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 Confused by Bane

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tremaine Posted - 17 Dec 2010 : 18:31:56
I've finally got round to reading undead it's a real page turner

I've been reading realm novels on and off over the years so I probably missed some vital information and a bit confused, can someone help please

Anyway there is a scene when Bane appears to Szass Tam which is a really cool scene, but I thought he was dead in Finders Bane Iyachtu Xvim had replaced Bane and in Stormlight I thought Bane had failed again but its been a long time since I read those novels so maybe i was wrong, when did Bane make a comeback and is he in any other novel's

Thanks for the Help all
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
swifty Posted - 20 Dec 2010 : 18:17:10
i remember pool of twilight being set in 1372 when all the other novels at the time were round about 1365.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 20 Dec 2010 : 17:47:55
Originally posted by Murray Leeder

The title of this thread made me think that Bane wrote a song or poem or something called "Confused."

It's a song about Cyric!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 20 Dec 2010 : 17:44:30
Originally posted by swifty

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by swifty

Originally posted by Tremaine

that's a cool theory Wooly was going to ask is it the same Bane as before or a new god who has taken Banes name haha

Is there any novels on Bane or Xvim including cameos?so far I've read Stormlight,the five avatar novels and Finders bane

thanks for the answers

he appears in pools of darkness.

I did my best to block out memories of that novel.

was it banes minions talking in a noo yoik accent.

I don't recall that detail. What I seem to recall is that I found the plot utterly preposterous. I've not touched that book since the early 90s, so I may be conflating it with one of the other Pools books, which I found to have a lot of details and events that just struck me as ridiculous. I am not a fan of that series.
Tremaine Posted - 20 Dec 2010 : 17:18:43
Originally posted by Murray Leeder

The title of this thread made me think that Bane wrote a song or poem or something called "Confused."

maybe he has
swifty Posted - 20 Dec 2010 : 17:14:46
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by swifty

Originally posted by Tremaine

that's a cool theory Wooly was going to ask is it the same Bane as before or a new god who has taken Banes name haha

Is there any novels on Bane or Xvim including cameos?so far I've read Stormlight,the five avatar novels and Finders bane

thanks for the answers

he appears in pools of darkness.

I did my best to block out memories of that novel.

was it banes minions talking in a noo yoik accent.
Murray Leeder Posted - 20 Dec 2010 : 15:49:52
The title of this thread made me think that Bane wrote a song or poem or something called "Confused."
Ayrik Posted - 19 Dec 2010 : 22:49:09
Did the novel take place before Bane's death and ToT?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 19 Dec 2010 : 22:42:50
Originally posted by swifty

Originally posted by Tremaine

that's a cool theory Wooly was going to ask is it the same Bane as before or a new god who has taken Banes name haha

Is there any novels on Bane or Xvim including cameos?so far I've read Stormlight,the five avatar novels and Finders bane

thanks for the answers

he appears in pools of darkness.

I did my best to block out memories of that novel.
swifty Posted - 19 Dec 2010 : 22:19:16
Originally posted by Tremaine

that's a cool theory Wooly was going to ask is it the same Bane as before or a new god who has taken Banes name haha

Is there any novels on Bane or Xvim including cameos?so far I've read Stormlight,the five avatar novels and Finders bane

thanks for the answers

he appears in pools of darkness.
Tremaine Posted - 18 Dec 2010 : 10:41:37
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

We don't really know, and I think it's unlikely that we're going to get any info in this area. They never even bothered to cover Bane's return in the fiction -- all we got was a paragraph in the FRCS.

That's good to know it feels like I read a good book and the middle interesting awesome bit of it went missing

I would have liked to have seen a novel how bane finally managed to return, it could have been a loose sequel to crucible
Christopher_Rowe Posted - 18 Dec 2010 : 00:35:08
The ten or twelve pages of "current clack" in Cloak & Dagger are close to my favorite ten or twelve pages of Realmslore. And no, don't ask me to name an absolute favorite because I can't. :)
The Sage Posted - 17 Dec 2010 : 23:46:23
Originally posted by Zireael

Originally posted by Tremaine

I've finally got round to reading undead it's a real page turner

I've been reading realm novels on and off over the years so I probably missed some vital information and a bit confused, can someone help please

Anyway there is a scene when Bane appears to Szass Tam which is a really cool scene, but I thought he was dead in Finders Bane Iyachtu Xvim had replaced Bane and in Stormlight I thought Bane had failed again but its been a long time since I read those novels so maybe i was wrong, when did Bane make a comeback and is he in any other novel's

Thanks for the Help all

Bane made a comeback in 1371 DR, don't remember the exact date and month. That was when Iyachtu Xvim died.
As for Stormlight, I don't know.

The FRCS and F&P [and a few tidbits in Cloak & Dagger] references are the only sources we have on this. They gave us small notes saying that on this one particular night [Midwinter night of 1372 DR], all worshippers of Iyachtu Xvim had a dream where they saw him split apart and Bane emerge from within.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 17 Dec 2010 : 20:35:22
Xvim has a bit of an appearance in Tymora's Luck... That's all I can think of, outside of the ones you mentioned.

It's also possible that reborn Bane really is Bane, but that he absorbed/subsumed Xvim into himself -- because the reborn Bane has shown some Xvim-like qualities.

We don't really know, and I think it's unlikely that we're going to get any info in this area. They never even bothered to cover Bane's return in the fiction -- all we got was a paragraph in the FRCS.
Tremaine Posted - 17 Dec 2010 : 19:32:10
that's a cool theory Wooly was going to ask is it the same Bane as before or a new god who has taken Banes name haha

Is there any novels on Bane or Xvim including cameos?so far I've read Stormlight,the five avatar novels and Finders bane

thanks for the answers
Wooly Rupert Posted - 17 Dec 2010 : 19:06:57
Xvim's followers had a dream where Bane exploded out of Xvim. Officially, that was the end of Xvim.

I have a theory, though, that Bane remains dead, and that Xvim is impersonating him. Existing Realmslore has more than one example of one deity impersonating another, even one killed by the impersonator. Me, I think Xvim faked Bane's return to cash in on his popularity and reputation -- Xvim never had the following that his daddy did.
Ayrik Posted - 17 Dec 2010 : 18:43:30
Yes, the short version is that Bane lives and Xvim doesn't.
Zireael Posted - 17 Dec 2010 : 18:40:46
Originally posted by Tremaine

I've finally got round to reading undead it's a real page turner

I've been reading realm novels on and off over the years so I probably missed some vital information and a bit confused, can someone help please

Anyway there is a scene when Bane appears to Szass Tam which is a really cool scene, but I thought he was dead in Finders Bane Iyachtu Xvim had replaced Bane and in Stormlight I thought Bane had failed again but its been a long time since I read those novels so maybe i was wrong, when did Bane make a comeback and is he in any other novel's

Thanks for the Help all

Bane made a comeback in 1371 DR, don't remember the exact date and month. That was when Iyachtu Xvim died.
As for Stormlight, I don't know.

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