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 Problem with availability of Black Wolf

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Beezy Posted - 18 Nov 2005 : 00:49:02
I have The Sembia series 1-3 currently and 5-7 on order but on Amazon and other websites it says Black wolf is unavailable to order. They have a couple used coupies for approximately $20. Anyone have any idea why I can purchase 6 out of 7 of the Sembia series brand new but I can't find a new copy of Black wolf?
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lord Nemes Posted - 09 Mar 2006 : 01:41:38
Bookstores have a catalog of WOTC products whit a backlist section and Black Wolf is still in the list. I ask at my bookstore to order it 2 weeks ago and receive it today. So it's still possible to have a new copy at regular price.
EytanBernstein Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 22:13:09
I wouldn't think that this particular title would be one that's sold out. Most of the Borders, B&N, and other major bookstores I've seen seem to always have Sembia titles. (If only we could convince them to stop carrying some of the obsolete 3.0 gaming products that have been sitting on the shelf for 3 years).
Smyther Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 22:00:31
I'll chime in with the offers to buy+send for people - I know a place in Lethbridge, Alberta, that has a copy for regular price. I'm not interested in it myself...
Alaundo Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 20:36:27
Well met

I have two copies of Black Wolf myself. One copy was signed and sent to me by Dave Gross and another I had bought beforehand. Of course, i'll never part with the signed copy, but I believe the other copy may have a slight blemish on the spine. I'll check once I locate the box in which is it contained.
Kuje Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 20:30:49
I can also check around because my city has at least 4 book stores as well as 2 or 3 RPG stores. :) If anyone wants me to, that is.
Renzokuken Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 20:18:42
I stumbled upon a copy last week at my local Borders. My eyes definitely did a double take before I realized it really was a copy of Black Wolf. Can't wait to read it!
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 20:14:17
I think I say a used copy of Black Wolf over at this one place (won't say where, otherwise it'll be a race!). . . maybe I'll go pick it up. If I get my hands on it, I'd be happy to send it off -- once I've read it, a'course.

Wooly Rupert Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 20:08:01
Originally posted by quajack

There is a perfectly good copy of Black Wolf sitting on the shelf of my local Borders. If anyone here is missing this book from their collection, I would be more than happy to buy it and ship it to them for cost. Let me know.

I'll take you up on that, if you can wait until the end of next week for the money.
SheriffJoe Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 19:20:29
What I find VERY odd is that, in a series, be it a trilogy or ongoing saga of inter-related novels, there seems to be just ONE of them that becomes incredibly difficult to find at a fair price. Black Wolf is one example. I won't go into Dragonlance in great detail, but there are no fewer than FIVE (5) series that have just ONE book unavailable...which, for me, ends any desire whatsoever to read the entire series. Why bother if I have to spend over $20 for one used papeback? (I actually saw one paperback novel being sold, believe it or not, for $1259.43!!!!!!!!)

If you are lucky, you can find a good deal on ebay, or half dot com, or amazon. Sometimes, it takes patience. Sometimes, it takes Tymora's luck. Eventually, however, things seem to work out for the best.
Belthor Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 18:27:59
I must have just gotten lucky, because Black Wolf was one of the books I got in a large lot of FR books I got from ebay.
quajack Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 18:22:33
There is a perfectly good copy of Black Wolf sitting on the shelf of my local Borders. If anyone here is missing this book from their collection, I would be more than happy to buy it and ship it to them for cost. Let me know.
Beezy Posted - 19 Nov 2005 : 00:27:27
I didn't even know existed. I just found Black Wolf on there, thanks for the assistance. I just found it odd that I could purchse the other 6 sembia series but only Black wolf was unavailable.
Winterfox Posted - 18 Nov 2005 : 20:30:13
Originally posted by Kuje

Or amazon......

...where the book's listed as out of print, though used copies are listed as available.

I checked, and there it's not listed as out of print, but it says that delivery could be anything within four to six weeks.
SheriffJoe Posted - 18 Nov 2005 : 18:57:31
Or've always had excellent luck with them.
Kuje Posted - 18 Nov 2005 : 17:56:05
Or amazon......
The Sage Posted - 18 Nov 2005 : 14:46:04
I'm not so sure they're "brand new" but both and still had lisitings for the most of the novels in the Sembia series the last time I checked.

Alternatively, you can try 2nd-hand booksellers online.
Richard Lee Byers Posted - 18 Nov 2005 : 14:31:44
It's a sad fact of life that most novels eventually go out of print, which is to say, the publisher and distributors run out of copies to sell, and the publisher doesn't choose to print new ones, at least not immediately. I don't know for a fact that Black Wolf is OP, but that would be my guess.

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