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 Neverwinter Saga Book II and Drows. SPOILER

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Valmon Posted - 17 Feb 2012 : 15:57:53


I was reading this second book of neverwinter trilogy and something bothered me...

I dont know if you agree, But I think salvatore is very hesitant to follow the forgotten storyline in his books...

What I mean is... After the Lady Penints trilogy events, All the goodly drows were destroyed or turned to dark elves... the book ends concluding now ALL drows belongs to Lolth... and thus are enimies of Corellon Larethian...

What I mean is... Luskan has been full of drows in last decades... Bregan D'aerthe is widely active in Luskan and in Calimport... and where are the elite force of Corellon? They so do hate the drows and they are allowin the drows to live in the surface?

I'd hope a lot of assassin elves to atack Bregan D'aerthe... actually the main dificult for Bregan D'aerthe to live in the surface should be the Corellon and his elite force of elves...

But as salvatore describes... the drows are not having this kind of trouble... actually... they had a very good time in the surface...

I love salvatore work... and I do love the drows and stuff... but I think salvatore underestimate the Surface Elf Power... and underestimate the power of Corellon as well...

what u think guys?
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fellfire Posted - 04 Apr 2012 : 15:50:08
How utterly boring. To me, the different factions and faiths within drow society was what kept them interesting.
Lord Karsus Posted - 02 Apr 2012 : 16:34:13
Originally posted by Fellfire

Originally posted by Lord Karsus

-Corellon Larethian possessed a necklace that seemingly belonged to Eilistraee, seemingly symbolizing him taking up her portfolio and charges.

Does that include Vhaeraun's portfolio now too? Does Corellon now wear the mask?

-Since Eilistraee absorbed Vhaeraun, presumably.
Fellfire Posted - 02 Apr 2012 : 14:42:31
Originally posted by Lord Karsus

-Corellon Larethian possessed a necklace that seemingly belonged to Eilistraee, seemingly symbolizing him taking up her portfolio and charges.

Does that include Vhaeraun's portfolio now too? Does Corellon now wear the mask?
jerrod Posted - 02 Apr 2012 : 07:54:14
As of 4ed the self-diltued light-elves have more recent troubles to worry about,than to attempt a war of genocide against an old foe that would leave them too weak to defend their lands against surface enemies like shade,Dennis,many-arrows,abolethic sovereignty,and poachers! Beside Lolth is as mighty as corellon now! The seldrine missed their chance when she was still an intermediate power. Her web does encompass all and the world IS her prey!!! Lol
Gyor Posted - 30 Mar 2012 : 04:46:45
As expressed by the fact that Corellian's sphere is fey and the drow in 4e are fey.
Thauranil Posted - 26 Feb 2012 : 07:16:11
Originally posted by Lord Karsus

Originally posted by Thauranil

I believe he did take the Dark Elves under his wing as described in the conclusion of the Lady Penitent Series though admittedly I have yet to come across any mention of them anywhere else.

-Corellon Larethian possessed a necklace that seemingly belonged to Eilistraee, seemingly symbolizing him taking up her portfolio and charges.

Ok thanks for letting me know. Well at least that means Lolth wont get her hands on it which can only be a good thing. She has too many portfolios as it is.
Lord Karsus Posted - 25 Feb 2012 : 21:33:35
Originally posted by Thauranil

I believe he did take the Dark Elves under his wing as described in the conclusion of the Lady Penitent Series though admittedly I have yet to come across any mention of them anywhere else.

-Corellon Larethian possessed a necklace that seemingly belonged to Eilistraee, seemingly symbolizing him taking up her portfolio and charges.
Thauranil Posted - 25 Feb 2012 : 06:33:28
Originally posted by Charles Phipps

Besides, why wouldn't Corellon protect the Dark Elves?

Since when did he go from Good to Chaotic Evil?

I believe he did take the Dark Elves under his wing as described in the conclusion of the Lady Penitent Series though admittedly I have yet to come across any mention of them anywhere else.
Charles Phipps Posted - 23 Feb 2012 : 23:56:56
Besides, why wouldn't Corellon protect the Dark Elves?

Since when did he go from Good to Chaotic Evil?
Thauranil Posted - 23 Feb 2012 : 11:40:15
Originally posted by Valmon

wow, Thats true... I didnt know that... is there a novel describing this changes in elven pantheon?

Uh not really, it was just explained in the campaign guides and stuff.
Though maybe there should be.
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 22 Feb 2012 : 17:40:46
Erevan Ilesere is still about causing mischief, so it's not just Corellon who's left.
Lord Karsus Posted - 20 Feb 2012 : 04:49:11
Originally posted by Valmon

... it's not the same thing... before... only the folowers of elistrae was in the surface... and they were not a target for gods like Shevarash and the rest of the seldarine as well...

but now... the followers of elistrae is no more... and no drow should be tolerated on surface....

