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 Congratulations Alaundo!!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
darkcrow Posted - 08 Jul 2009 : 00:15:14
I just want to congratulate Alaundo on making it on the back cover of The Crystal Mountain. It reads:
"If you're a Realms fan, you'll love this book. If you're a fan of the planes, you'll love this book. If you like both... you'll be blown away!" -Alaundo,

I think that's really neat.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Darkstar Daimonizomal Posted - 29 Jul 2009 : 04:26:43
Congratulations Alaundo!

Every since I saw your name in the forum, it has been bugging me to death trying to make the connection.

At least, I now know.

IMHO as related to the preceding post(s), I truly believe the bean counters forget how much extra revenue they generate from the base consumers and the price they may pay for alienating some of their hardcore constituents who purchases anything and everything related to FR.

As for "casual" people like myself, the previous setting was so captivating; a person had to read just one more novel and then another one to get a feel for the lore and the things that happened in the past.

Without that particular element, I am not so sure it will be as interesting in the future.

But, only time will tell and it will be very evident with either an increase or decrease in revenues for WotC.

~ Darkstar

Jakk Posted - 28 Jul 2009 : 06:27:19
Originally posted by Zanan

<snip> What for? Make gamers and readers stay away from the old lore by telling them all that you have is going down the drain, officially?

Precisely. They don't want new players seeking out the old lore because they'll realize just how shortchanged they are with the new stuff (excepting Laerakond in the FRCG and Ed's contributions to D&Di, the latter of which I'll never get to read simply because I can't support the e-radication of what was once the paragon of gaming magazines). In any case, I have more than enough ideas to see my Realms through the intervening years post-1375 and safely beyond the supposed "Spellplague launch window"... it would just be nice to have some first-rate Realmslore talent (not naming any names here) working on an alternate future history that sees the Realms evolve instead of explode as they have done.

Edit: As you say, nothing against the novel writers. In most cases, as I understand it, they were given assignments to "kill off so-and-so, we don't care how you do it" and they have written some first-rate tales along the way... just with the unfortunate consequences demanded of them. I'm quite looking forward to RAS being handed his orders to kill Drizzt... yeah, right. Dispater will be skiing before that happens.
Zanan Posted - 20 Jul 2009 : 11:08:12
Through it now and I wish they had opted for a take it or leave it approach with regards to the Old Realms, the Spellplague and the New Realms. As it is, all the recent novel series* covering the change, i.e. The Haunted Lands, Lady Penitent and now the Empyrean Odyssey have obliterated the Realms and the lore we had, slaying dozens of NSC along the way. What for? Make gamers and readers stay away from the old lore by telling them all that you have is going down the drain, officially?

One big thing about novel series is that they IMHO should also offer a story that you want to re-read again. But take any of the above and they are all Ragnarök-style and for all the good writing that there is, why on Earth or Toril would you ever touch that novel again, if you've read it once before. For nigh all will perish and suffer therein? I for one doubt that they will even inspire the "Titanic-movie lovers" - sort of readers to have a look again.

*Again, nothing against the authors here. The novels as such are really great to read and some I'd rate amongst the top notch of FR writing.
Zanan Posted - 18 Jul 2009 : 10:09:41
Thanks for the info.

As for opinions ... the book is nigh solely about the havoc and destruction on the (FR) planes and with all due respect, I can hardly imagine a Realmsfan using positive superlatives for that - deep down in his/her heart. Which is no comment about the novel as such, writing style and the story being told.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 17 Jul 2009 : 13:47:04
Originally posted by Zanan

Read that too and was wondering, whether Alaundo actually wrote somesuch. The book was out on 07. 07. 2009 and did he have any pre-script of it? Furthermore, I for one cannot believe that he actually said something along those lines, as the book essentially is nigh solely about the havoc WotC caused in the FR planes and (I've read toll 180 right now) less than a thrid is about Realmspace at al. All somewhat confusing ...

I know he's gotten to read some of the more recent novels well in advance of their release date... And keep in mind, opinions on the 4E Realms vary wildly.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 17 Jul 2009 : 12:31:21
Originally posted by Zanan

Read that too and was wondering, whether Alaundo actually wrote somesuch. The book was out on 07. 07. 2009 and did he have any pre-script of it? Furthermore, I for one cannot believe that he actually said something along those lines, as the book essentially is nigh solely about the havoc WotC caused in the FR planes and (I've read toll 180 right now) less than a thrid is about Realmspace at al. All somewhat confusing ...

Publishers frequently send advanced reading copies to reviewers and other authors, seeking endorsements which can be printed on the covers. The ARC is usually a bound, unproofed galleys, but I have also received books that were bound with the final cover (except for an ARC banner) and books sent as as a PDF file. But one way or another, publishers get the books to reviewers/authors in enough time to them to read the books and submit a "blurb" endorsement before the books go to print.
Zanan Posted - 17 Jul 2009 : 08:40:53
Read that too and was wondering, whether Alaundo actually wrote somesuch. The book was out on 07. 07. 2009 and did he have any pre-script of it? Furthermore, I for one cannot believe that he actually said something along those lines, as the book essentially is nigh solely about the havoc WotC caused in the FR planes and (I've read toll 180 right now) less than a thrid is about Realmspace at al. All somewhat confusing ...
Rosemary Jones Posted - 10 Jul 2009 : 07:12:18
I noticed this on one of the ads, maybe in the back of DOWNSHADOW?

Made me smile!

Brimstone Posted - 08 Jul 2009 : 12:56:11
It should still be in the Transition Period. I will go check out the Local Barnes and Noble later today for it.
swifty Posted - 08 Jul 2009 : 10:17:33
is it set in 1385 or is it 4e.
The Sage Posted - 08 Jul 2009 : 07:41:22
Aye. My copy should be arriving via mail order sometime this week.
Brimstone Posted - 08 Jul 2009 : 05:38:33
Crystal Mountain is out now I take it?
The Sage Posted - 08 Jul 2009 : 01:18:00
Aye. He's had similar credit on a previous Realms novel too.

'Tis great promotion for Candlekeep.

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