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 Forgotten Realms Monster Manual

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Seethyr Posted - 09 Mar 2025 : 23:55:32
I don't know how interested in this folks would be but I am considering (and this would take me a long, long time) updating monsters to the exact format they used for the new Monster Manual for essentially a Forgotten Realms Monster Manual.

Getting the CSS formatting perfect, considering I cant code for my life was a nightmare for me, and I am still unable to get those fancy little frames around monster images, but I am trying my best to make it look the same as the professionally done book. I'd love to hear your opinions.

Whether or not I do this, I will be posting monsters here as I make them. Here is the first which is the ascallion. As far as I know, it hasnt been done yet anywhere else for 5e.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Seethyr Posted - 12 Mar 2025 : 00:50:19
The Belabra.

For the next few I may jump around products. So far all have been updates to the MC - Forgotten Realms Appendix from 2e.

Seethyr Posted - 10 Mar 2025 : 01:57:48
Just finished the asperii. Probably moving onto the belabra next.

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