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 Spelljammer: Realmspace

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
EltonRobb Posted - 08 Mar 2025 : 19:30:44
I mostly want your opinion on this book. I'm thinking of getting it from Drivethru for reasons both practical and mysterious. Since it talks about the Aumator System (Realms Solar System), I could use it. Here's the [url=]link[/url] if you want to know more. Or if you think I'm crazy (the one review on site said it was an awful book, so I thought to ask dedicated Realms scribes if they think it's awful as well.)
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
HighOne Posted - 09 Mar 2025 : 19:43:30
Originally posted by ericlboyd

I think it's pretty awful. If you dig into it, there is a ton of objectionable content. It also doesn't feel like a Realms product to me.

So, I'm in the middle of rewriting it. Coming soon.

You have my attention. I'll add this to my list of upcoming Eric L. Boyd products, alongside The Crown of Earlann and the untitled Dessarin Valley project.

Also, I'll add my own homebrew addition to Realmspace for you and anyone else to consider: a completely unpopulated, resource-rich planet, similar in geography to Toril, that players, gods, and various factions can fight over.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 09 Mar 2025 : 15:40:05
One of the issues with the Spelljammer line was a lack of coordination. There didn't seem to be any overall direction on the product line, aside from the general "D&D in space!" theme. So we had some stuff that focused on the Second Unhuman War, and some stuff that ignored it. We had some contradictory info, like on the location of Lionheart. We even had two proficiencies with the same name and basic function in different products -- and one was clearly better than the other.

But the worse part of the lack of coordination was the way there was no coordination between the people working on the main three published settings and on Spelljammer.

Realmspace, as I noted, contains info on Toril that is not backed up anywhere in published Realmslore.

Krynnspace is a collection of awful ideas, and the way Krynn's moons are described is a direct contradiction of a lot of published Dragonlance material about the moons.

I'm not familiar enough with Greyhawk lore to know if Greyspace contradicts it, but I assume it does.

Spelljammer was my first love of D&D settings. My username comes from there, and I've bought all the 2E Spelljammer stuff twice. But I do recognize there were a lot of issues with it.
ericlboyd Posted - 09 Mar 2025 : 03:29:55
I think it's pretty awful. If you dig into it, there is a ton of objectionable content. It also doesn't feel like a Realms product to me.

So, I'm in the middle of rewriting it. Coming soon.
HighOne Posted - 09 Mar 2025 : 00:55:40
I think it's really good, but that's because I like Spelljammer. The average Realms fan probably has no use for this book, because the lore is too detached from the rest of the Realms to be relevant most of the time. Unless you're running adventures in Realmspace (which should probably be thought of as its own setting rather than as a part of the Realms), the information in this book is unlikely to ever be useful to you.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 08 Mar 2025 : 21:22:09
It's not great, but if I was running a Spelljammer campaign, I'd use it.

My biggest thing about the book is that if I was using it, I'd throw out every single thing it says about Toril, Selūne, and the Tears. Some of it because I just can't figure out how to make it make sense, like the paranoid hedonistic people that live on Selūne and who are -- despite their paranoia -- very welcoming of people not from Toril, and who worship Leira but don't have anything to do with illusions. (It has apparently never occurred to these people that someone could be from Toril and lie about it)

Some of the Toril-specific info is problematic because it's either not backed up at all in published Realmslore or because published Realmslore contradicts it.

And I'm not a huge fan of the way H'Catha is written up, but that's an easier fix than the other stuff I mentioned.

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