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KingGorion Posted - 18 Apr 2003 : 13:51:14
Hey im new here and very new to the reading of forgotten realms. I was wondering and wanting to ask what was the first forgotten realms book ever made. My local library has a mix of forgotten realms books mainly newer 2000 version and i was wondering when they have started out. Also i decided to start reading "Return of the Archwizard" because coincedencly the library had the complete set, The summoning, The seige, Realms of Shadow, and the Sorcerros. There were other books but it either had book 3, book 4 of some of them had book 1 and book 2 but not the complete set. I was wondering if there really worth reading and worth to buy? I herd theres a lot of forgotten realm books Over 200? does anyone have an exact number?

thanks all really appreciated!
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Faraer Posted - 11 Aug 2003 : 17:52:42
Ed Greenwood started writing fiction in the Realms twenty years before the first Realms novel was published. It's distinct from other shared worlds in that it has a single original, and in great part continual, creator.
Bookwyrm Posted - 11 Aug 2003 : 07:38:35
The Forgotten Realms setting is open to any author, assuming they can actually meet the standards of the publisher (Wizards of the Coast). It's done with other popular series as well -- Star Trek and Star Wars being the most commonly known. Actually, the latter is a better example than the first, since new books have to be carefully studied to make sure that nothing contradicts previous material.
Darkelf Posted - 11 Aug 2003 : 06:38:19
I went to the Library today and found out that R.A. Salvator didnt write all of them, (i didnt know that) E. Cunningham does too. =/
Malanthius Posted - 10 Aug 2003 : 18:22:38
There aren't common characters throughout "all" of the forgotten realms books. Occasionally a series will reference events that took place on the continent of faerun, or the planet of aber-toril, but generally a series just has it's own characters. Those referenced in the icewind dale trilogy are the "back story" the author later expanded on this in the Dark elf trilogy.

Darkelf Posted - 10 Aug 2003 : 15:50:46
hey all, i was wondering, are there the same charecters in all the books? If there were DarkWalker on Moonshae would be the book that introduces them right? I just bought "The Icewind Dale Trilogy" and they already started talking about charecters from before.
Bookwyrm Posted - 18 Apr 2003 : 22:37:39
*sob* Another one looking for order in our chaos . . . .

Bookwyrm rumages around in his desk of many drawers and pulls out a scroll.

Okay, I'm too tired of this subject to talk about it so soon . . . in the meantime, read this. It's just the next most recent time someone asked this sort of question -- there are many others.

And while, unlike your neighborhood library, we don't use the Dewey Decimal system, we do have a convenient scrying room off the main hall. You should be able find more information there.

*sigh* If it weren't for the assignments from my overlords, such as Lady English or Lord Astronomy, at the College of Count Montgomery, I'd compile all that information into a VFTTPONAQ (Very Frequently To-The-Point-Of-Nausea Asked Questions) page . . . .
Alaundo Posted - 18 Apr 2003 : 16:12:37
Well Met

Originally posted by zemd

Sorry Alaundo, i tried to make a link to the book description on Candlekeep but since it's a frame, it just give me

Worry not my dear zemd Simply right-clicking on a page reveals a menu, select Properties and cut the page address (URL) from there. Thus, revealing this page.

Still, it matters not, the information was given to KingGorion.
KingGorion Posted - 18 Apr 2003 : 15:21:21
ah fare enough thanks for the tips ill look into it thanks a lot :)
zemd Posted - 18 Apr 2003 : 15:15:02
First of all, welcome!
The first FR book published was Darkwalker on Moonshae. And yes! they definitly worth to buy them. My advices are all the books for R.A. Salvatore and the Avatar Trilogy plus the sequels (Prince of Lies and Crucible). That'll do for a beginning.

Sorry Alaundo, i tried to make a link to the book description on Candlekeep but since it's a frame, it just give me

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