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 Sword of the Gods

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
canikoblivan Posted - 03 Oct 2012 : 11:35:49
Greetings fellow scribes, I have just devoured Sword of the Gods and its sequel Spinner of Lies and got quite hooked; but there are so many questions that still linger in my mind. Did Bruce mention anyting about another novel in the works for this wonderful series?
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Simon Phoenix Posted - 05 Dec 2012 : 22:11:12
Just finished the second one, liked it, and they should definately green light another.
canikoblivan Posted - 10 Oct 2012 : 08:16:25
I hear you! Married life and working 10 hours a day leave really no time for myself. I cannot decide whether to watch a TV show, or a movie or play video games or read a novel or go out with the wife, and by the time I finally decide, it's time for bed =)
DragonReader Posted - 09 Oct 2012 : 19:44:11
Oh yes... But that is a good thing :)

I just wish I had more time.
canikoblivan Posted - 09 Oct 2012 : 08:20:14
Seems like you've got a lot of reading to do! =)
DragonReader Posted - 09 Oct 2012 : 01:38:35
Oops... Yes I meant 'Song'. And thanks for the suggestion. I shall Add Stardeep to my list and read that one first, followed by the Abolethic Sovereignty, and the the Sword of the Gods books...
canikoblivan Posted - 07 Oct 2012 : 11:21:47
Originally posted by DragonReader

Originally posted by canikoblivan

Hello DragonReader! Glad to see this series is in your scope, you're definitely in for a treat my friend.

You do not 'have to' read Bruce's previous works, but it does have its advantages. Both novels have references to The Abolethic Sovereignty and Captain Thoster & his ship Green Siren make cameo appearences as well.

Also, having some info on Tharizdun and the Abyssal Plague surely helps as well. A simple google search should be enough.

Actually The Abolethic Sovereignty was on my 'to read' list as well. So I think I will start with that one and then move on the Sword of the Gods.

Gotta finish a Sword of Fire and Ice first, but then I think it is well past time I return to the Realms for a bit :)

Thanks for the info.

Do you mean the 'Song' of Fire and Ice (aka Game of Thrones)? God, I love the TV series and my wife is reading the second novel right now and she says it's brilliant; but I have so many realms novels waiting in line.

Back to topic, if you're planning on starting the Abolethic Sovereignty Trilogy, you should first read Stardeep from The Dungeons series and learn about the Traitor first. It will definitely help. Also, the protagonist of the trilogy, Raidon Kane, makes his first appearence there.
Chosen of Asmodeus Posted - 06 Oct 2012 : 21:21:17
I've read the original and rather enjoyed it for the most part, though I had a few nitpicks. Still, I found it to be a fun read and liked that the focus was on non-human, planestouched races like the deva and genasi.

Haven't gotten around to the sequal; I've heard some disparaging things about the drow subplot but drow always bore me anyway, so I'll probably still give it a read when I get around to finding a copy.
DragonReader Posted - 06 Oct 2012 : 17:45:00
Originally posted by canikoblivan

Hello DragonReader! Glad to see this series is in your scope, you're definitely in for a treat my friend.

You do not 'have to' read Bruce's previous works, but it does have its advantages. Both novels have references to The Abolethic Sovereignty and Captain Thoster & his ship Green Siren make cameo appearences as well.

Also, having some info on Tharizdun and the Abyssal Plague surely helps as well. A simple google search should be enough.

Actually The Abolethic Sovereignty was on my 'to read' list as well. So I think I will start with that one and then move on the Sword of the Gods.

Gotta finish a Sword of Fire and Ice first, but then I think it is well past time I return to the Realms for a bit :)

Thanks for the info.
canikoblivan Posted - 05 Oct 2012 : 14:44:47
Hello DragonReader! Glad to see this series is in your scope, you're definitely in for a treat my friend.

You do not 'have to' read Bruce's previous works, but it does have its advantages. Both novels have references to The Abolethic Sovereignty and Captain Thoster & his ship Green Siren make cameo appearences as well.

Also, having some info on Tharizdun and the Abyssal Plague surely helps as well. A simple google search should be enough.
DragonReader Posted - 05 Oct 2012 : 14:13:31
I also have not read but it is on my ever expanding "to read" list.

I too have a question. Never having read any of Bruce's novels, are there any that I need to read before Sword of Gods or are these unrelated to his earlie work? Thanks!
canikoblivan Posted - 05 Oct 2012 : 07:30:06
And I was so excited to see a new message in this scroll! Thank you =)
Light Posted - 05 Oct 2012 : 07:05:45
Well I haven't read it... (consider this a friendly bump because I hate to see a scroll that doesn't get replied to!)
canikoblivan Posted - 04 Oct 2012 : 09:09:54
Something? Anything? =)

Well, how did you scribes find this series? Pros, cons? I'm open to theories and friendly discussions.

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