The Seldarine as one hate the drows... and they are highly in disvantage in the surface....

You say the Bregan D'aerthe is sneaky... but so is the surface elves... you understimate them as well...

The seldarine is composed of how many gods? and all of them dispises Lolth and the Drows

Im just sayin Bregan D'aerthe should have some trouble with this in the surface... the Corellon clerics should be outraged with this drow presence in the surface (and yes... now Bregan D'aerthe is no more in luskan... but they were highly present there for decades)...

-None of that changes the fact that Corellon Larethian and Lolth have been enemies for millennia, and that no single event has taken place to plunge the entire Elven world- Drow and non-Drow- into a cataclysmic, apocalyptic jihad. Lolth doesn't seek to have her followers (and those in their sphere of influence) commit to a nihilistic holy war on the followers of Corellon Larethian and the rest of the Seldarine, and Corellon Larethian and the Seldarine don't seek to commit their followers (and those in their sphere of influence) to a nihilistic holy war on the followers of Lolth.

-Drow don't like surface cousins and periodically do harmful things to them. Elves don't like their Underdark cousins and periodically do harmful things to them. The status quo is the same as it has been for centuries. Drow settlements on the surface are nothing new. Just like Elves across Faerūn have tolerated them in the past, for various reasons specific to the Elves and Drow in question, they will continue to tolerate them for various reasons specific to the Elves and Drow in question.
Valmon Posted - 20 Feb 2012 : 01:29:40

wow, Thats true... I didnt know that... is there a novel describing this changes in elven pantheon?
Thauranil Posted - 19 Feb 2012 : 11:52:07
Ah but the Seldarine has lost much of its power. Aside from Corelleon everyone is now an Exarch or has turned out to be the aspect of some human god. Perhaps they don't want to risk all out war in such a situation.
Valmon Posted - 18 Feb 2012 : 14:49:39

... it's not the same thing... before... only the folowers of elistrae was in the surface... and they were not a target for gods like Shevarash and the rest of the seldarine as well...

but now... the followers of elistrae is no more... and no drow should be tolerated on surface....

The Seldarine as one hate the drows... and they are highly in disvantage in the surface....

You say the Bregan D'aerthe is sneaky... but so is the surface elves... you understimate them as well...

The seldarine is composed of how many gods? and all of them dispises Lolth and the Drows

Im just sayin Bregan D'aerthe should have some trouble with this in the surface... the Corellon clerics should be outraged with this drow presence in the surface (and yes... now Bregan D'aerthe is no more in luskan... but they were highly present there for decades)...
Lord Karsus Posted - 18 Feb 2012 : 04:26:19
-The conclusion of the Lady Penitent trilogy removed in Eilistraee's followers and Drow who had pure Miyeritaari bloodlines the 'Descent Curse' that transformed their ancestors from Dark Elves to Drow.

-That was in 1,378 DR. The current Forgotten Realms year is 1,479 DR (or some such). In 100 years, a lot can happen- that is an entire generation, more or less, in comparative Elven years. Add to the mix the fact that many of these newly restored Dark Elves suddenly found themselves in an unforgiving Underdark without their ability to see in the dark (presumably), and the innate magical powers that Drow possess (Faerie Fire, Levitation, Darkness, etc.), and their immediate futures did not look very safe and secure.

-All of that aside, why would anything change? Before the events of the book, and after, Corellon Larethian and Lolth were enemies. The seeming death of Eilistraee wouldn't change anything. Just as in the past, numerous variables kept Lolth's fragmented followers (and those in their sphere of influence) from waging an all out holy war on the followers of Corellon Larethian and the rest of the Seldarine, and numerous variables kept Corellon Larethian's fragmented followers (and those in their sphere of influence) from waging an all out holy war on the followers of Lolth.

-Though nothing says it, we should presume that things are more or less the same as they ever are. Drow don't like surface cousins and periodically do harmful things to them. Elves don't like their Underdark cousins and periodically do harmful things to them. The status quo is the same as it has been for centuries.
Cronje Posted - 18 Feb 2012 : 03:01:40
I wouldn't assume that all drow "belong" to Lolth. I very much doubt the faithless or drow who worship human or elven would have their souls forced into Lolth's realm. As for the elves... despite their retaking of Cormanthyr, I don't think there are really so many that they can afford to send war parties out to known drow surface outposts, much less those they don't know about. Bregan D'aerthe is notoriously sneaky, and from what I remember from the novel, they had largely abandoned Luskan.
Valmon Posted - 17 Feb 2012 : 16:06:51
And mainly... what about Shevarash? Shevarash is the elven deity of revenge, loss and hatred of the Drow, if this article is correct

The drow presence in the surface should have become the main cause for this god...

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