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 Looking for a book - Tangled webs

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Janav Posted - 01 Jul 2009 : 17:54:38
So, the only book i haven't been able to find for my latest shipping was "Tangled Webs" by Elaine Cunningham. Since the series turned out to be so good (the first book anyway), i'm desperately looking for a copy. In some cosmic coincidence however, it seems that every single retailer in Sweden, scandinavia and even german amazon is out of fresh copies.

I'm looking for an online bookstore that takes VISA (paypal is not an option) and has an either used copy in decent condition that they will ship internationally. Ebay is an option and that's where i'll turn eventually but it seems that most of the "stores" on ebay are inclined to only take paypal as payment alternative. So, i thought i'd check here first since some users seem pretty savvy when it comes to online bookstore alternatives :).
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Zelg of Cyric Posted - 30 Jul 2009 : 06:21:23
It is well worth it. It is one of my favorite books. Elaine Cunningham has put out some masterpieces and this book was one them IMO.
Janav Posted - 07 Jul 2009 : 08:47:39
The book arrived this morning, mint-condition just like it was advertised. This makes it a period of 6 business days and considering there was a holiday in between (4th of july, right?) that's pretty damn impressive.

Kudos to (and to the USPS) :).

- And no , i didn't have to pay extra VAT/Toll
The Sage Posted - 04 Jul 2009 : 01:17:07
Originally posted by Kairin

How did Nobleknight turn out for you? Did you have to pay taxes on your order when it arrived? How expensive was the shipping? The site looks interesting, I got curious :)

Well, I'm all the way over in Australia, and even I've been impressed with the shipping rates -- considering the distance the mail will have to travel. Obviously, it's better for me to go with the least expensive delivery option, since the ultra-fast UPS service often ends up costing more than my actual orders. But even with the least expensive option, my package usually arrives well within the 60 days predicted [at most, it's taken two weeks].
Janav Posted - 03 Jul 2009 : 20:21:36
Only took them a few hours as in, pack it and send it off. Right now it's up to the USPS to handle the shipping. I expect i'll see the package sometime next week or so. As for taxes, it depends on the swedish toll. Sometimes they tax shipments, sometimes they don't. Since it's not within the EU, there's always a risk but even if they do tax it the fee is rather low on such a small, cheap parcel/letter.
Kuje Posted - 03 Jul 2009 : 18:34:58
Originally posted by skychrome

I just took a quick look at the site and did not quite get their contents system... how can I find a list of FR novels and supplements there? Neither D&D nor FR serve as category?!

Go to the top left and click RPG items, then for older material it's still listed under TSR but 3e/4e items are listed under Wizards of the Coast.

Use the alpha listing at the top of the RPG section to jump to the T's or the W's.

And grins at Sage, thanks. As I've said before, I've never had any problems with Aaron and I've used his biz for.... gods, over ten years now?
skychrome Posted - 03 Jul 2009 : 15:05:57
I just took a quick look at the site and did not quite get their contents system... how can I find a list of FR novels and supplements there? Neither D&D nor FR serve as category?!
swifty Posted - 03 Jul 2009 : 14:47:07
i paid for the least expensive shipping but the book actually turned up a lot quicker than what id paid for.
Kairin Posted - 03 Jul 2009 : 14:07:35
How did Nobleknight turn out for you? Did you have to pay taxes on your order when it arrived? How expensive was the shipping? The site looks interesting, I got curious :)
Janav Posted - 03 Jul 2009 : 12:09:48
I went with nobleknight since i want the "new" printing of the book to go with the other copies of my Starlight & Shadows. Plus, they seem pretty fast - only took them a few hours to package and ship the book even though i am an international costumer. Kudos to Nobleknight :).
The Sage Posted - 03 Jul 2009 : 00:56:24
I appreciate the confidence, swifty. But I must say that Kuje was actually the one who put me onto a few years back. So, really, what was good for him was good for me and, apparently, is good for you too.
swifty Posted - 02 Jul 2009 : 22:48:31
go with nobleknight mate.the sage put me onto them and if its good enough for him its good enough for me.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 02 Jul 2009 : 16:47:28
Originally posted by Janav

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

You can link PayPal to a bank account or a credit card.

Exactly my problem :). It comes down to the fact that i simply don't trust paypal with my money - not with any amount. I'm aware that 99,99% of the users of the service don't experience any problems in using it (my younger brother is a paypal freak :p) but the prevalence of sites such as (while over-dramatized) shows that there are certain problems and i don't have enough money to become part of the 0,01% that experience these problems. It only becomes a pain not to have a paypal account during instances such as these, and there are usually ways to circumvent it.

Thanks for the and the advice. Seems i didn't check the older versions of the book properly and i'll be ordering one of the used ones from there.


Really, you're going to run some risk with any online transaction -- if you're not mailing them the payment or physically handing it to them, there's risk. PayPal has been great for me ever since I first used it like 6 years ago or so, and I've actually avoided some places because they didn't take PayPal.

If you're that concerned about it, start a separate bank account, link PayPal to it, and only put money in it when you're going to buy something.
Janav Posted - 02 Jul 2009 : 12:36:26
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

You can link PayPal to a bank account or a credit card.

Exactly my problem :). It comes down to the fact that i simply don't trust paypal with my money - not with any amount. I'm aware that 99,99% of the users of the service don't experience any problems in using it (my younger brother is a paypal freak :p) but the prevalence of sites such as (while over-dramatized) shows that there are certain problems and i don't have enough money to become part of the 0,01% that experience these problems. It only becomes a pain not to have a paypal account during instances such as these, and there are usually ways to circumvent it.

Thanks for the and the advice. Seems i didn't check the older versions of the book properly and i'll be ordering one of the used ones from there.

The Sage Posted - 02 Jul 2009 : 01:29:20
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I'm a little curious as to why Visa is an option, but PayPal isn't... You can link PayPal to a bank account or a credit card. Just about everything I buy online, I use PayPal for.

I'll second this.

I've done much the same for certain overseas orders, and I've yet to experience any particular problems.
Dart Ambermoon Posted - 01 Jul 2009 : 23:34:57
Since I know that kind of pain, I just had a quick look around...

You can grab it via Amazon (the German one) as a 2nd hand novel for 3,55...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 01 Jul 2009 : 22:08:53
I'm a little curious as to why Visa is an option, but PayPal isn't... You can link PayPal to a bank account or a credit card. Just about everything I buy online, I use PayPal for.
Kuje Posted - 01 Jul 2009 : 21:28:54

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