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 So...what is up with godborn?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
silverwolfer Posted - 12 Nov 2013 : 07:04:08
I have not heard one hide or hair of folks talking about it, except maybe the reading groups. Was it good or a disappointment ?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Delwa Posted - 21 Mar 2014 : 03:09:41
I agree with most of what's written here. Godborn was everything I had hoped for, though a bit rushed. Have fun perusing the other scrolls for more details.
On the subject of Mags, I can't help but think there's an explanation coming. No real facts, just a gut instinct there, but it does seem like something that has a fuller explanation coming, perhaps in future stories, perhaps in a Campaign Setting.
Thauranil Posted - 20 Mar 2014 : 14:34:00
Originally posted by Dennis

Originally posted by Lilianviaten

Originally posted by Dennis

There are some glaringly annoying elements, but overall, it's a great read. Worth the five-year wait. Paul is at his best. He'll make you care for and genuinely love to hate the characters.

Which elements annoyed you? The only thing I took issue with was the return of Mask not being explained. But I figured that Kemp plans to do that in the sequels.
The spellscarred brothers, Gerak's unlimited arrows, Magadon's uselessness, and the rather quick ending. It felt too much had been left out, which most likely was the case since this was supposed to be a trilogy.

I felt it was pretty rushed as well. It would have been much better as a duology at least. I mean our heroes barely know each other but become as close as brothers in the matter of a few hours. This is somewhat explained by Orsin's claim that they knew each other in a past life but I would have loved to read more about their past and their relationships evolution. Still none of this is really Paul's fault and it was still a great book.
Gyor Posted - 05 Dec 2013 : 02:23:58
Its was great, very entertaining read, had a bit of a dark, horror novel feel to it. I sure wouldn't want to be caught in Shade's Sembia.
Gyor Posted - 05 Dec 2013 : 02:22:21
Slevyas you're been watching too much Japanese porn, your getting confused ;p
jornan Posted - 17 Nov 2013 : 01:32:58
I love how there is a thread about The Godborn literally four threads below this one. Great book, would have been better as a trilogy, but perhaps we will get a more interesting story sooner and the less interesting parts won't have been drawn out over multiple books. Either way, I can't wait to read more! I definitely missed the banter between Cale and Riven...and sadly we probably will never read it again.
Dennis Posted - 16 Nov 2013 : 22:04:55
Originally posted by Lilianviaten

Originally posted by Dennis

There are some glaringly annoying elements, but overall, it's a great read. Worth the five-year wait. Paul is at his best. He'll make you care for and genuinely love to hate the characters.

Which elements annoyed you? The only thing I took issue with was the return of Mask not being explained. But I figured that Kemp plans to do that in the sequels.
The spellscarred brothers, Gerak's unlimited arrows, Magadon's uselessness, and the rather quick ending. It felt too much had been left out, which most likely was the case since this was supposed to be a trilogy.
Lilianviaten Posted - 16 Nov 2013 : 19:53:48
Originally posted by Dennis

There are some glaringly annoying elements, but overall, it's a great read. Worth the five-year wait. Paul is at his best. He'll make you care for and genuinely love to hate the characters.

Which elements annoyed you? The only thing I took issue with was the return of Mask not being explained. But I figured that Kemp plans to do that in the sequels.
Dennis Posted - 16 Nov 2013 : 05:37:54

There are some glaringly annoying elements, but overall, it's a great read. Worth the five-year wait. Paul is at his best. He'll make you care for and genuinely love to hate the characters.
sleyvas Posted - 15 Nov 2013 : 13:19:28
My favorite part was when Ao took on avatar form and bent over Shar's avatar and began abusing her, only to have her like it. Oh, and when she became suddenly pregnant and gave birth to the new god. I mean, that was amazing, right?

Oh wait, that was in my head.
The Sage Posted - 15 Nov 2013 : 03:32:33

And there are several Book Club scrolls with SPOILER-specific content on this shelf.
CorellonsDevout Posted - 15 Nov 2013 : 02:19:37
There were threads about the Godborn on this site just a few weeks ago, actually
The Arcanamach Posted - 14 Nov 2013 : 03:28:07
All in all a good read. I didn't know anything about the characters going into this novel but I will remedy that if/when I finally throw in with Wizbro and start buying 5e stuff.
Firestorm Posted - 12 Nov 2013 : 13:48:01
There are several topics on Godborn. you are just in the wrong part of the forum.

Threads in book club and in novels.
Renin Posted - 12 Nov 2013 : 13:44:23
I loved it!

I think all the conversations have just been kept in the novels scrolls, 'tis all.
Markustay Posted - 12 Nov 2013 : 13:30:45
I tried - the bookstore didn't have it.

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