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 Elminster's Children (spoilers)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kzia Posted - 10 Nov 2005 : 02:19:08
Spoiler's for Elminster's Daughter and The Simbul's Gift.

At the end (of Elminster's Daughter) when Lady Laspeera told Narnra that not only wasn't she El's only daughter but that she and Queen Filfaeril both were and that "there are a lot of us"?? Did anyone else's jaw drop?

Now as Elminster has been around for several centuries and during that time it is only natural that he would have had several long term relationships that produced children but "a lot of us". And I don't remember how old Laspeera or Filfaeril are but seems to me that El has been Very busy lately!

He didn't know about Narnra, did he know about any of the other's? And if he did why wouldn't he have a child with The Simbul? In that book (The Simbul's Gift) you never heard his side of it, don't know if he addresses her wishes and his feeling about it elsewhere in print.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kzia Posted - 10 Nov 2005 : 23:47:09
Thanks Wooly, I found the search function, don't know how I missed that in meandering around here.

I found the thread, it was a very enjoyable read, would have been more so had I been around then and able to paricipate.........
Wooly Rupert Posted - 10 Nov 2005 : 23:02:35
Originally posted by Kzia

Being new to this forum (about 4 days) I don't really know what has been talked to death. Is there an easy way to look up previous threads, are they grouped by subject maybe?

I don't want to bore everyone by reposting........

Feel free to use the search function. There's a link to it at the top of each page, too.
Kzia Posted - 10 Nov 2005 : 17:13:21
Originally posted by Talanfir Swiftfeet

This topic has already been discussed in other threads. What she meant was that Elminster was their ancestor, not their father.

Um, okay. I guess her wording of "I too, am daugther of Elminster" (pg 373) confused me.

Being new to this forum (about 4 days) I don't really know what has been talked to death. Is there an easy way to look up previous threads, are they grouped by subject maybe?

I don't want to bore everyone by reposting........
Talanfir Swiftfeet Posted - 10 Nov 2005 : 15:19:03
This topic has already been discussed in other threads. What she meant was that Elminster was their ancestor, not their father.

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