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 Schedule? What should we wait for?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
farinal Posted - 15 Apr 2013 : 13:56:39
So is there any official schedule for FR books? We sure need more stuff like Ed's FR or even the new edition-free Menzoberranzan (for another city or country that hasn't been done to the death would be better though). I heard there was a book "Murder in Baldur's Gate" or something like this coming up but I don't know what it is, an adventure for the new ruleset?

So what are you waiting for right now and what are we going to get soon in general?
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Madmage Posted - 25 Apr 2013 : 20:38:17
Beyond a new 5E campaign setting book, I'd rather see books similar to the Expedition to Castle Greyhawk in style or covering a topic that isn't limited to specific area.

For the former, it is a brief overview of a city or region which goes into details for certain locales or set-pieces where players can visit. The culture should be emphasized to better set the atmosphere or feel of the area rather than describe every single person or building. But the main meat of the book delves into a series of adventures along with sidequests and adventure hooks to give DMs and players things to do. With age, I find that my time is nowhere near as plentiful to design settings than when I was a younger.

Of the latter option, my favourite books were the recent Elminster's guide to Faerun, some of the Volo Guides, the Pantheon books, Powers of Faerun, Lost Empires of Faerun, Magic of Faerun, and the Grand History of the Realms. I wouldn't mind seeing a revival of the old "book of lairs" series as a sort of Monster Manual of the Realms. With each monster having a small adventure setup with suggestions of where these lairs could be found, unique treasure or uses for the creatures' corpses, etc.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 23 Apr 2013 : 19:29:30
Originally posted by raski

I think they tried to do it in the fourth edition, with "Neverwinter Campaign Setting". I know a lot of people had problems with it, because it was one of the only products published for that edition, And only focus on one city. So they say that the city has become a new world by itself.

I don't think it was the fact that it was one of the only 4E FR products. I think the problem was the name -- the Neverwinter Campaign Setting. When something is called a campaign setting, and only focuses on one city, it's understandable for the uninitiated to assume it's the entirely of the world.
raski Posted - 23 Apr 2013 : 18:27:13
I think they tried to do it in the fourth edition, with "Neverwinter Campaign Setting". I know a lot of people had problems with it, because it was one of the only products published for that edition, And only focus on one city. So they say that the city has become a new world by itself.

I think the book was excellent. But I wish WOC have published more products for the fourth edition in general.
PaulBestwick Posted - 23 Apr 2013 : 12:02:31
Daggerdale followed by "Mines of Tethymar" ?
9thChapter Posted - 17 Apr 2013 : 15:12:15
Agreed on Daggerdale.

Why not a thematic splat book per se? Instead of focusing on one town or region, perhaps centre it on a concept - say "Great Lakes" or "Peaks and Valleys". You could jam a lot of good - undercoverd - material into these volumes. Just my two cents.
Eilserus Posted - 17 Apr 2013 : 13:54:14
I'd love to see this done with Eveningstar or maybe even Daggerdale too. I hope they start slinging director's cuts of old edition stuff online. I'd love to see Ed's original 90 some page take on the Haunted Halls.
George Krashos Posted - 17 Apr 2013 : 11:49:54
A while ago I advocated that they pick a small town like Amphail on the outskirts of Waterdeep, detail it down to the ground, add a dungeon and a ton of adventure hooks and market it as a beginner all-in-one FR campaign starter. Same could be done for a host of towns throughout the Heartlands and Inner Sea. As to what the 5E Realms will bring, only Ao knows.

-- George Krashos
Caladan Brood Posted - 17 Apr 2013 : 08:12:45
I'll buy any Edition-free Realms material. I hope "Elminster's FR" sells well so they want more books like this to publish. Personally I'd love splat books detailing smaller areas so as to give a DM a lot to play with. As an example a book focusinh solely on one of the smaller cities like Iriaebor, with maps, tiles specific for the area and heaps of art depicting the place. With a small adventure added for bonus.

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