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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Brightblade Posted - 19 Sep 2006 : 02:30:07
Hi, I'm a long time lurker here at Candlekeep, first time poster. I played quite a bit back in the 80's, and over the past couple of years have been trying to get caught up with everything that has happened on Faerun over the past two decades! I have almost all the 3E sourcebooks, and have been building up my collection of 1E and 2E campaign supplements to the point where I probably have about 3/4 of the material. My question is for those that have bought the PDF downloads from Paizo: What is the overall quality? Are they about on par with the free downloads from the WotC site? I'm pretty pleased with the free downloads at the WotC site, so I'm hoping the quality is at least as good.

Also, anybody have any thoughts on the Raven's Bluff Living City series? I have the "City of" but was looking at getting the PDF's of LC1 thru LC4? Also, thanks for the resources you guys make available...this is a great site that has made it a lot easier "to get caught up!"
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
vicar Posted - 27 Oct 2006 : 20:36:49
I haven't gotten any such from paizo before, only DriveThruRPG. Their stuff has been consistantly good, though.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 19 Sep 2006 : 11:25:09
At $4 a piece, I'd say it's worth getting them, unless you prefer the print copies.
Brightblade Posted - 19 Sep 2006 : 04:12:39
Thanks for the info. Do you have any thoughts on the LC series as to whether it's a "wise" investment or not. I do have to say I was pleased with the City of Raven's Bluff, though the font size makes it quite a read!!!
KnightErrantJR Posted - 19 Sep 2006 : 02:52:57
I know for a while they had a thread going to list the problem PDFs so they could see if there was anything they could do to fix the issue, since a lot of them were actually scanned during the end of the TSR era. At any rate, I have to echo my fellow scribes, for the most part, they have been pretty good, but there is some variation in quality.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 19 Sep 2006 : 02:50:02
Yup, that's been pretty much my experience, too... I've only purchased a few pdfs from them, and most of them were pretty good. There were at least a couple, though, that weren't so hot -- to the point of not even being able to use the search function to find a word I was staring directly at.
The Sage Posted - 19 Sep 2006 : 02:41:31
Wooly's got a scroll around here somewhere with his thoughts on several FR PDF downloads...

Anways... It really does depend on the particular PDFs you are looking for.

I've purchased some of the Planescape PDFs from (mainly so I can browse through them while at work), and I've been happy with most of them, to a degree.

On the other hand, I've also downloaded a DL tome (an adventure module actually) and was sorely disappointed with both the quality and organisation of the copy. The original PDF I had displayed some pages at a slight angle, while the third, forth and fifth pages where actually swapped around in a fifth, forth and third progression. I reported this to and they eventually pulled the PDF from their catalogues and rectified it. They did not however, apologise for the lack of professionalism with regard to the PDF that I had previously purchased.

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