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 Shining South & Libris Mortis art galleries

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dargoth Posted - 09 Oct 2004 : 04:51:34
Shining South art gallery

Libris Mortis art gallery

Hopefully this mean that WOTC have finally dumped the dodgy cartoonish art (ie the Planetouched in ROF)
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dargoth Posted - 10 Oct 2004 : 01:34:56
Scourge Maiden?

Is that another PrC for Loviator clergy?

Hopefully Bane will get a PrC when they do a Lake of Steam supplment the Knights of the Black Gauntlet would make a good PrC
DDH_101 Posted - 09 Oct 2004 : 23:16:31
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Originally posted by DDH_101
The scourge maiden was also done well, enough to say that if I ever met her in person, I would be freaked out.

For those playing at home, here's the correct link to the scourge maiden.

Thanks, Sirius. I probably pressed ctrl+ v twice or something...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 09 Oct 2004 : 23:06:48
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I looked at several of the Shining South pics... Suffice it to say that it's a good thing I don't base my decision on the artwork. If I did, I'd never even flip thru the book, much less purchase it.

Wizards needs to get Elmore, Easley, and maybe even Caldwell back aboard.

Sorry you thought it was bad. The only art that stood out to me as "absolutely don't like" was Dubisch's take on the humans.

Oh, I didn't think it was bad. I just didn't think that it was worth paying much attention to.
SiriusBlack Posted - 09 Oct 2004 : 20:36:54
Originally posted by Lord Rad
I do disagree that there are no artists to match such masters.... my favorite artist now, of all time, is Todd Lockwood. He has done some AMAZING artwork for D&D\FR. I'd highly recommend his Transitions art portfolio book to illustrate this (pardon the pun).

You have excellent taste. I knew there was a reason you are my favorite Candlekeep poster. Lockwood is great.


Oh, and sorry, I can't comment on the art galleries over at WotC as I prefer to have the initial excitement of viewing the artwork when i get that actual product in my hands

A good point to recall. While I appreciate the galleries, some art is best viewed in the tome rather than online in often reduced size.
SiriusBlack Posted - 09 Oct 2004 : 20:33:51
Originally posted by DDH_101
The scourge maiden was also done well, enough to say that if I ever met her in person, I would be freaked out.

For those playing at home, here's the correct link to the scourge maiden.
SiriusBlack Posted - 09 Oct 2004 : 20:32:02
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I looked at several of the Shining South pics... Suffice it to say that it's a good thing I don't base my decision on the artwork. If I did, I'd never even flip thru the book, much less purchase it.

Wizards needs to get Elmore, Easley, and maybe even Caldwell back aboard.

Sorry you thought it was bad. The only art that stood out to me as "absolutely don't like" was Dubisch's take on the humans.
SiriusBlack Posted - 09 Oct 2004 : 20:30:14
Originally posted by Dargoth

Shining South art gallery

Libris Mortalis art gallery

Thanks for the links to both! Even though I'm not planning to purchase the latter, it was nice to see the tome's art. I liked Thomas M. Baxa's work. I wish he had been used for Shining South.
Lord Rad Posted - 09 Oct 2004 : 10:38:28
I quite understand what Wooly is saying, I loved Easley's and Elmore's artwork, however, it is a little 80's stylee these days, but the quality is still outstanding.

I do disagree that there are no artists to match such masters.... my favorite artist now, of all time, is Todd Lockwood. He has done some AMAZING artwork for D&D\FR. I'd highly recommend his Transitions art portfolio book to illustrate this (pardon the pun).

Oh, and sorry, I can't comment on the art galleries over at WotC as I prefer to have the initial excitement of viewing the artwork when i get that actual product in my hands
Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 09 Oct 2004 : 10:25:07
Sure, the time of Easly and friends was nice... but often they only painted the cover of the book, and the inside was all black and white stick figures!

Now, we're actually looking at the INSIDE art of the book! Shining South art is nowhere below superb if you ask me.

Look at her!! LOOK I SAY! -->

I'd walk the plank anytime for her...
Capn Charlie Posted - 09 Oct 2004 : 08:43:37
Yes, one need only look at the plates in Gold and Glory to see the high level of artwork present in all TSR products, because surely it can't be the nostalgic mists of time that make them seem so utterly superior to all of the new stuff.[/sarc]
Wooly Rupert Posted - 09 Oct 2004 : 07:55:07
You have to understand this: when I was getting into TSR's stuff, they employed three of the best fantasy artists in the business: Larry Elmore, Jeff Easley, and Clyde Caldwell. Of those three, Easley was my least fave of the bunch. And even he and Caldwell together couldn't match Elmore's artwork.

So I came in when the artwork was simply exquisite. Elmore, in particular, has done some incredible stuff.

No one since then has even compared. Very little artwork since those happy days has even been worth a second glance, to me.
DDH_101 Posted - 09 Oct 2004 : 06:47:35
Bah! I thought the artwork was done pretty good, particularly this one of a dwarf defender:

The scourge maiden was also done well, enough to say that if I ever met her in person, I would be freaked out.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 09 Oct 2004 : 06:09:24
I looked at several of the Shining South pics... Suffice it to say that it's a good thing I don't base my decision on the artwork. If I did, I'd never even flip thru the book, much less purchase it.

Wizards needs to get Elmore, Easley, and maybe even Caldwell back aboard.
DDH_101 Posted - 09 Oct 2004 : 05:04:47
Damn, those are some nice pictures from the Shining South! These exerpts that WotC have for manuals like these are very good and I always like to look at them to see if they might help me on considering purchasing the books.

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