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 The Shield of Weeping Ghosts: Chapters 14 - 19

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alaundo Posted - 05 May 2008 : 10:13:09
Well met

This is a Book Club thread for The Shield of Weeping Ghosts (Book 3 of The Citadels), by James P. Davis. Please discuss the chapters 14 - 19 herein.
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ada Posted - 03 Oct 2012 : 17:01:23
Originally posted by James P. Davis

Glad you're enjoying the book Ada! Shield, of all the books I wrote, still has a special place in my heart, as does Bastun. When you've reached the end make sure to check out the companion story "Seven They Were" where a few different characters get a chance to shine, in a shadowy type way, heh! Here's the link:

And thanks for sharing your thoughts!


Thanks for gracing us all with such a fantastic story. I will make sure to read the companion story after I finish the book. I am almost to the end right now and I will make sure write what I think of the rest of the book on the book club forums. Thanks again for such a great book.
James P. Davis Posted - 03 Oct 2012 : 13:54:07
Glad you're enjoying the book Ada! Shield, of all the books I wrote, still has a special place in my heart, as does Bastun. When you've reached the end make sure to check out the companion story "Seven They Were" where a few different characters get a chance to shine, in a shadowy type way, heh! Here's the link:

And thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Ada Posted - 03 Oct 2012 : 05:16:51
Can’t….Put….Book….Down…. The story up to this point has turned to the climatic part of the whole book. As the Fang head into the last tower where the Word is located, it seems that the whole citadel is against them. And Anilya is fighting them on all fronts even though she is still contributing to the group. I was surprised to see Bastun concluded that the young prince Serevan sent his army to not take over the citadel, but feed them to the citadel. I can’t wait for the rest of the book to conclude and have all the additional nagging questions answered.
Dennis Posted - 13 Jan 2011 : 07:07:58
CIRCLE OF SKULLS has been in my to-buy list for long.
James P. Davis Posted - 13 Jan 2011 : 06:11:17
Originally posted by Dennis


I like how you end the story. I don't think it'd make sense for Bastun to return to Rashemen, as there's no one and nothing there that he'd return for.

Will we see more of him soon?

While I'd love to expand Bastun's story in the new Realms, in either a single book or even a trilogy, I'm not working on a Realms book at the moment. However, he does have a nice cameo in CIRCLE OF SKULLS that gives him a home and a place to be--and in Waterdeep of all places! :)
Dennis Posted - 12 Jan 2011 : 19:32:55

I like how you end the story. I don't think it'd make sense for Bastun to return to Rashemen, as there's no one and nothing there that he'd return for.

Will we see more of him soon?
James P. Davis Posted - 12 Jan 2011 : 18:11:41
Originally posted by Dennis

Originally posted by Lady Fellshot

Still liking Bastun a lot.

As am I. He's one of the solidly, convincingly built characters in the Realms.

Just curious, James... Which of the characters reflects your own personality most?

Oh definitely Bastun, I drew a lot from my own experience as I wrote him. It's not exact of course, he doesn't share my fear of heights, heh, but he's certainly the closest.
Dennis Posted - 12 Jan 2011 : 17:14:09
Originally posted by Lady Fellshot

Still liking Bastun a lot.

As am I. He's one of the solidly, convincingly built characters in the Realms.

Just curious, James... Which of the characters reflects your own personality most?
James P. Davis Posted - 07 Feb 2009 : 07:10:19
Originally posted by Lady Fellshot

Toll is the word and I suppose Duras does have an effect in his own way...but I'd hate to spoil that bit.

Oh poop, it's in a "For whom the bell tolls" kind of way isn't it

No spoilers from me and any hints I give are usually amazingly obscure, heh! I do sometimes give hints, but only to see if anyone can figure them out.

Lady Fellshot Posted - 07 Feb 2009 : 02:17:37
Toll is the word and I suppose Duras does have an effect in his own way...but I'd hate to spoil that bit.

Oh poop, it's in a "For whom the bell tolls" kind of way isn't it
James P. Davis Posted - 06 Feb 2009 : 09:34:18
Originally posted by Lady Fellshot

I really, really hope that Duras manages to impart some sense into Thaena. I think prolonged contact with Anilyn is starting to take it's toll on her.

Toll is the word and I suppose Duras does have an effect in his own way...but I'd hate to spoil that bit.

I did have an odd thought occur to me... Do they take their masks off to eat or does the ethran, durthan and vreymmoni take meals apart from their guards?

Still liking Bastun a lot.

Meals apart. I would imagine (if it had come up in more scenes) that the warriors would either have a separate meal or their meals would be overseen by their leaders who would afterward have their own in private. This would help to maintain their mystery.

Lady Fellshot Posted - 06 Feb 2009 : 07:38:58
*notices a chinchilla rolling the dust this thread has gathered*
*gives the chinchilla a raisin*

Anyway, I would have liked a better description of when Bastun gets possessed. It took me a little while to realize that was what was happening in some of those big battle scenes with the ghosts.

I really, really hope that Duras manages to impart some sense into Thaena. I think prolonged contact with Anilyn is starting to take it's toll on her.

I did have an odd thought occur to me... Do they take their masks off to eat or does the ethran, durthan and vreymmoni take meals apart from their guards?

Still liking Bastun a lot.

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