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ArcticKnight Posted - 02 Nov 2006 : 20:02:11
So I used to post here many years ago, I was actually suprised to find this place still here!!! Congrats on the growth... I had a break in my other readings and picked up RotP and PotWK and knocked them out in about 4 days, got me interested in FR books again but im SOOO Behind....

whats good, whats not? where to begin? I stopped reading FR books after the Sembia Series was released (that being the last good thing i read from FR)I have and have read all of the old books (we can call it pre Sembia) and have not read anything post sembia

Thanks for the help as I gain my footing again after so many years.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MerrikCale Posted - 04 Nov 2006 : 21:47:00
I loved Richard Lee Byers trilogy. It was great. Richard Baker's elf trilogy was very good as well. As for stand alones, I liked Blackstaff, Ghostwalker, Mistress of the Night, and Bladesinger very much. City of Splendors was very good as well and I'm not a fan of Mr. Greenwood's fiction.
ArcticKnight Posted - 04 Nov 2006 : 13:36:54
Thanks for the info Rinonalyrna, I hope I can still aquire that book in Hardback! ebay here I come, I suspect.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 04 Nov 2006 : 04:00:36
I remember you too. I agree that you may like City of Splendors: A Novel of Waterdeep.
ArcticKnight Posted - 03 Nov 2006 : 00:53:58
haha wow, I have had quite an enjoyable day reading all my posts from 3-4 years ago... man I was chatty back then : /

Thanks for the info and directions, i picked up the EC Trilogy today. I actually have all of the War of the SQ books in hardback just never finished reading them, I think I will go there next.

Cheers! I feel the obsession growing within (again)
The Sage Posted - 03 Nov 2006 : 00:21:07
Originally posted by Alaundo

Well met

My word, now there's a name i've not seen in a very long time Welcome back, ArcticKnight. Glad to see ye return to the Realms, and to Candlekeep.

Welcome back ArcticKnight.

Take a look around the novels section of the forum and indeed the novels section of the site, to get an idea of what new tomes are available and for recommendations.
Specifically, I would recommend you also take a look through the "Experienced help for recommending FR Novels" scroll located here:-
Reefy Posted - 02 Nov 2006 : 23:30:33
And not forgetting Ed Greenwood and Elaine Cunningham's City of Splendors.
Alaundo Posted - 02 Nov 2006 : 22:54:05
Well met

My word, now there's a name i've not seen in a very long time Welcome back, ArcticKnight. Glad to see ye return to the Realms, and to Candlekeep. Take a look around the novels section of the forum and indeed the novels section of the site, to get an idea of what new tomes are available and for recommendations.

IMHO, FR novel quality has been at a high for a good few years now
Dart Ambermoon Posted - 02 Nov 2006 : 20:34:20
Well, if you liked the Sembia Series, then I guess Paul Kemp´s Erevis Cale trilogy (Twilight Falling, Dawn of Night, Mask of Midnight) might interest you.

Other than that there are some other good trilogies (Last Mythal - by Richard Baker, if you´re interested in elves; Year of the Rogue Dragons by Richard Lee Byers if you´ve always wanted to know, what makes the Dragon´s go beernuts once in a while; War of the Spider Queen - six novels dealing with Drow and a Lloth, that has gone silent ; Scions of Arrabar trilogy if you´re more into city-state mysteries & nefarious scheming for power).

Of the stand-alone novels published since then I would definitely recommend Steven Schend´s "Blackstaff", Eric Scott De-Bie´s "Ghostwalker" and Richard Lee Byer´s "Queen of the Depths". And, of course, if you like Ed Greenwoods style, then "Elminster´s Daughter" is one for you.

There are actually more novels I would recommend...but this is just a starter, since I don´t know what style you like.

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