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 Barbarian tribes of the Sword Coast North

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Brimstone Posted - 12 Feb 2025 : 00:07:57
According to Ed (Facebook page) a new book will be published over at DM's Guild. Eric Boyd says it's going live tomorrow. POD depends on volume of sales...

Realms fans, grab this when it goes live at DM’s Guild!
Canon! The definitive guide to the barbarian tribes of the Sword Coast North, penned by Forgotten Realms uber-sages Eric L. Boyd, Thomas M. Costa, and George Krashos!
(Oh, and NO AI was used in the making of this product!)
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sleyvas Posted - 06 Mar 2025 : 13:00:12
Eric and George,

I just wanted to say.... love your work. I'm still going back to read it because work is slamming me, but love the detail. I will also add, it kills me how much I've forgotten over time.
ericlboyd Posted - 06 Mar 2025 : 04:05:20
ericlboyd Posted - 04 Mar 2025 : 13:55:33
ericlboyd Posted - 18 Feb 2025 : 22:26:26
We're going to do a pre-recorded podcast on The Uthgardt. Please email questions you'd like us to tackle to by Friday.
George Krashos Posted - 17 Feb 2025 : 23:19:55
Both the SCAG and Storm King’s Thunder utilize and talk about the Uthgardt. They are still around, but details are scant.

— George Krashos
Seethyr Posted - 17 Feb 2025 : 19:34:31
Really loved this. I read through almost all of it (haven’t gotten to Thunderbeast yet). I’m curious if the Chronomancer’s crypt will be one of the future products? I’d love to have my PCs find his Time magic.

Also, do you have any (even just a few words) update as to how the tribes fare in the modern day? I’d love to just skip over it but the Spellplague has to have affected at least one of them. Especially after what happened to Nobanion.
ericlboyd Posted - 16 Feb 2025 : 04:04:56
The file has been updated with a couple small fixes to the 5e content. Redownload and you should get the fixed version.
EltonRobb Posted - 15 Feb 2025 : 18:00:13
Originally posted by ericlboyd

From George, Tom, and I. Hopefully folks like it. Let us know what you think and if you see any problems.


I might pick up a copy at the end of the month, after I'm paid.
Alberto_Magnus Posted - 13 Feb 2025 : 15:54:45
Bought and read part of it.
It's an amazing piece of work IMHO.
Some incredible pieces of lore, read the Curse of Atarananta and tell me if you don't get creepy goosebumps...
sleyvas Posted - 12 Feb 2025 : 16:28:22
Originally posted by ericlboyd

Originally posted by sleyvas

Originally posted by ericlboyd

From George, Tom, and I. Hopefully folks like it. Let us know what you think and if you see any problems.


Color me intrigued. 78 pages, so it should have a decent amount of stuff to entertain me for a bit. I'll be buying it in a minute, but if you will fulfill my fishery here in that it may encourage others to look.... kezefbane .... my google fu shows someone talking about this as some seige weapon mentioned in a novel years ago (and brought up in our forums 8 years back). Is this going to be a seige engine or a normal weapon or both (i.e. a hammer that can destroy walls, etc...)

Oh, and knowing Fitzmilliyun Sparkledrim, he was probably under an illusion pretending to be a uthgardt to influence things at some point. People just aren't aware because of his devotion to playing his part.

THere's not a lot on Kezefbane here, but it does play a role in the history of the Black Lion tribe. It was originally discussed in Elaine Cunningham's "Thornhold" novel. We've got some more detail on it, but that's for a future product.

Not to that point yet, but I'm on page 7 so far. Liking it so far, but obviously its an information rush (especially dates and twists on names... and my internal mind lore is getting rusty). I saw your reference to "magus of the ancients" and got intrigued, so I jumped ahead to see what its about. I like the general idea of this magus, and I am updating some old stuff I wrote when 5e first came out for a "spirit shaman" variation of warlock to mimic flavor of some of this(renaming as a spirit pactbinder)... but with obvious rule differences since its warlock, different abilities, etc.. but flavor similarities in that it works with the "spirit world".

Good uses of some of the original gods as spins

Also, saw two things... minor ... easy fixes... and also workable as a heresy if someone wanted so no biggie .... I'll PM you about it.
ericlboyd Posted - 12 Feb 2025 : 15:41:57
Originally posted by sleyvas

Originally posted by ericlboyd

From George, Tom, and I. Hopefully folks like it. Let us know what you think and if you see any problems.


Color me intrigued. 78 pages, so it should have a decent amount of stuff to entertain me for a bit. I'll be buying it in a minute, but if you will fulfill my fishery here in that it may encourage others to look.... kezefbane .... my google fu shows someone talking about this as some seige weapon mentioned in a novel years ago (and brought up in our forums 8 years back). Is this going to be a seige engine or a normal weapon or both (i.e. a hammer that can destroy walls, etc...)

Oh, and knowing Fitzmilliyun Sparkledrim, he was probably under an illusion pretending to be a uthgardt to influence things at some point. People just aren't aware because of his devotion to playing his part.

THere's not a lot on Kezefbane here, but it does play a role in the history of the Black Lion tribe. It was originally discussed in Elaine Cunningham's "Thornhold" novel. We've got some more detail on it, but that's for a future product.
Brimstone Posted - 12 Feb 2025 : 15:01:11
That map on page 9 is GORGEOUS!!!
Brimstone Posted - 12 Feb 2025 : 14:44:56
Just bought a copy Eric!
sleyvas Posted - 12 Feb 2025 : 14:26:13
Originally posted by ericlboyd

From George, Tom, and I. Hopefully folks like it. Let us know what you think and if you see any problems.


Color me intrigued. 78 pages, so it should have a decent amount of stuff to entertain me for a bit. I'll be buying it in a minute, but if you will fulfill my fishery here in that it may encourage others to look.... kezefbane .... my google fu shows someone talking about this as some seige weapon mentioned in a novel years ago (and brought up in our forums 8 years back). Is this going to be a seige engine or a normal weapon or both (i.e. a hammer that can destroy walls, etc...)

Oh, and knowing Fitzmilliyun Sparkledrim, he was probably under an illusion pretending to be a uthgardt to influence things at some point. People just aren't aware because of his devotion to playing his part.
ericlboyd Posted - 12 Feb 2025 : 13:28:20

From George, Tom, and I. Hopefully folks like it. Let us know what you think and if you see any problems.


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