDSICA Posted - 11 Apr 2005 : 19:26:03
Good point there SB...The quota has been met.
SiriusBlack Posted - 11 Apr 2005 : 16:32:43
Originally posted by Ethriel

Yeah, Phil Athans might as well have put a huge note at the end saying "He's not coming back, he's not coming baaaack!"
It was incredibly blatant

And I don't necessarily find this finality a bad thing. I'm not a fan of using the he's/she's alive, he's/she's dead, alive, dead, alive, dead, process that can be found too often in some novels.

Besides, don't we already have one member in the party that was dead and is now back? I think that meets the quota.
Ethriel Posted - 11 Apr 2005 : 16:22:32
Yeah, Phil Athans might as well have put a huge note at the end saying "He's not coming back, he's not coming baaaack!"
It was incredibly blatant
SiriusBlack Posted - 11 Apr 2005 : 15:18:22
Originally posted by VEDSICA
Who is to say that Ryld won't be brought back????Didn't he join the church of Elistraee????

No. Without spoiling more of Book V for you, events near the end of the novel clearly show that Ryld did not join the church of Eilistraee formally or even in his heart.
VEDSICA Posted - 11 Apr 2005 : 14:50:13
Absolutely SB.It will be on Pharaun's terms for sure.I'm just wondering if Pharaun will set it up so that Jeggred will end up duking it out with the ultraloth...what's his name from the sample chapter..That's a possibility

Now since I read the thread with possible spoilers,and with it came the knowledge of Ryld's death.Who is to say that Ryld won't be brought back????Didn't he join the church of Elistraee????
SiriusBlack Posted - 11 Apr 2005 : 06:21:10
Originally posted by VEDSICA

Sorry I haven't read the 5th novel yet,but doesn't matter.

Well suffice to say Ryld's possibilities for the future have taken a downward turn.

Speaking of which, what are the sages thinking when it comes to Pharaun and Ryld's death? Will he hold Jeggred accountable and enact revenge if he gets a chance? I've gone back and forth on both sides of that argument.
VEDSICA Posted - 11 Apr 2005 : 05:12:35
Sorry I haven't read the 5th novel yet,but doesn't matter.I still believe that Pharuan should be the first chosen of Lolth.
DDH_101 Posted - 11 Apr 2005 : 03:43:17
Hmm... but Ryld is dead. I don't think he can do much to interfere with everybody else's plans.
VEDSICA Posted - 11 Apr 2005 : 02:24:51
I have said on another thread that it should be Pharuan as the Yor'thae.Hallistra will attempt to kill Lolth,and Pharaun will intercede on Lolth's behalf.Pharaun might not be successful though because of the Ryld factor....Ryld does owe him one.I don't think anyone will be killed,unfortunately.
SiriusBlack Posted - 11 Apr 2005 : 01:28:05
Originally posted by Tanyn Midrain

It would certainly be very devilish if Lolth somehow orchestrated the whole Halisstra turned to Eilistraee thing, and then have her become her most devout follower, and perhaps Yor'thae, in the end. Then again, maybe that's just me too suspicious of drow nature after having read too many books about them.

From the moment that Halisstra recovered the body of her fellow Eilistraee cleric that led her to the Crescent Blade, I've had the feeling she was getting set up in some manner. I'm not sure it's to become the Yor'thae so much as to have her complete some other task in Lolth's grand scheme.

I still say it would be fitting if the whole thing blew up in Lolth's face. She who loves chaos is destroyed by it.
Tanyn Midrain Posted - 11 Apr 2005 : 01:23:53
It would certainly be very devilish if Lolth somehow orchestrated the whole Halisstra turned to Eilistraee thing, and then have her become her most devout follower, and perhaps Yor'thae, in the end. Then again, maybe that's just me too suspicious of drow nature after having read too many books about them.
SiriusBlack Posted - 11 Apr 2005 : 00:03:29
Originally posted by Taliferno

Pharaun will be the Yor'thae. I just have a gut instinct about it. It will completely fool Lolths opponents (they couldn't imagine Lolth would chose a male as her chosen), as well as explaining why he was sent back by Lolth after he was sacrificed.

When it comes to possible dark horses and wild outcomes, I'd definitely go with Pharaun being the Yor'thae as the most likely. When I say wild outcomes, I immediately exclude any chance of Halisstra accomplishing her goal of killing Lolth. No way I see that happening.

And whoever said there would be no Yor'thae, please elaborate on your answer. Do you disagree with what I just stated and believe Lolth will perish?
SiriusBlack Posted - 11 Apr 2005 : 00:01:38
Originally posted by DDH_101
Jeggred will go follow her again, since the only reason he listened to Danifae was because he thought his aunt was weak.

At the end upon being healed, Jegged acknowledged Danifae first, then Quenthel. I think it's clear that for now, he still looks to Danifae first for guidance. But, a great deal can change in the course of a novel, as obviously shown by Annihiliation.
Taliferno Posted - 10 Apr 2005 : 22:40:22
Pharaun will be the Yor'thae. I just have a gut instinct about it. It will completely fool Lolths opponents (they couldn't imagine Lolth would chose a male as her chosen), as well as explaining why he was sent back by Lolth after he was sacrificed.
DDH_101 Posted - 10 Apr 2005 : 20:36:42
Sirius, Quenthel was already regaining her confidence at the end of Annihiliation when she got her spells back. Now that she has her divine powers, Quenthel wouldn't have to depend on her whip so much and maybe even Jeggred will go follow her again, since the only reason he listened to Danifae was because he thought his aunt was weak.

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